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Real Estáte Transfers. John A. Watling to J. P. Hayes, Ypsilautt S 150 K. J. Blgnel to A. S. CongdoD, Chelsea.. M) Chas. Tessmer to D. & M. Helle, Aun Arbitr las Auron C. Kelsey to Jno. Oven, York 1,500 L. J. Kltchen to B. Vanllorn, Ypsllantt. 1,300 A. II. i isiii-n to Frank Cammett, Saline, 40 F. C. Loomls & F. E. Morris to A. A. Brlck, Tile fe Suwer Pipe Uo., Ann Arbor 500 Jacob Bolllnger to J. Gooderich, Sylvan, 870 Thos. Adalr to Albert Pratt, Willis 400 W. H. Pottle to W. H. Lehr, Manchester, 1,30!) J. E. Beal to Elisa Williams, Ann Arbor, 1,700 Sam'l G. Ivés to W. J. & M. J. Oray, Sylvan 411O H. C. Swirt to E. L. Sandereon, Augusta 2 000 A. C. Kelsey to John Oven, York 1,500 Geo. Preston to S. A, Mawklns, Ypsllantl 150 C. O. & G. S Fenn by guardián to C. A. Minitli, ('lielsfii 220 L. E. Chasoto C. A. Sinlth, Chelsea 8S0 F. Morton to C. F. llill.adm'r, Lodi 1 Isabella M. Fall to Tbos. Eagle, Ann Arbor 1,050 lila K. Hammond to M.G. Scottncy.Ypsllauti 450 Chas. Fuller to A. M. Darllng. Augusta. 100 A. W. Hamiltou, ét al., to W. Cuamberlln, Ana Arbor 350 Edgar Warner to A. & T. Flowers, Ann Arbor Town l Amanda Bldwoll to A. & T. Flowers, Aun Arbor Town 90 P. Martin to Kate & A. Maosell, Ann Arbor i Wm. R. Sterling to Jame L. HUÍ, YpBllanti 700 Montana, Oregon and Washington. The Northern Pacific Rallroad passinj through Minnesota, Dakota, Montana Idaho, Oregon, and Washington was tin first line to bring the región occupied by these states into commuuication with the east. lts main line and branches penetrate all sections of these states, reaching nine-tenths of the chief cities. It is the Bbort line to Helena and Butte, Mont , Spokane Palls, Tacoma and Seattle, Wagh., and Portland, Ore., and the only line running through train service trom the east through the states of Montana and Washington. Pullman Sleepers and furnished Tourists Slecping cars are run vla the Wisconsln Central and Northern Pacific, and Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars via Chicago through to the Pacific CoüSt without change. This is the Dinintr Cur and Yellowstone Park route. The large travel on the Northern Pacific line necessitated the inauguration in June 1890, of a seond through train to the Pacific coast thus enabliug this roa'l to ofler the public the advantaue of two through traína dally to Montana and polntsin the Pacific Northwest, carrying complete service of sleeping cars, dining cars and regular day coaches. The train leaving St. Paul in the morning runs via the recently completed Air Line of the Northern Pacific through Butte, Mout . miiking this the shortest line to the latter point by 120 miles. Coloni8ts for Washington, Oregon and British Columbia poiuts should take no otlier line tlmn the Northern Pacific, as ty tliïs line only, can all portions of tlie state of Washington be seen. Stop-overs are allowed on second class tickets at Spokitne Kalls nnd all pointa west, enablinjr settlers to inspect the country without extra expense. For Mnps, Time Tables and Ilhistrated Pamplilets, or ny gpecln] infonnatlon deslrrd, address yonr nearest ticket aent, or Ciias S. FEB, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Hoiiieseekers' Excursión WW lesive Chicago and Milwuukee via the Chicago, MHwankee fe St. Paul Kailway, forpointsin Northern Iowa, Minnesota, Ñorth Dakota, South Dakota, (includlng the great Sioux Keservation) Montana, Colorado, Kansas And Ni1braska, on September üth, and 23d, aml OctoberUth, 1S90. Rates for these ExcnrsioiH will lie about one fare for the round lri], nnd tickets will be ftood for return within tliirty days from date of sale. For further Information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Aüent In thé United States or Canail, to A. V. II. Carpeutcr, General Paísenger Agent, Chicago, III., or to Harky Mekcek. Mlch. i'as.