Real Estate Transfers
Kacbel Jacobs lo Win. Decker, Manchester 8 900 J. W. Wlght to W'm. McCreery, Ann Albor ,C00 S. J. L'hnren, by hoirH, to Feter iHlndelong, Chelsea 1,700 Spencer BoycetoSain'l Boyce, Lyndon.. 700 A K. Vorkln. to V m . Croft, Rulain 1.900 W. Salyer to M. V. lírown, Ypsilautl.... 1,300 Jane Vannalter lo Owen McLatne, Dexler 500 ( íeo. S. Wheeler, et al., to Charles MeI -:uihl lli. -Sulrlii 85 Owen MuLaln to Jane Vunoater, Dexter 500 J. 1'. Kecb to John Renán, Aan Arbor, 3,730 0. M. Shcnmín lo Jno. ('. Kerg, Ypsllui.ii 1,500 M. 1,. Cremer la W. Wllson, Ypsllantl.. (U0 JaneG. Barnes to A. & J. Wolsey, Ypsllunll 1,600 Campbell ctNowlin to H. Helzennan, Augusta 400 P. I). Kogers, by sheriff, to H. C. Swlft, AuguNUt 070 05 L. James, by ex., to J. D. Stafford, Superior 1 W. I,. Colllns to B. Lelghthall, Saline.. 1,500 Jas. KitHon, byhelrs, to E. C, Kltson, Ann Arbor 500 Jas. Kltson, by licirs, to H. A. Kltson, Ann Albor 455 Wm. Warner to J. L. Babcock, Lima 250 Jacob Kmerlck to Newton E. Crlttendeu, Ypsllanll 2,500 Fond futliei - James, you are now about to start out to carve your own fortune. Let me give you one piece of aüvice at parling: Never be gullty of a mean act in order to innke inoney. Astorilshed son - Good lieavens, fatliei! What tlid you maku me a lawyer for? - Chicago Tribune. Mistress- Wel I, Mary, what have you to complain about New Parlor Maid - Keally, ma'am, it is too much. I can't stand the everlasting faultíinding of the coadunan. He says now I have a worse temper even than you. - Yenowine's News.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Rachel Jacobs
William Decker
Rev. J. W. Wright
William McCreery
S. J. Charen
Peter Hindelong
Spencer Boyce
Samuel Boyce
A. E. Perkins
William Croft
W. Salyer
M. F. Brown
Jane Vannatta
Owen McLaine
George S. Wheeler
Charles McLaughlin
J. F. Keck
John Renau
C. M. Sherman
John C. Berg
M. L. Cremer
W. Wilson
Jane G. Barnes
A. Wolsey
C. Wolsey
H. Helzerman
P. D. Rogers
H. C. Swift
L. James
J. D. Stafford
W. L. Collins
B. Leighthall
James Kitson
E. C. Kitson
H. A. Kitson
William Warner
J. L. Babcock
Jacob Emerick
Newton E. Crittenden