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Epitome Of The Week.

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The tarifï bilí was ordered engrossotl und two important amcndmonts were adopted in the Senate on the títh- one providing for partial rcciproeity, and the othcr providing for a tarill OOBunlssion, with headciuartors in Washington, to collcct data as to the effect of luriff lawa on commercial and industrial couditions....In the House the Virginia election case of Langston V8. Venable wifl calh'd but it could not be acted on for want of a quorum. Bills wero intro duccd to créate a woman's international labor congress to be held at Chicago in 1893; to increase the pensions of persons who have lost an arm or leg in tbc service at $3Ü per month; for the disiribution of the earnins of tlie Vlrginius Indomnlty fun.i among those ontitled to particípale in il. In the Sonate, after disposing of routine business, on the lOih the tarifï bill was taken up for discnssion and passed by a strictly party vote - 10 to ö Jn the House tho entlre day w;is spent in Hlibiistering jia'nst the conslderation of the Iangston-Venablo election cont(st. RepresentatiTe Dunnell, of Minnesota, Introduced a roapportionment bill. It provldes for a Housh of :tö5 members on a basis of one llepresentative tor 180,000 population. A BILL trae rcported in theSenate on the llth for the sale of certain lands for school purposes in the town of Pelican, Wis. The rosolution caliing on the Seoretary of the interior for information a.s to lands of the Northern Paclflc Riiilroud Company and of other companies whose roads were not completed within the period fixcd by the grantiag act was taken up, discussed and ngreed to. The conference report on tho railroad huid forfeituro bill waB then taken up and discussed, but no action was taken In the House no business was transactcd, no quorum bcing present. A petitjox fromcitizens of Missouri was pra sented in the United States Senate on the liíth asking for tlie passage of the Federal election bilí, and m;iny prtit ons were presented agaUist the passage of the compound-lard bilí. The calendar was th'n tuken up and a number of bilis of no grut importance were passed. The land forfeiturc bill was furthcr discuss.ed... In tbe House the tariff bill with amendments was recelvrd from the Senate and referriMÏ to the comtnittee on ways and means. a bilí was Introduced to regúlate the división of the Stütes of the Union into Congressionul districts. DOMESTIC. At a meeting of tho directors of the World's Columblan Exposition at Chicago on tho yth tlie Lako Front and Jackson Park were chosen as the sito for holding tho fair. Tuk C. L.C. elovator at Ogdensburg, N. Y., was destroyed by flro on the 9th, causing a loss of 8500,000. Wn.r.iAM Hi.oom & Co., Boston wool dealers, failod on the !lth for 890,000. Tuk American Pharmaceutical Association in animal sossion at Fort Monroe, W. V., on tlie 9th elected Alfred B. Taylor, of Philadelphia, president. A CYCi.o.NK which visited Clinton township, lnd.,an the9th wrecked fences and trees, destroyed o.rops and ble w down outhousos and barns. The Great Council of tho Improved Order Eed Men met in National sossion at Boston, Mass., on the 9th. The Alaska Commercial Company's steamer Karluk arrived at San Francisco from Siberia on tho lOth with 42,000 sealskins. Tho total eatch for tho season was estiinated at UU, 000 skins. Tuk original verdict of tho coroner's jury ín the inquest pon the bodies of Joseph and Hyram Smith, tho Mormon leadors killed by a mob Juno 27, 1844, was found in a hoap of rubbish in tho court-houso at t'arthage, 111., on the 10 th. GlOBDA.N1 BüCCI, an Italian faster, arrived in New York on tho lOth for the purpose of attempting to outdo Dr. Tanner's record and bis own by fasting forty-flve days. Abei. HuflUES and bis wife and child were drowned ntar l'arkcrsbm-g, W. Va., on the lOth by boin thrown off a bridge into the rlvor by a runaway team. Hen'HY G. WlLSON, a Kansas City livery-stable keeper, was indicted by the grand jury on the lOih for conspiring to kidnap the childrcn of wealthy parents for ransom. A con vuxTioN of dflosfate from Southern States met in Atlanta, Ga., on tho lOth for the purpose of estnbliÜ+ng trade with Europe directly from Southern ports. The dead body of Hugh Boyle, a ranchman nuar the Choyenne roservation in Montana, who started out to hunt cattlo a few days n%o, was found nearhis ranch on the lOth. It was supposed he had boon murdered by Indians. Gr.KAT damage was dono by floods in New York State on the lOth. The village of Canastota was under water and at Ithaca stock was drowned in the fair grounds and railruads were incommoded by high water and wash-outs. It was reportod on the lOth that the seven peaks on tho Blue Kidge mountains in North Carolina had been smoking for some weeks. As this occurred just bofore tho Charleston earthquake persons in the neighborhood were alarmed. The Intor-State Temperance Union, in session at Lincoln, Neb., on the lOth, elected James A. Troutman, of Kansas, president. John Thornton, a 12-year-old boy. residing with his parents ten miles east of St. Joseph, Mo., comtnitted suiciie on the lOth by taking strychnine. Names were found on the llth for tho new military posts at Kewport, Ky., and San Antonio, Tex. , the former to bo called Fort Thomas in honor of George II. Thomas, and the latter Fort Houston in honor of ox-Governor Houston, of Texas. The twenty-first annual convention of the Master Car and Locomotivo i'ainter' Association opened at Boston on the llth. Joseph Murphy was elected president. The demented daughter of Froderick Hom, of Hoboken, N. J., committed 6uicide by hanging on the llth, and when tho father learned of it he fatally shothimself in the head. A committee of the ex-omployes of the New York Central railroad called on Mr. Depew, president of the company, on the llth, ín tho hope of settling the strike. Mr. Depew doeüned to discuss the strike with thotn, aying that it was practically over.


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