-. Airt. C. M. & St. P. Ry. "JO Griswold sC. Detroit Mich. flw Pkas's is the purest aud best Soap ever I made. USEDR.CRAIG'S ORIGrINAL, KIDNEY NO LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Keraedlos'to use for those afflicted wltü Brigtit'n Disease. Llver Uomplaint and Urlnary Aflectlons. Onl; those prepared In the dry form are the Original and theOuly Kldncyand IJ ver Curo that will restore you to perfect liealth. ALI, LA.DIES OBB . Jo. Jfc-%_. jcx. COLÉ 27 ALL 125331:13. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PAJSSA ro, N. .T. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. Fárgtfs Shoes Fámtfly _r farco's lg f "Box Tip" School Shoes I%U for Boys and Girls. È 'ö-A&óSv Heeled or Wedge Heel. Ë ■'ÍWgS Sizes-8tolO!4 81.25 fe. 'OirürinTrv ntoi3H 1.50 föT FARCO'S raV $2.50 Calf Shoe fVá fr Gentlemen, iVAfKL- . Cnoiualed by any shuo IWbrr'CüAÍ " 3in America ftt tho mimo ■BHSMipHO&'prlre. In Congres, ButBéÍ1' IB ton and Luce. Müu'öOJia Boy 's si zes. ll ($2.50 LAD1ES' BOOT oi? x "on9'a or Goat, Button, m lV?& v Opera, or Comraon Sense. fCftAp Ny Tackles and Flexible. tC LÍS&Sii Varnuitcd tho most DUB NAME ÍS ON THE BOTTONI OF EVERY SHOE. C H. IABQO & CO., Chicago. IIL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. i South Mala St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In tbe city. Establlshed over a quarter of a oentary ago. Representiug the folio wing flrut-class coiii paulen, wlth over $00,000,000 Capital and Aets. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRAKD IN8. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. dates Low as the Lowest, Losaes Llberally Adjn.sted umi proniptly Paid. O. fl. MILI.KK. Kllllllt II & m„vs, AN1V AKBOR HBItli BEI.OW I1LLS. T AT)TTTQ TRY J-adue-s iipel-1-Ü.UJ.JllÍJ HIOD1OAI," P1LLS from l'aris. Frailee. KHlabliehed in Knropü in 1KÍ9, CniiRda In 1S78. Kor Sllppreasloue, Irrcgnlnritii-s, and Monthly Dcrangcmums. A ruliablu montbly medicine. They alwaya relieve. Any drugaiet. 2. American PUI Co., Proprietore. Spencer, Iowa. Robert Stephenson Co., Wholesale agenta, and all other draifgista In Ann Arbor. TaeBepilla are warranted to brins on the"chanjie.'' MlGHICAN (TeNTRL " The Mayara Falls Route." Time table taklne effect My 18. ISiK). CUICAGO TO DETROIT. A M A. M. P.M P, M. P. w. P.M. A.M. A M Ch'ot.v 7 05 900 12 2 i 3 1(1 il 00 iü 10 4 M Kam' no 11 4S 2 17 8 58 7 mi 118 33 ; 7 10 Jacko'B 3 f0 4 2-3 5 5 S 47 1 3 35 8 05 5 00 !l 10 'h.!ls.:a -102 707 5481(81 Dester.. 4 18 ... 7 23 5 5B10 4S P M.P. X. P.M. f. M. A. M A.M. A.M A.K. AiinX-r 4 45Í ñ 2 30 945 46i TT r.llllO'l TMt.MI 5 02 5 43 9 55 5 13 8 05 6 28 1118 W'eJc. 527 : 4 Du'; At 6'ö 0 45 7 30 10 45 6 2 9 2J 7 .ÍUI12 10 DETBOIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. AM I'. M. 1" V. AM. P.M. 1M. Detroit..... Lv '.1 () 7 50 120 4 45 2ö H 15 5 .5;" WayneJunc. 10 (M 51 . . 9M 888 Ypuiluütl.... Iu22 843 aOó 543 10 15 7 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. IM. '.M.IP M.TP.M. Ann Arbor... 