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A ítii.r. was passed in the L rutea Staies Sena te on the 2üth extendinjr tho privileges of the freo delivery of mails to towns liavin; a population of 5.ÜUU, or a ffaaaa (u.,r..-il rnvcnun of $5,000, also eighty-five private pension bilis. In tho House no business was dono owinL to the absence of a quorum. Two HUN'DBKD persons lost their lives by an overflow of tho Maritza river in Turkey. Five chtldron of Georffe Davidson, of Mentor, Ind.. diid in two days of a disease that was unknown to the local physicians. Truc Iiank of tho Cape of Oood Hopo at Capo Town, tho chic f point for South African trado, has falled for 815,000,000. Tiik bronze statue of Huraco (reeley at tho cnirance of the business office of tho Now York Tribuno was unvailed by his daughter Uabrlelle. Chaki.ks C. STKVEK8ON, Governor of Nevada, dicd of typhoid fever at Carson, aged G4 years. Fivrc persons ware crushed to death and nearly a score of others moro or less badly hurt in a raiHvay smash-up on tho Burlington tracks in Chicago. SeCRETAky Phobst, of the Ohio State Board of Health, who wentto IScrgholz to investifrato suppos"d trusas of cholera, says the diseaKO is nut cholera. A FKicicirr train wont throujrh a burning tregüe noar Minóla, Ia., killing Engineer Mark Eskridge, Flreman Oeore Bark and Rrskeman Williams. Skvkn momUors of a strülling band of showmon were drowned by a (lood in a ravine in tho lioston mountains ín Ark ansas. Hev. (J. T. Caín, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Alliion, N. Y., dropped dead in his pulpit while preaching. Hoart disease was the cause. A i.ii i i.k sun of J;imes Ledenham, of Merrivale, Tcx., while playing with a gun shot and killed bis littlo brother and sister. Tvvkxtv-on'k persons lost their lives in the railway accident at Shootnakersville, I'a. , and thirty-two were injured. I)y an oxplotiou in a cual shaft ncar Wilkesbarro, l'a., four men lost their livea. Tiik pnrcRntagas of tlie baso-hall club in the i'layi'i.s' Luuifue f' the wook ended on 20th wcro: ISoston, .6:S; BrooWlyn. ..r)SS. New York, .570; Chicago, ..v;H; Philudelphia. .516; Pittsbtirgh, .Vt'i; Cleveland, .■)!'."; ISufTalo, .'04. Tho cl i lis in ibeNauooal lcaeue stood: Urooklyn, ,iib:i; Chicago, ,iiü5; Boston. .01; l'hil.uli-lphia, ..V.i'J; Cincinnati, .585: New Vork, .171; Clovoland, .405; l'iiuburirh. .B04.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier