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Electric Bitters. Tliis remedy is beconiing so well known and so popular as to need no special niention. All wlio have used Electric Bitters sinsc the sume song of pralse. - A puror medicine does not exist and it is gruarantecd to do all that is clairaed. Electric Bitters will cure all dlseases of the Liver and Kidneys, wlll remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other afl'ections caused by lmpure blood. - Will drive Malaria from the sj'stcra and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. - For cure of lleadache, C'nstipntion and indigestión try Electric Bitters - Entire SHtisfaction guuranteed, or money refunded - Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Eberbach & Son's Üruastore. KnowledffP, is power, hut it tukes a good deal of it toknow liow to live without work. Tlie I'roblem Solved. AN UHRIVALKD BLOOD PÜBIFIEB. Fouml at iast In Hibbard's Rheufnirtic Syiup - A remedy which (xpills all polFonous matter and taints of dlsense frum tlie blood. A well known cltizen of Lebanon, Ind., testlfiVs to lts vnlue: Gentlbmek: It affords me pleasure ti) state tliat my wife lina recelved rreater benefit from Hibbard's Rheumatlc Syrup t from any medicine she has ever taken. We have used six bottle?, mui llnd it to be the best family remedy and the greatest blood purltier that we have ever used. It is truly all it is olaimed to be by its (bunder. You cannot recouimend t too highly. Yours truly, Frank Vai.i,ack, West Lebunon, Ind. Prepared only by The Churles Wright Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. For sale by all druggists.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier