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II 1 1 EET Uirongh my worV o-day? Ï feel mlserablo, hcadchy, tired, pain in my back, my food won't digest, iny wholo Cody teems out of order. Wo answer that it is EO wonder you are in bucIi a brokcn down conditioo, and you will keep Ketting worso unlcss oa can curo your LIVEK. This important organ ís out of order and you must cure it bypromptly using thoso nercr failingaBBHIHIHHHHB Dr. C, McLane'sCelebraíed Liver Pilis. they -wlll restore you and givo vigor and benlth ta pur whole systcm, maklng you Btrong and well. 0nIy2S cents a l)ox,and tncy raay suto your life, dik your drugpst fortho genuino Xr. O. 3VXoXi-A.KTE'SI DELEBRA TEULIYER PILLB ■- ' - KADE BY - FLEMING BROS., Piitsburgb, Pa, WLook out for Cotjkterfeits made in St Louis, IVOBYPOLISÏÏ FTERETS.a' 1 PEBFÜTXES TUE BKEATlt. CARTER'Sl CURE Bick Ileadacho and roliovo all tho tronblea Incident to abilious Btatoof tho systom, Ruch as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsmesa, Distrow uflor eating, Paiu in tho Bidc, kc. Whilo th:irniost reinarkablosuccoas has boeu ehown in curing SICK IToadaclio, yot Cfirtor'g Littlo Llver Pillg are equally valuablo in Constipat ion, curing mid pre venting thi8aniioyÍnKConiplaint,wliilo thoy nlso correct all disorders of thofctoniach,6tiruul:itothQ liver and rogulato tho bowela. Even il' thy only HEAD Acho thoy woïild boalmost pricolosa to fhoso wlio Buffcrfromtliisdistrcssingcoraplaint; biftfortunatoly thcirgoodne88doo3iiotciKlhnro,aiidtho30 whooncotry thcmwill ünd thesolitllcpillsvaluableln eoraany ways thatthoy will not ha wilUng to do without them. But af tor ailsick Lam! AOHE Is tho bano of so many lives that hcre ia where we wake our great boast. Our ptUa euro it whilo othors do not. Cartor's Littlo Livor Pilla aro vory amall and vory easy to tako. One or two pills makoa doso. Thi'y aro Btriotly regeiable ud do not gripe or purgo, but by thetr gentío action p]o;wo all who usothem. In WalaatSScents; fivofor$l. Sold by draegiot1? overywhevo, or sent by niüil. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Vork. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALL PR3CE If You Have CONSUMPTiON COÜGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Tfcroat AfFecticn SCROFULA WastingofFlesh Or any Diseñé tejiere the Throtíl and T.unrj ara Inflamcil, lach of Sirength or Aert l'owcr, you can ba relleved and Cured by SCOTTS EMULSIÓN PURE COC? LIYER OIL WIth HypopHosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Scott't Emulsión, and let no exfilanatlon or toltoitation induce you to accept a substituto, Sold by all Drugylsts. 8COTT A BOWNE.Chemfsts, N.Y. To euro Bilionsness, Sick Ilcadache, Constipation, Malaria, Livor Complamts, take tho safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the K.H VI.I, Si:c(MiïttlcI5catistothe bOttlC). THEY AHE THE MOST CONVEUDSKT. Suitnblo .ïl Ages. Price f oillKT sixo, 25c. per Rottle. fSSIMfi"7-l7-70pPAH&TKTS S%IVJIllQai(:nlclf..r(rt;. (,r,l„iu.. J.f.SMITHACO.MLkir.or-üIi.EBKANS.ST. LOUIS HIÍ. CREAIV1 P RUN ES A verv pleasani I Mire tif Fresn l'iMn;. couibined i i arni vcgetabl i meaicÍDal cjialitit;s, ]nt up i.i ; CREAM DROPS, M ; ik i v, fr n vcry valuable preparation FOï? INFANT3 r.r.dCHILDREN, Afsinii!fitï:i the food nnl Rejjulatií g the mij "cw la. It Pron.otes Digestión, ChcerfIncsG and r?e5 IT IS A WOPDERFUL REMEDY ForC MST1PATION, S -L'R 8TOMAC1.-!, COIVULSIONS, LOS tt: SutEP Ffc ERISHNf 0, Lic. P co 25 Certs. 3JJIÍ'.. for sal:: .: EBERBACH & SOX, - AHN AKBOU. Rubber Shoea uniera? wom nncoizifortabïy ÜiLt genemUy Up off the ioct. "lw"V " THE 'COLCHESTEE" RUBBER CO. al elp hooa wíth ImMo of heol Ilned with rubiMT. Thls clinprn to the alioo aud prevuts Uio rubbor irom flllpplug off. Cali for tho 'Colchcster' "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SAI.K BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON. AKTNr AHBOR.


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