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E. F. Milla bas been in Monroe tliïs week. Ernie L,ewis bas rcturned bome from Illinois. Chus. S. Milieu lias returned from New York City. I.croy J.ines will go to Scattle, Wash., sooii, to live. Mra. F. A. Howlett is visiting ber parents in Chelsea. Miss Currie M. Scliulz is in Detro:t visiting lier brother. Walter S. Ilicka is on a trip to Ottawa and Torouto, Canada. Mrs. C. C. Jenkins, of Toledo, is visiting frlonds in the city. MUs Josie Ilonion, of Toledo, is visiting f rienda In tbe city. Mrs. George A. Douglas spent Sunduy wiih lier son in Toledo. Miss Mabel mul Aliss Loti Carson have returned from Petoskey. Mrs. Trof. Kelscy of East university ave., is visiting f riend3 in Niles. Mrs. G. lt. Williams, of Dundep, is visiting lier sister Mrs. L. C. Goodrlcb. Mrs. J. E. Beal is speuding a fortnight wltb ber parents in Kalainazoo county. Daniel Forbes has removed from Dundee to tbls city for permanent resldence. Prof. Kelsey returned bome Tuesday after two week's vislt in llocbester X. Y. Mrs. R. A. Beal and sister returned Saturday from a short visit at Nortbville. Mr. and Mrs. George VV. Millen are expected home from Concord in a short time. Dr. J. N. Martin, and wife have returned home after several week's visit abroad. Geo. H. Blum, of tbe P. O. carrier force, bas gone ti Kushville, Ind., to visit f rienda. Mrs. C. J. Hurlbert, of Chicago, it visiting at Mis. II. W. Hogers, on Huron street. Mrs. Genge Ottlcy and daugbter wbo have been visiting in Bay City, returned Saturday. L. C. Goodrich is receivniK a visit from bis motber Mrs. R. C Goodrich, of Pinckney. Miss Annie McGuire, ol Jnckson, is visitiiii; ber auut, Miss Kivte Howard, on Anu street. Mrs. Delay Davle, of Ovvosso, is visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Hayley, on Liberty 8t. Mi=s Fannie Gwinner left Monday for New Jersey wlierc she is engagcd in teaching school. Dr. and Wis. W. F. Brcakey and Miss Carrie Owen arrived home yesttrday from New York. Eli L. Mooie li is been visiting bis home here several days. He is a D. D. 8. at Bay City. Mrs. Gray and husband, and Mr. Studley of Detroit are visiting their parents, Dr. and Mrs. StuJley. Miss Lillie Condón of South univeralty ave., left Monday uiorning for a ten days visit in Grosse Isle. Fred W. Scliulz and family, of Detroit, visitud relatives and frieuds in tbe cüy tlie fore part of tbe week. Prof. M. ü. Graves, lit. '8G, is principal of a floinishiug basiness college aud normal school at Petoskey. A. L. Nuble Kft for Buffalo, N. Y., y este id ny, to meel his wife. Tiiey will return home next Mouday. J L Gilbert, Win. Judson, tlie new postmaster mil bis deputy, Mr. Vogel, of Chelsea were iu the city ye&terday. Prof. S. M. Dick and wlfe, who have been spendin; the sumnier st their oíd home at Clyde, Obfo, returned Saturday. Veva Storms returns lióme to Syrucuse, N. Y., to-d.iy with her sister Mrs. Eaton, wlio has been visiting here for a few week?. John Koel), of the lirrn of Kocli & Hen no has as hisguests Mr. and Mrs. George Gruner of Portland, Orejón. He lived liere 37 years ago. Hon. E. B. Winaii8, the democratie candidate for governor, was iu the city last Frklay, the guest of Mr. Jerry Kyan, of J. T. Jacobs & Co. Profs. Carhart and M. E. Cooley were in Detroit Friday seelng about the InstalIntion of a large electrlc llgtit plant for J. L. Hudson in bis new store. Miss Emma Bowerof The Democrat, Mis. H. J. Beakes, Mra. J. J. Goodyear and Miss Dickey attended the Strauss concert in Detroit, Saturday. Dr. V. B. Smith is in Ottumwa acting as a director of the Iowa coal pnlace exposition now open. Thanks are due lum for a handsomely engraved invitation. Miss Jessie Bushnell, wbo has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mabel Keitli Pond, lor the past four weeks returned home to Noble, Branch Co., last Saturday. Qeorge Renwick, of South Lyou, bas been a visitor in the city during the week. Mr. Renwick came to this place C2 years ago, and has seen the city and county grow to its present prosperous proportions. J. T. Jacobs roceived a cablegrara from hu daugliter Katie last Saturday, froin Antwerp, reading : "Arrlved safely on time. All well. Start for Dresdenaoon." Tliis will be welcome news to the raany frlcnds of the party. Dr. Patrick Finnel of Chicago, and Miss Mary Ityan, of tliis city are to be married next ïuesday, at 8t. Thomas' clmrcli. Tlie ladies of the Congregational church are prepared to lili orders for tuitten as we!l as comfortiibles. Apply to Mrs. Heary Dean, Liberty street. There is to be an amateur bicycle race on the fair grounds, Frid;iy afternoon of fair week, witli line medals as prizes, donated by Michael Staebler. The races to be governed by the L. A. W. rules. The An Arbor Art Club will meet In Mis9 Hunt's studio, in the Tappan build. injr, nexc Mondny p. m., at 2 o'clock, September '20th, for organizador) and the electiou of oflicers, The old members are rtquested to be present at this first meeting to secure seats. To-morrow the dogs of war will be let loose and the democratie tlger will be seeking whom lt may devour. At the quiet little republican convention of next Tuesday an extinguisluT for the tiser will be found. Dr. Richard H. Ruit, the new pastor of the M E. church in this city, comes from SpringhVld, Ohio, and Is a son of Dr. Richard S. Uu3t, who was so prominently connected with, in fact who was the hi'ad, front and shoulders of the Freedman's Aid Society. He is a gradúate of the Wesleyun University of Middletown, Conn., and has acquired considerable fame as a pulpit orator.


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