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Circuit court convenes Oct. Oth. Weleh Post isdecorating its room?. County Treasurer Brelim paid $39.42 for sparrow scalps last week. The high school shows a largo increase in membership orer lust year. Chas. S. Fall has sold his hou?e on West Huton strect and moved nito bis new residence 28 Ashlpy ave. Wallace Büss bas torn down tbc house west of hls residence on William et., and will build a house there next spring. The Cmnty Republican committte meets at Ypsilantl to-day and probably will select James L. Gilbert chairmnn. Don K. Peck, of Ypsilantl, was lodged in jall Frlday on a chnrze preferred by a young lady of that place. The members of Delta Tao Delta fraternitv are rcnovating their Iiousr tbrorouglily and ;ettin the groundl in good ahape. W. F. Hird is happy because he took two first premiums at the state fair on two samples of grnpos. Ile also seeured prizes on several plate of peacbes. The members of the Washtenaw bar don't want to argne cases during October and have miited In a petition to Judge Kinne askinij that all cases be put over until l:iter. The Students' Lecture Association hna seeured Henry M. Stanley for 8 lecture thisseason. He lectures only n three places In tlic state, Detroit and Grand Rapids being the other two. The Fergusons go to Fowlervilleto-day to play in the baseball toiirnanient attlie county fair therc. The first prize is $50, and we have no doubt tliey will stow it in thelr safchels and bring it home. The weddinz will take place in abont two weeks of Miss Nellie Hoban and Detective John Manley, of Toledo, also of Putrlck Fennell and Miss Mary Ryan. The CouitiER extends congratulations. For the additional convenience of the public the money order, postal note and registered letter department will be kept open hereafter until G o'clock p. m., instead of closing at 5 o'clock as heretofore. It is expected thatthe attendence at tlie Uuiversity will be up to that of last year. The number now enrolled in the medical department shows a slilit f'alling off but tho other departments have Increased membershlp. The county fair's managers have secured reduced rates from the railroads during fair time. The Michigan Central will sell round trip tickets for a fare and one-third. The "Ann Arbor'1 will give a half fare rato. Ed. Martin was brought from Ypsilanti Tuesday on charge of larccny of a watcli. The watch, worth $150, was found in a Detroit pawn shop where he had pawned it for $25. His examination will take place before Justlce Bogardus in Ypsilanti next week. The Students' Christian Association is sbout to make a canvass of the city, in order to obtain a complete directory of rooms to rent and of boarding places for the use of new students. If any one is omitted by the canvassers, please notify the Association early next week. Testerday morning some one turned out the gas burning under a gas Btove at Eberbach's hardware store and then very foollshly turned it on again. Some time after one of the clerks went to íight It up again when the accumulated gas exploded with a noise heard a block away. It stirred thlng3 up consklerably but luckily no one was hurt. Friday afternoon last while the switch engine was backing cars over the spur from the Michigan Central track to the Agricultural Works two cars were thrown from the track, and one loaded with coal left most of its contenta in the ditch. The track crosses Broadway at this point and had becorao covered with dirt packed solidly in and when the cars struck Ihis place, over tucy went. The street was soon cleared. A few weeks ago a delegation of Detroit Knights Templar carne to Ann Arbor to procure a charter for a new commaiulery. A full account of tbeil visit is In a recent "Tyler" which closes as followe: "Taken all In all there are no doubts but the Asylum of Ann Arbor Commandery is the flnest in the stnte, and witliin its walls assembles likewise one of the flnest commanderles In the state. May they ever enjoy the proi■ perity they so richly deserve." Mr. Halnes has been here this week loóking over the proposed route for the street rallway between Ann Arbor and Ypsilant!. He bas left the contrnct to build it and tlie work will be pushed. An arrangement has been made with ihe loc .1 road to carry their pasfengers down town for 1% cents a passenger, giuranteeing live dollars a day. It Is the dea to run the motor with naphtha having a car leave ench terminus every half hour. The Ypsilantl terminal point will be at the bank corner. W. J. White has leased the Occidental Hotel at Ypsllanti and will be glad to welcome his Ann Arbor friends. Let It be recorded tbat on Sept. Uth 1890, strawberrles were picked on the premisesof Mrs. Julia Butler, of Hamburg. Tlie new exercising cart, built for the Fire Department by Ferguson, bas been eompleted and was brought out for the first time last Saturday. It is a beauty. The 13th Lenawee county fair takes place Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25 and 2G. The Ypsilanti fair of the Eastern Michigan AffricuHural Society Is the 10, 17, 18 and 19th of this month. K:ite Krotruffwns locked up Ín jail on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. She liad Just finished a sixty days sentence at the Iiou9e of correctlon aDd is an o'd oflender. The Seventh Michigan Cavalry will hold its reunión thls year on October 22, at Battle Creek. J. Q. A. Sessions, as secretary of the associatlon, has spent much time on the roster of that regiment, and has succeeded in locating some 700 ei-members of the same. Lsst Friday W. W. Whedon's horse while hitched to a post on E. UníversKy ave., became frightened and broke away overturning the