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Guy L Klefer epent Sunday In Toledo. Pres. and Mrs. Angelí have arrlved home. Joe T. Jacobs returned from New York Saturday. N. J. Kyer was in Toledo last Monday on business. Mrs.Clara Hammond lias retumed from Stony Creek. Mrs. N. C. Putnam, of Milan, was In tlie city last Frlday. Miss Birdie Dunster is visiting friends in Detroit tilia week. Mrs. W. W. Wbedon has returned home from the East. Peter D. Rogers, of Whittaker, has moved to Ann Arbor. Misa F. T. Bohn s visiting friends in Detroit for two weeks. Prof. George W. Kn!gl)t and wifehave returned from Europe. Detective Jolin Manley, of Toledo, was in the city ovor Sunday. Fred Schlanderer and family were in Dexter Ia9t Wednesday. ('liarles T. Schleede, of this city, Is now visiting relativos i 11 Canada. Andrew J. Sawyer and wife, of Ham bursr, were in town Monday. Mr?. Qeo. Kingsley, of Panla, Kans., is visiting her íather Thos. F. Hill. II. A. Sober has been vUiting at Don ald Mclntyres for the past week. Mrg. Henry Mathews and daughter wil return from Lansing to-morrow. Edward Duffy left last Saturday nlgbt on a business trip to Ottawa, II). Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henion tpent last Sunday visiting relatives in Toledo. John Beahan and Will Mclntyre, have returned to school at Sandwich, Out. Fred Hubbard who has been on the 8ick list for some time Is around again. Miss Cora Allmendinger risited the family of G. D Sliaffer, at Scio, last week. Lieut. and Mrg. Woodbridge returned Monday from a slx week's trip to the sea shore. Chris. T. Donnelly returned Monday froin a ten days visit in Chicago with relatives. Cha?. Palmer and Joseph Clark, of Jackson, visited friends in the city last Sunday. Geo. Urown is at his whidow in the postofüce once more after a two wetk's vacation. Mrs. Lois J. Wrigbt goea to Allilon today to reside with lier son Dr. Wright of tbat place. Arthur liurns and Frank Masten left Satunlay evenlng to seek their fortune In Chicago. Mrs. W. F. Stinison visited at tlie club house at Zukey l.aku Thnrsdny and Friday of laat week. Mrs. P. H. dePont h;is returned froin the Cheneaux IsLuuls where .-he lias Deen pending the euinmer. Wiu. Green and Joseph Boose, of Bnttle Creek, we re in town Friday and Saturdny of last weok. Mrs. W. W. Beman hns returned with her son fron) a visit with relatives at her old home at Needham, Ma88, Prof. M. W. Haakell has lcft for Berkeley, Cal , wheie he has a posltion teaching in the Unlversity there. Mr. E. J. Knowlton is entertainino; Mr. O. Potter and wife ar.d Mr. John Potter and wife ot New York State. Win. L. Clement8, of Bay City, has been Vtaitlog his parenU Mr. and Mrs Jas. Cleinents, during the past week. W. S. Allison wlio bas been visiting his uncle Will F. Stimson returned to his home at InOiunapolie, Ind., yeaterday. Mrs. Edward Eberbach and Miss Kyer vlslted Ztikey lake club house last week. Mr. Ford, of Dundee, was also a guest. Miss Friedman, of Detroit, and Miss O'Dvvyer.of Jackson,attended the germau at the Psi U house lust Friday evcning. llarry lienliam 8 uu longer in the einjloy of B. F. Watts. He has gone to Battle Creek and taken a position there. Dr. Johnson, a gradúate of the U. of M., now located in Gosken Ind.. ie visiting his tnother and sister heve a few duys. About thirty of her friends surprised Mrs. Jno. Kuebler, of VV. Catherine st., yesterday and an enjoyable time was s pent. Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers goes to Alpena to-day to attend the Methodist Episcopal conference held there this week. Edinund Clancy, Sr., spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week at Grand Kapidü vislting hls sister Mrs. John McIntyre. Alois Solbach, of New York City, 8topped off liere on his way home from Waukesha, Wis , to visit his cousin Geo. H. Blum. Prof. and Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin returned from tlieir wedding trip last Friday and have settled down in their uew li ome on Monroc st. Don M. Dickinson, of Detroit, was in town a few hours yesterday visiting Dr. Will Maynard, an old friend and classmate, who ig serlously il 1. Fred Wallace has been sliaklng hands with his old friends in the city the past week. He will return to his home at Chattanooga, Tenn., this week. Jas. R. Angelí who injured his ankle some months ago In a tennis contest is able to be around once more although the effect! of the injury are still painful. E K. Frueaufi and wife left last Monday for Bethlehem, Pa., to vlsit hls mother whom be has not Peen In live years. He goes via Buff.ilo and wiil be absent four weeks. Chas. W. Wagner.who bas been spending most of the summer with his family at We-que-ton-slng, but who has been at home for some time, left for that place to bring his family home. Fred W. Job, Ut '85, law '87, was in town Monday morning on hls way to Orchard Lake with his brother Murray who will enter Mie acdemy there. Fred is gHtherlng in the dollars as one of Chicago's best lawyers, and thinks tbere's no place on earth like the city of the world's fair. R. C. Barney's "horse hotel" on Catharine st. will soon be ready for guests. The followlng ig the list of jurors drawn this morning to serve at the October term of court: YpHilantl, lst dist.- F. D. Ralbbon ïd - B. F. SweetlDg. Anu Arbor City, lat ward- Adam Seyler. 2u ward- John C.dchmld.Jr 8d " -Jacob Laubengayer. Jth " - A. A. Meuth. 5th " -Charles Duon. , ' "h " -Henry Bllton. Ann Arbor Town- Frank iluuaii Augnsta-A. VV. Hardy. llrldgewater- James Hoean Uextor- Geo. Splegelbern Freedom- John Moessuor l.lma .1 ciini Zahn. Ijodl- John Feuerbacher I.yndon- Charles Hagerty lanci)e8ter-Sarauel Holmes. Northfleld-Andrew Oelgher rmsHold- Clinton Allmeudlnirer. Balem- Fraoh Kider. .Saline- Henry Gaumar. Helo- Henry Uavls. Sharon- J. H. Schllcht Superior- Charles Downer. Sylvan- 8. L. Davlsou. Aden lliirnctt. Weboler York- Krank Kelsey Ypsllantl town-John Sever. Y i is N ii n il City. Ut dist.- Bernard Klrk. 1 2ud " -Frank Lamble.


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