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USEDR.CRAIG'S OKICUNAL KIDNEY ANO LIVER GURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tliey are only Safo ReraedlesHo use for those alHlcted wlth liriglu's Discase, Liver Complaint and Urlnary AfTectlons. Ouly thoso prepared lu the dry kokm are the Original and the Only Kldney and Liver Curo that will restore you to perfect health. ALL LAÜIES USE O-r 'T} CUE S7 ALL D23D3I3T3. THE CRAIG MEDMNE CO., l'ASSAIC, 3ST. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. Jèargcts Shoes ramfly ?5k f "Box Tip" School Shoes 1S% for Boys and Girls. m P%&. Heeled or Wedge Heel. H :áK5"S Sizcs-8tol0!i 81.85 K rOïnrtnT? lltol3H 1.50 ímaQ Tlr4 lto3 1.75 nöT FARCO'S Hv $2-50 Calf shoe ifïTrawv or Gentlemen, iiVAfTb-y 7UiiíHjualed by nny shot tF CjrTj'n America at tho samo ■■Mfkf'nU&Jf'pricc. in ConirrfM, Itut%UJ ti0if ton and l.atc. Muu'baitd Boy'saiws. r&l FARCO'S fl ($2.50 LAOIES' BOOT ƒ K& , V Dongola or Goat, Button, h_e . Opera, or Common Sense. f %Cn O Tackles and Flexible. tU AÍSgrfSv Warraotcd the most K ljP Mi' ■ in Ladica umi] Miae) DUB t NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. t.i Lour dca'crfor F""' lioos. ir Iw d.s nat C. H. FAE3O & CO., Chicago, IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - AN5T ARBOR. C. H. WILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency in tbe city. Establlshed over a qnarter of a century ago. Represen tlng the following firul-ulass companies, wltb over #60,000,000 Capital and Asm ís. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., öf New York. NIÁGARA. INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphta. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. ftates Low as the Lowest, Losse Liberally Adjusted and proraptly Pald. C. II. MILLEN. KBKKKACH & fciOMX, AN VICHO 11 8Klli Itl'I.OW I-II.LS. T A TTTT1 Q TRY DR. I.ADITE'8 " PKJ-jA.J-'J.IliO KIODICAL" PIIXS from l'arit. France. Establiahcd in Europa in 1839 Canaria in 1878. For Knpprcsgfons, Irrcgularillcs, nd Montbly DeraDgomeuts. A monthly medicine. They iilwnyx relieve. Any drugtfist. ♦4. American Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, lown. Robert Stephenaon & Co., Wholesale aireotu, and all other drumlnts In Ann Arbor. Tbeee pille are warranted to briuv nu tUe "cbange. '' ]Wighigan(Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table takinfr effect May 18. 18W). CHICAGO TO DETROIT. A.M. A.M. r.M r.. P. P.M.lA.M. A M Ch'oLv 7 OS 9 00 12 ai 8 10 00 10 10 4 50 Kala'nu 11 4: 2 17 858 7 oo 118 33 7 10 Ja'kx'u 3i 4 2.3 ö:!ó s 17 ;iS5 il.-) (00 9 40 Chelsi-u 402 767 S1SH31 Oester.. 118 ... . 7 23 5 5' 10 43 P. X.lP. V.iP.M.Ir. . A.M A.M. A.M A.M. A.iin'r 4 45i 6 28 H 30 9451 4 V 748 14 11 00 ÏMll'li 5 02 5 43 9 50 618 BOS 898 1113 VV-.JJC. 5 888 C, 49 De'. At 6 15 0 40 7 30' 10 -15 B2 i) 2J 7 30 12 10 1BTROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. AM 1". M.IP M. A M. P.M. P.M. go 7 50 120 4 45 2 St 1.1 568 Woyne Jnnc. 10 00 ........ 51 . 54 ö . Ypsilanti ... I 105 548. ... 1 15 7 00 .M A.M.Ip.M. P.M. .M. P.M.IP.M. Ann Arbor... 10 3T s " 2 17 5.VJ 10 19 !0 :i 7 l Dextt-r III i) I 1 ■'■ Chelaea 1113... 6 19 i 7-48 Jackon 1155 10 00 3 17 0 65 1115 1145(880 i Kalamuzoo.. a88 1S14 5 IKI 984 1259 2 17 389 Chicago.. .Ar 7 fa 4 15 mi-i I 5 8 0j. ... I O. W. RUGGLBS, H. W. HATES. O. P. AT. Afi1t.rh'"lico. -■' nn ■'-. Toledo, Aun Arhor & Mortli Miehtcnn Rallway. TIME PHSDULB. Takingeñeet November 25th, 1889. Train? n:n hy MMndard Time. Qoiny Sorth. sí i' 1 i 3 sr.-.-iioNs. i3 5gOH Ö" ó"' OM P. M.IA. M. P. X. P. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 til C 47 Dumlee 10 18 12 Í0 4 35 7 05i Milán 58 12 04 4 4B 7 161 Urania 9 45 11 fi 4M 7 22 Pittsfleld 9 84U 42 5 07 71 Aon Arbor Mili 30 5 3 7 60 I-olan'i OTlll 15 5 47 8 i '5 Whltmore Lake tt 55 U 02 6 8 45 Howeil 8 17 10 25 7 10 S) 86 Dnrand 7 10 35 T55 ÏÏT55I Bfl'sTSagllluw 5 55 7 45 8 onlÜTÜ) uuépo ...... 6 86 B06 9OTI1 ÍS linaza 5 32 7 50 !0 15112 45 Mt. Ploas.'int 4 86 (i 45 .... 3 '0 ... Cadillac Ki 30 4 4') Copimirh 9 05 5 40 Ar Fiunkfort Lv 7 50 P. M. P. M. A. M. A p. Gotng StAtth. SíihUi Lyon F rail di. xobth bound. STATIONS. Mvrn KDUNn. Train 18 Train 17 ti io' Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 IB li 40 Worden 7 :v, 7 (X) Ar Sonth Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASI1LEY, Genera! Míinaee-. A. J. PAISLEY, GEO. H. HAZLEWÜOD, Estáte Of WiHiain Kcrr. