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JIASIIVK IIHKTOUY. Anjí ArhorOommandkrv, No. 13 meetN flrat ruesday of each inouth, B. V. Watts, E, O.; John R. Miner, Recorder. WASHTENAW Oh vi'Tkr, No. fi, K. A. M.- Meels rlrst Moaday ech month. L. (.'. Ooodrlob, H. P.; Z. Roath. Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. niSKASKS OF THE EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THEOAT. lOFTiCE AND RESIDEKCE, 26 SOÖTH DIVISIÓN STREET BOTOS : 1 to 1, anl (!:.{) to "::ü) P. M . VOGEL Sc ICEK.3ST DEALKU IS ALL. KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poullnj, Lard, etc. EVERVTHING NEAT and CLEAN N. K. Ann St., Ann Ailn.r. W. V. n iioi, Kooms Ovtir Ann Arbor Savlngrs Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VZTALZZED ATB. Adrainlstered. It ie agreeabte and easy to take, and do proetrallng eflect follow. whlle teeth are extracicd without pain. VriLLIAH IIERZ, House, Sifjn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiog, Glazing, Gilding, and Calcimlning, and work of every dettcriptïon done in the beet etyle,tmd warranted to give eatiafaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. i _. 1 O. 3UL". MAKTIU, DEALEK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIG And Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Bay or Night. Kmbalming a Bpeclalty. I room on R. Washington Street. Resldence Cor. Liberty and Fiftn. MAaKHMAC. Summer Tours. Palaoe SteamerB. Low Bates. yoor Trip pr 'Week Betwen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt Iimioe. Clieboyean, Alpona, Harrivillo. Osood. 8nd Benoh. Port liaron, Bt. Clt.iT, OakUnd Homo, Mrme City. Every Week Dy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Speolal Bunday Trips during July nd Auut. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS line nd Hxcurion TlekeU wiU b f umUhcd by your Tickat Agent, or ddrs E. B. WHITCOMB, Gn'l P. Agnt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St., 2 doors W. of Harris Guild, The oldeot agenoy In the city. Establlshed over aquarteïof aoentury ago. Representlng the foilowing flrst-class companies, wltu over #60,000,000 Capital and Aet. HOME INS. CO., Of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOKK. Rates Low as the Lowest, Loases Líberally Adjnsted and promptlj Pald. O. H. MILLEN. THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ mTRUTHS FOR THE SICK.n Hl 1 'T tlK.M' lllTllllIvl 1,(1110 Will ll! )"'ll IHBHIonsSbellsdcpend toracaewbor6Sur,-lll I I'HIX I.l-I'l Blill-lJiUJi I'UUB IÏITT1 KS illlll Ulit willrmv you. iiotnsKlstorcurc. ii w ■ „„A ,„.■"■'■■ f""w Uthattlrodnndallgonc Cleansethevltlated Illtucliui;; if bo, De !,i,n„i when you s"-ll I I i[' i.i-ii lic BlTTGBS; ta inipm-itie's buretJII it will -uro vuil. nethrough t lt; sUinl II 1 1 rrTT?TTTrTTrrr?r iimpies,itittihcs,i U,.,:,Svu:;:,uiüia in tó .rH Qtlie milis a..a -ork. V1," Í,,1'1 , 'f'Q H shops; clerkfljTho do i""1 beaiüi wlU ioli lllnnt procure snfflcient --I mmmmm mmm mm III llleierclse.andanwho güLPBOB Bn n it.-l I I larcconllnwllndoor, vvH1 (.urc LivcrCom-l I llslmnlil uso SUU'IHJU .,,.,,,„. uon't bc dls-l I gggffbelM -r;UwiUcurcM Itwvfr rails tociirn. si;i.i-iu:k lirn khsIJJ 3 Dou't bc without "ill mnkeyourMoodSj SSbottle. Try t; you pupe,riohBiidBtoong,M Ijl will not reróet it. .nul yourllcsti hard. Ijl l LiHücs in deïïcate Try bolphub hit lllhcalth, who aru all rBBS to-nlght, andlll III run down, should use you will sleep i-lllll 111 - 1 i i 1 1 1 i i .■.!'-■: ' ■ i ■ ■■ - ,i J Do you want the best Medical Work pobllshed? Scnd 3 2-ent Btamps to A. I'. Okdwav & Co.( Boston Mass., and leceivo a coiy, free. Honest Work ! S&FmtS? e;irntïhL jlieu and WOlueu. We 1 u rn ih the capital ! Ifyou mean business, drop usa carU and gel some fact.s that wlll open your eyes! A legitímate line ot goods, aud honest i men wanted to lntrodnee tliem In town and country. Jloii't aii ! Address at once, 1 O. Box Ciy. Ciuciunutt O. The Parmers & Mechanica Ba&k CAPITAL $50,000. SÜBPLUS $10,000. Adflitional Liabilities of Stockholflers $50,000. Iteport ol thecondition of the FARMERS' AND MEOHANIOS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business July 18, 1890 BE80UB0BS. Loans and dlscounls $ 213.981 72 stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 72,161 51 Overdrafta 1,359 06 ! Duefrom bank In reserve cltles.... 19,888 45 Dik: iram WaaliteDaw Ccmnty 11601 78 Hllls in trauslt '. „ 8,580 28 Kurniture and tlztarea 3,1) 0 00 Carrent expepsos aud lares paid... T2 38 Interest paid „ 433 18 Checksand caRh Items lr9 77 XicïkeU aüd penuleu 6S 61 Gold 8,134 70 Sil ver 2,012 15 U. S. and National Bauk Notes 14,358 00 Total $ 351,682 3U LIABTLITIES. Capital stock paid in 8 50.000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 W Undivlded proflts 8,259 S5 Dlvldends unpaid 315 00 Commercial deposita 242,657 58 Suving deposita 49,650 01 Total 1351.682 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN,) County of Waslueoaw. ) I. F. II. BELSBTR, Cashler, of tbc nbove named lïank, do soleniDly swear that tbü above statement is true, to the best of my Kuowieuge ana benei. F.H. ISF.lskk, Casbier. Snbocrlbcd atul sworn to befure me, tuis 29thday of July, 1SHO. W.M. W. WIIKDON, Notary Public. Cokkkct- Attest : Amblóse Kcarney, Chas. K. (ireene, 1. F, Scliairer, Directora. lllü rdlillülS & lUüülldlliU Ddlli havlng flled thelr certifícate wlth the State lïauktng Department are now authorized to dn business as a Savlngs Bank, and in puruuance tbereof have opened a Savings Department! Interet allowed in the Havings department on all dcposlts of il and upwards, interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of eaob year. Tlie savlns departmeut is open Saturday Tiights from 7 uutll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan in Kinnsof $25 to H5.(Xifl secured by anenoumbereU real estáte or approvcd securitics. IIRKCTOKS ICi-uiii-ii Kl-mpf-ilm. K. HnuUi K Uull.v, Alllbl-ON Ki'iirncy, Win. O. Steven, W. V. Breakey, J. !■:. IIi-iil, Jullll Uliru, I. V. Nrlmirer. H. RIMII'K, i'n-H. B. ItllKPV, Vlce-Pren. F. 11. ii'.i.Mit, CasUler


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Ann Arbor Courier