bugfry and dragglnff it gome ten roda. The horse waa stopped witli no damage to spcak of except that the buggy was oniewhat njured. Prof. Vaiighan and Dr. Breakey are on a committec to secure prope r Icgislation upon (he indiscriminfite and unrpstricted use of embalming lluids by undertakers, wliere tlie emls of justlce are (Jefeated by tlicir promptness in dissipating all eyidences of poison criminallv administered. J. F. Vogel, the post-master of Fredonia, has lots of apples this year which lie Is pelling. Yesterday he brought In a a short sample bough whlcfa had over two dozen apples, most of them being against each other. Any one wanting apples can leave word with Charles Vogel on lluro n streef. The Seventcenth Michigan Inft.,which holda lts annual reunión in Ypsilanti today, two years ago elected Chas. D. Cow!es, of Lansing, recording sceretary for life. It has been liis object to prepare a complete Koster of tbe 1,079 who strved in that regiment. He can now account for about 575 of them, and any r.dditional information which may be furnisbed hiin In regard to ñames, compnny, whereaboiits or ileaths will be tliankfully received by lilm. A little excitement Btirred up our streets Monday morning, on Main st., near the post-offlee. A horse driven by Mrs. Eliza Hatlield, in passinif the wagon ased by the street car company in stringing wires, became frightened at the strange object and started on a run. Jesse Stevens mail wagon was the flrst obstacle met with aiul then a collision occurred with Uowley & VVelch's wagon lilled with pop bottlcs teariDg the box from the wheels and throwing Mrs. Ilatfleld to the ground. Slic luckily escaped with slight bruises, and when the fractured pop bottles were gatliered up Chinga became qniet again. W. W. Watts, wlio luis been takiiiL the school wnsUP, cotnpleted his work last week. Tliis is laken under the Jirection of the Scliool Uoard of school district No 1. Ann Arbor, and s lor the year endlng Sept. lst, 1890. The Hst ineludes all persons of school age I. e. between the ages of five and twenty 3'ears and the distribution of school money by the state is made on ttiis basis. Below is rivcQ n recapitulation by wards: Plrstward 612 Secoml ward C0;ï Thlrdward ï'I7 Fourth wnnl 44 KilMi wanl 247 sixili wanl : Oulside city 185 Toial S8S9 A number of our business men were tricked by i sharpcr last Friday. On that morning a man called at Oscar O. Sorg's shop looking for work. He liung around for a while and in the afternoon tlic same man, it is supposcd, walked into A. ii. Noble's store and purchased a pair of overalU and a necktie, tendering in payment a check for $11.25 with the name of Oscar O. Sorjr in tlie southeast corner. The difference was pnid him in money and as it was after banking hours the fraud was not discovered till the next da3r. The same frame was tried on Fred. Rettich bat he says he did notget caught. Two other well known business men were nipped but Uier feel so bad about it that thcy dou't want it known. The burglar is around again. Last Saturday night he effected an entrance into the house occupied by Mrs. Leas on Jefferson 6t. by prying open a window. Mrs. Leas was awakened at the noise and gave the alarm at which the burglar decamped without securing any valuables. The game eveninx he tried to enter Mrs. Uiley's house on Fuller st. by means of a ladder to the second story window but was scared away. The next night he entered the house occupied by the Phi Chi fraternity on north State st. Dr. Hegler was sleeping in the house and on awakening and linding out whHt was up started out after Marehal Walsh. He returned soon after with the marshal but the burglar had eyideutly concluded not to wait as there was no trace of liim. Nothing of value was mlsscd. Next Tuesday, Sept. 23, the Germans of Washtenaw county wil] unite in a grand celebration of "German's Day." The committees appolnted to take charge of the various features report that everything is progressing smoothly, and that all signs polnt to the blggest celebration ever known to old Washtenaw. There will be a special train from Manchester via Saline, and also a special from Chelsea. The procession will form at ten o'clock at the corner of Main and Iluron, and will be composed of the various German societies of the county, citizens of the varioti8 towng in bodies, decorated wagons emblematic of the various trades etc After a parade around tovvn they will proceed to Relief Park where an address of welcome will be delivereJ by Mayor Manly. Following this P. G. Sukey anti Louis J. Liesemer will deliver addresses and a dance at the rink in the evening will conclude the day's celebration. The Board of Regents held a special session yesterday to consider blds on the new hospital. All of the eight bids oflered were in excess of the approprlation and an i-ffort will be made to secure a better figure from some of the bidder?. Prof. Ilenry Wade Hogers' resignation of his position to accept the presidency of the Northwestern Üniversity at Evanston was accepted and resolutions commeudatory of hls labors iu tlie factilty and exprcssing regret at losing hls services wtre pas?td. Prof. Rogers will not sever lus connection with the üniversity until the close of the first semester. The law faculty was autborlzed to lili temporarily the position of dean. TUe appolntment of Dr. Walter S. Christopher u lecturer on the theory and practico oí medicine and clinical medicine as made by the committec was confirmed. B. O. Hessey, Pli. C, was made assistunt In qualitative chemistry and John D. Riker was reappointed assistant In physlological chemistry.


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Ann Arbor Courier