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Short advertlsements not to exeeed tliree iini's, of Lost and Fouud, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc, lnerled three weeks fir 'ti cents. Bltuatlons wauted, freo. TTVANTED- Boys for Poltslilni?. Stendy TT work, at cor Wllllam and 4th ve. AUU. De FRIES iT T O RENT.- A suite of nlcely Furnished Kooms al 32 east Ann street. TO KENT.- Furnished or uufurnlslied rooms to rent at No. 13 Geddes Avenue, near the campus. SALE.SMAN.-An energetlc man wanled to push our manufactures on this ground. One of our agenta earned $5,200 In '89 Address, P. O. Box 1371, New York. IN order to brlng my expenses within tny luroine, lam obliged to state tlmt I wlll pay nodehts contracled by my famllv without my written authority. JÜHM McGILVRAY, Capt. U. S. Army. ITVJRSALE or Exchange. Fine suburban X; resldence with about live acres of land, witliin a mlle of tlie Universlty. M. A. Smllh 42 N. Pontiac st., City. 25 IOST - on Saturday afternoon between M. J O. depot and Liberty st. a black satcnel containlng soiled clothes. Ifthe flnder wlll, leave notice at lilis office, tney wlll be sultably rewarded. 25 WANTED- To purchase a small tenement, also an acre or two of land, not to ezceed oneaud one-half miles from the Universlty. State particular. Addrcss B. this office. ■TTANTED- Unfnrnlshed rooms, eltber one T T large or two small ones, In some house near the campus by a young man and wile. Address Coi;kiek office. POR RKNT- 3 Sults of rooms, and two single rooms, In Unlty Block. Apply to li. KltOWN. 13 South State Street. tf EEMOVED- From Wurster Kern's on Detroit st. to Fourtn St, over Allmeuulnger dk Seabolt's, wliere I am prepared to do all kinds of carrlage paintiog. 20 I. c. HANDY.


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Ann Arbor Courier