10S7 s55 2 17 S 65 1019 10801 7 16 Dext'T 11 0' I 7 35 Chelsea 1118 610 74S .TackiOll 1155 1000 3 17 B 55 II 15 11 4ó 8 3') IKalunazoo.. a:t:ï!2 1i 52 930 1255 2 17 Chicago.. .Ar 7 5j 4t50' 4 r. j 8 05. ... O. W. KUOQLES, U. W. UAYKS, d. P. 4 T. Asent, Ohiraan. At't,. Ann ArW. Toledo, Aun Arbor Sc Jiortli MfeMgrao Rail fray. TIME SCHKDULK. Tuking effect November 25tb, 1889. Traína run by Standard lime. Ouihg Xnríh. 15 JiJil Si 11 STATIONS. ÍS S& OS O"5 o ÓÖ P. H. A. M. P. M.l P. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 6 47 Dnudee 10 18 12 20 4 35 7 OS Milán 9 58 14 04 4 46 7 16 Urania 45 11 li 4 53 7 35 PittíHeld 9 34,11 4 5 07 7 83 Aun Arbor 'J asill 8 5 8' 7 50 LeUm1 H U7 1 ii ir, 5 47 8 ii3 WhitmorcLakc 8 55 11 Oí fi - S 46 Howell 8 17 10 25 7 15 9 H.'. Duraud 7 10 9 :V, 8 55 10 51 East Sagin:;w. 6 66 7 45 8 00 10 10 ........ .Owo#SO.. .. ...... 35 TÜ5 9 07 1145 libara 5 Sí 7 50 10 15 12 45 Mt. Plcasant 4 3') 6 45 .... 3 10 Cadillac 10 80 4 411 Uop misil 9 05 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M. jp. M.l A. M. k y. Ootng South. South Lj'on BraiK'li. NOBTB BOUlTDi STATIONS. KU'Tll BOOTIO. Train 18 Traiu 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 40 Wort 7 : 7 00 Ar Sonth Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASHLEY, Gensni! Manieer, A. J. PAISLKY, GKO. H. UAZLEW(X)l), Ocii'l. Poss. & Ticket Atrc-Dt. Jxcal Aseo! Estáte of tVilliiim Korr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, t'onnty of W:iel)tenw At a scssfon of the Probate Conrt for tb Connty ot Wanhtenaw, holden at tbe Probate office, in the city f Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, Lhe 2ili day of Angunt i the year ona Eboosawl eljflit h umi red and iiinety. Present, J. V i Huid Babbkt, -indKo of Probate. in the matter of the estáte of Willmm Kcrr decearmd. Laura I!. Kerr, one of the execaton uf the last will and testament of waíd eccax ti, cofflu int( ooort BDd rAprsMat ihnt Bbe is dow prejtarod to rendur her anuii;il uccouut te such CX CDtor. Thercnpon it ïs ordercel t that Monflay, ihe S2Ddday of Sepltmber nezu at ten o'clock in the forunocm beasalgsed forexftmlnlos nndaLlouin snch account, and that the devigeef, ltgarecs ;uh1 ii'-irs-at-law oi snid doceased, &o.d all oUiur perrtoiin intercöled in said estáte, :ire required to appoar at a eession of ?aid conrt, then to be holden ut tb6 Probutu Ofilce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in s;üd citnty and show cause, ifany theru be, why the said account shouid not be allo wed : And it ie fnrthor orderod, that eatd cxrcnlor fiive notlce to thu per.soas interested in sald e$tatc,o1 the pendency of said accountand the hcarinq; thereof, by causinw a copy of thie order to be piiblisb. .1 in the Ann Arbor Courier , a nüwnpaperprintedand circnlatinif in said county, thrce sucet Báive weeks previourtto&aid day oihearïn?. J. W1LLAKD BABBTTT, (A trae copy.) Judue of Probate. WM, G. DOTY, Probate Register. Eslatc of WHIiam Kcrr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty o! Washteuaw ss. Ata pession of the Probate Court for the Conrity of Washteuaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the 29lh day of September in the year one thousand elght hundred and nlnetr. Present J. Willaid Babbltt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of William Kerr, decoased. On readiiii.' and flling the petition, duly verifkd, of Mary L. Kerr, Riuhelte Kent and Cornelia K. Kerr, prajiug anión? other things for the ramnval of Laura B. Kerr from her office as Kiecutrtx cf the laat Wlll and Testament of said deceased and theappointinent eftome othcr persnn