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An Insult To The German Americans Of Michigan

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At the democratie congressional conveoUon, held at Adrián, on Wednesday, Sept. 17tti, James S. Gorman, of Lyndon, was i'.oiiiiiiatcJ for congress. Louis J. Liesemer, the brainy and popular young journalist of tliis city, wlio enjoys an enviablu reputation as a speaker and author, had a major ty of the delegales froni Washténáw county, but was thrown overboard bücau?e he is a Germán, and the honor viven to another nationality. Tüat the Germán Americans of the county, the district and state were clammuring for Mr. Lieseiuer's nomination, tlie copiuus extracts rccently publishcd in the Democrat of tiiiá city, froni the Germuu presa of the stute - irrespective of iiarlv. roMc.lusivfilv nraves, as fallows: The "Detroit Abendpost," the Gerraan republlcan dally Of Detroit, in a half columa editorial in the edlliüu ol August 23, says that L. J, Iieseraer of thls city. lf nomlnated by the democratie party of the second congrcssional ülHtrlct, could poll the wuole German vote of the district, and, taking all things lnto conslderatlon, would bo tlie s! ron-csi and most avallable man to Dit agalust E. P. Alli-ii, who, from present lndicati.Mis, wlll be reuoiuiuated by hls party. TheiSagiuuw Post, the Germán newspaper pu:vllshed at Saginawsays: 'The candldacy ol l.iiuis J. Llesemer, publisher of the Washteuaw Post., lor congress on the democratie ticket. Is belni; highly comtnenled on b our cxt'lim.ges. Ah the democracy of Michigan is largèly countlug on the German-Amerlcana to tielp them redeem Michigan tlils fa:l It would be meet and proper for it to favor us hy iidvocaling the nomiuation of tlils Gerruan-Ainerican, who is popularand quallQcd to dlsobarge t-Uo duties of ii congrensmun. 'I 'lic dotnocracy of Michigan can only win the day by thu help of the Germán-Americana. Tueactiouof llie democratie cougresslonal convenlion of the second district will be watched with Interest by the Germana of Michigan." TIiü "Slimme der Wahrhelt," (Voioe of Triuh), a Gemían rellgtous orgau at Detroit, says in it editlou of August L'Sth, tliat if l.iKüs Llexemer is nominated by the demacran lor congres nis election would be aa certaln as a recelpt, as the combiued Germán vote of the necond conííresslonal district is a power, and when allied with the democratie voL'TS of other natiouatlties, 18 lavlncible. Tlie "Michigan Volksblatt," the Germari democratie üally at Detroit, In a lengttay edltorhil lu lts edltion of Auaust 28, in comim-iif. !,:; mi Mr. Liasemer's candidacy, says: "Wenouoelo uur exchanges that the Uernian-Ainericaus ín the second congressioDal district are manifcttlng a strong de.slre to llave a Gerniau-Anierican noniinated for congres on tlie democratie ticket, and tliis deslre 1 belnii vigorously agltaled by many oí the most prominent deinocruts and liberal republicans of the district. The "Michlgau Volksblutt lias always remilned true to the democratie party, and In view of this fact we feel justlfled in saying a word on the matter. "The motive whicli prompt the 'Volksblatt' to speale a good woid lor the candidacy 01 Mr. Liesemer, is, that the German-Arnerlcans In this state have liever had a representatlve in OOngrOM. altboagh there are a irent injiny QenaADfl in Michigan. Ollier state have beeu much noblerln ilils respect. Why shoukl not the Germans of Michigan have a represeutative ín congress ? Ex-Conressman George L. Converse, one of the most prominent democrats of ühio, hoi come out for the re-e!ection of Maj. McKinley to Congres?, and fór the republican principie of protuclioii. The rcpublican state ticket lias four candidatea upon it wliohave proved their devotion to their country upon the b:ittlc lield, ehief among them being that bril - li;mt mito, Washington Gfardner, who enliHed at 10 years of a;e, aud remalned lo the aimy duiin tlie war. 'Where was Gorman wlien the Inspectiou bilí carne up bifore the senjtc:-'1 The above questloD wns sent to the ('OuKiKR hy a prominent democratie farmer of Lima. Wedon't exactly knol where Mr. Gorman was, hut we have lèard that lie liad a iressinL engagement at a horse race at Jacksou on that day. l'lio farmers and lutchers have memories, eVldenlly. The Livingston RepubHcin, published Lt Mr. W'iiiiiii's home, luis this excellent )oint on the two oandidates for governor lefore the people of Michigan: "Talk about kid gloved farmeral Wlio is the most of a I. inner, be who renta his arm to a tenant and colleits the rent ri'jrularly aml lias nothing more to do witii the business, hut livcs in h (juiet ;rove on tlie Imnks ol n pteaMIlt lake, or ie who employs 'Z'i men, with their tauiiics, on a 2,000 acre farm and pays Uk ra every Batuiday niaht; who pt-MOhally supciintends the work and dictate crops stiall be Bown as tlie bi'st )ayinL; vhat stock will feest p;iy lu the murkutef Any mnn, that hasn'ia bVau in bin eye as bi as a fence ruil, eau tee tlint McJ] a armer is tinieh better preparad to know he want of the fermer lic who ives in a summer resoit and collecls bil rents. Mr. Turner, too, is a Ihorougli nan of business in any and cverythii.uhat he underlalvcs."


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