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, County or Washtenaw -n. At a aesslon of thc Probóte Court for the County ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probte office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuclay, the 2Cih day of August in thc year onc thonaand ci-ht hundred nd ninety. Present, J. W i Hard Itnbbitt, Judge of Probate. In thc matter of the estáte of Wil] lam Iierr (U'ctMsi'rt. Laura IÍ. Kerr, one of thc ezocatora f the lat will and tetMumeni of said decease.d, GomM into court and represent ttiat pqií is m.w prepared to reuder tier animal account as giicb ex cutor. Thereupon It ïs ordered, that Monday, the 22nd day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon bu assintíd for examlniDg and allowiii' Bacfa account, and that tht: devisees, legatei-e and heirs-at-law ot eaidde.x'aaed, and all ótber pt-r8ona intereated in saidestate,are required to ajipcar at asession of aid court, Ihen to bu hulden ut tiie Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in uaid county and show cause, ifany there be, why tho sald account should not beallowed : And H ia further ordered, that eaïd oxcentor aive unticeto the persons intereatud in aid i;wtaie,oi thepondency ofsaid account, and hv. hcarintr llk-rcof, by cauain a copy of thie order to bv published in the Ann Arbor Cfourier, a ncwppaperprinted and drcalating in maid county, three sucet saive weeke previoustosaid day ol hearing. J. WILLÁKD BABÏ1ITP, (A trne copy.) Jude oí I'robate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Realster. Eslate of WilIIam Kerr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Washtcnaw ss. At a session of the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. Iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Kriday, the 49th day of Ati,'a:t in the year one thousand eijjht hundred and nincty. Present J. WHIard lUhuitt, Judffe of I'robate. In the matter of the Estáte of Wlllitm Kerr, deceased. On reudlue and flling the pctUion, duly vertflcd, of Ms-j L. Kerr, Ruthettc Kent and Cornelia F. Kerr, prali!g amonK other tliings for the reinnval of Laura B. Kerr from her office aft Esecmrtx of the laat Will and Testament of said rieceased and theappointment ofsome other person and thai. said Lanra B. Kerr be required forthwith to render an account of her admimstration of said estáte. Thereapou it ís ordercd, that Monday, the 80tb day of september next, at len o'clock in the fort.noon, bc ai-'.it'iu'd for the hearing of iiid petition, and that t devisees, IcgHtees, and helr? at luw of said deceaaed, aud all other persons Intereeied in said estáte, are recjuired to appear at a sepiion ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show caase, If any there be, why the prajer of the petitioncr shoald not beranted. And it ia furtln-r ordered, that said pelitioner Itlve notice to the pergouB interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauxiiü; a copy of this order to be publiclied in the Ann Arbor tburtír, a newHpaper printcd nud circnlatcd in said county, three euccestiive weeks previ. OU8 to said day of hearing and by pennn il service of a copy of thi3 order or said laura B. Kerr and upon the heirs at luw and persons latereatsd in said estáte at ieaet 11 days previous to said day ol hearing. (A trne cony.) J. WILLAhD BABB1TT, Judge of Probate. WM...G. DOTT, Probate Resistor. 1479-H8I Is the oldest and most popular ocíenttrlc nrd niechanieal paper published and has tin l:irost circulation of any paper of its cIqrs ín t lio world. Fully illustrated. Il(;st eïass of Wood BngravngH. Pubiished weekly. Send for ppfclraon oopy. Prici? $3 a yewr. Kour niontlis' trlul, $1. MUNN & CO., PuüLisHEiiH, 8U1 Broadvay, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A ereat succes?. Each Issue contalns Colorad llthographic plates of country ami city ri'Milences ur public buildings. Js'umcrous t-nraTinus and f uil plan? and MMOtflcatlona for u o suchuHcontouiplHto builuiriji. I'ríco $.;)0 a yettr, 25 ets. acopy. IIUX.S' & CO., l'l ui.laUKlls. DATENTCil ■ 4ii ycars' experlence and have ninrle otot H lOÜ.UOO pplicati(ins for American and For ttgn pntontH. Bend for Handbuok. t'urrespundouce strictly cuutidentlal. TRADE MARKS. In case yonr mark Is not rerlatered in the Patent Office, upply to MiN.v a ('o., and prucuru tuimodiate prutectiun. Seod ur UuÖbóok. COPYRKJUTS for b..((tcfl, charta, BWps, etc, quickly procured. Addrus Q1UNN Je ()., Patent Solleltors. vJENKKAI, OKnn; : tS KinnnwAV. V. V CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE i $29,000,000. Secnrity held for the protection of the policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the followlnif flrst-claes compungí-, of whiiii one, the vKtna, hun alone paid 5I,000,000 lire loases In slxty-five yeare : iEtna, of Hartford f ,192,044 Franklin of Pliilaclclpliia 3,118,713 Gemianía, N. Y 2,700,729 Qerman American, N. Y 4,005,908 London Assurance, London.. . 1,410,788 Micliiran P. & M., Detroit. . . 27,608 tí. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,r9(,676 STatlonal, Hartford 1,774,50.1 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 I.ossfs Uberally ndjusted and promptly pald. 'olicie issued at the lowest rates of premium. llltf


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Ann Arbor Courier