and that. said Laura B. Kerr be rrquired forthwith to render au accouut ol her admiutstration oí said estáte. Thereapon it is ordwed, that Monday, the 29lh day of Beptemb6r m-xt, at len o'clock i'u the iorenoon, be assitriied for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, leffateee, and hetra at iaw 01 Baid deceaeed, and all other persons interented in 8ald estáte, are required to appear at a scPHion of said court, then to be holden at the Probato Ofllce, In the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse, il' any there be, why the pniyer of the petitiouer siiould not bepranted. And it is i'iirther ordered, that said petitioner ïrive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereol'. by a copy of this order to be pubüshcd in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulatcd .n eaid county, thrce succensive weeks prrvi0U8 to said day of hearing and by person il service of a copy of this order oe said Laura B. Kerr and ïpon the heirs at Iaw and persons interested .in iaid catate at least 11 days previotis to said day ol hearing. (Atruecopv.) J. WILLAKD BABBITT, ■Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. M7-HS1 Estale of David W. Noyes. 0 TATEOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw Osa. At a session of thc Probate Conrt for the Conij'.y 01 Waehtcnaw, holden at the Prohab? Office, in the City of Aon Arbor, on Tucsdav, the twclftn day of August, in the year one thousand eiyht hundred aud mncty. Present, J. Willard líabbitt, Judge of Probate, In the matter of thc the estáte of David W. Noyes deceased. Mlchacl J. Noyes, ext'cutor of tho last will and testament of snid deccased, comes into court and representa, that he is now prepared to rcnder hle final account as êuch executor. Thercnpon It is ordered, that Fridsy, the flfih day of September ncxt, at 10 o'clock in the forcnooii be assigned for examininr and nüowlng such account 'and that the dcvisees, legateeg and ]iciti ut-luw of paid deceaeed, and all othur persons lntcrested in eaid estáte are reqnircd to appcar at a atwKion ofsaid Conrt, thcn tobe holden at the Probate Office in thc city of Ann Arbor, in pald couuty, and show canse, ifany there be, why thc said accoant should not be allowed. And it is fnrthcr ordered that said eifcutor glvs noticc to the persons interceted in said estáte, of thc pendency of said account and the bearlng thcreof, by cansina a copy of thls order to be pilblitthed In the Ann Arnur Cour'ivr, a nüwspaper priutud and circulatin in said county, three successive weeks prevlona '" Mld day of 'h-arine. (A truc copy.) J. Wll.LAUD BAUBITT, Judsc of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Résister. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Secnrity held for the protection of the policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK tepresentfl the followlng flrst-clapp companlttfl, of which one, the Etna, has alone paid 5ti,00O,U00 flre osacg in sixty-flve yearfc : .35tna, of U:irtfor1 $ !),12,(44 Fraiikliii of IMiiladelphi 3,118,713 Gcniiiiniii, N. Y 2,700,720 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 Lonüon Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Mlchijran F. & M., Detroit. . . 2S7,G08 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,67e National, Hartford 1,774,505 l'hoenix, Brooklj'n 3,759,036 T.osses liberally adjusteti and promptly paid. Molicies issued at the Jowcat rrtlcs ol premium. 1191 tr


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier