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The Situation

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The Detroit News, wliicli la strnngly 'iee tralie, gave a very fair outlook of the situatlon in tlie congressional districts of tliis st:itc. Of the secoud district it snys: "Senator James S. Gorman, for the dcniocrats, will compete wiih Capt. Allen, (orinan has already begun a cuinpaign wliicli consists largely of bllllnjfggate dlrected at Capt. Allen. If any one course will not go in the district, a campalgn of abuse is that course; for, burring Capt. Allen's defectivo notions on the questlon of prolectlve tarift.s he is oue of the bestliked men in the district, and justly so. Senator Gorman will make a fatal miatake if he does not not confine himself to 'Mc qnestlou In hisdiscussion of the Issmcs of the campaip;n. The second is so close that vvith ;i stronger candidate tban Mr. Gorman the deiuocrats inight hope to carry it. As it is, Capt. Allen has a pretty favorable position in the esteem of hisconstituents and lias kept himself so busy talking the higli ideáis of patriotiem and üxing up pensions for his f riends who were in the war that he Is likely to be sent back to congress by the people who will remeinber pensions long after they forget the Imposlnon of unjust taxation." This is a true estímate of Gortnan'a chances, - that he is a weak candidate. The nomination was tossed about in the convontion until it was refused by every prominent man present. Finally they put up Gorman because he was not therc to decline, suddenly adjourning thereafter before he could coiné and get out of the scrape, as Saulsbury, Bean, Stearns and Manly had done. His nomination was a blunder, blunderingly made. Now he biinself blunders by falllng into the same error Stearns made- of thinking personal abuse is convincing argument. The people Hke Allen's frank, manly way of meeting an opponent as a gentleman, not as a blackguard, and the ides of November will see hlm elected by nearly twice the majority of two years ago. The Ann Arbor Courier and ottier republlcan papers rise to remarle tbat tbe Washtenaw Germans are very sore because their caudldate. Mr. Lleeemor, was not nomlnatecl. 'l'his Is nonsense. Air. Oorman was one of the most stauncb supporters of Mr. Lelsemer, and supported blm io eood faith. Mr. Lolsemer expressed hlmself as abundantly satisfled with the support he recelved trom Washlenaw, aud upproved the selectlon of Mr. Gorman. Tbere's no feellng of dlssapolutmentamong lils frlends. and Mr. Leleemer owes 11 to hlmself as well as to Mr. Gormau tliat he speak In no uncertalD Iones ln refutatlon ot the lnsinuutlous of the Courier.- Adrlan Press. Mr. Liesemer bas always been a firm and warm supporter of Mr. Gorman; he nominated him for state senator and has nlwiiys pushed his interests, and for aught we know is doing so now. But do y ou not thlnk, Mr. Pres?, that Mr. Gorman, had he been a true friend of ilr. Liesemer, could have got up in that congressional conveution and in one of his firey speeches carried that convention by storm and nominated Liesenier 1 Why didu'l Gorman do it? Sliall we teil you why.' Gorman wantod It for himself, and while pretending to be a friend to Liesenier he undermined him, dldn't he? Was it one of Gorman's friends who remarked at that convention: "D - n the Duteli, auyway." "Where was Gorman when the meat lnspectlon bilí carne up before the senate?" The above questlon was sent to the Courier by a prominent democratie farmer of Lima.- Ann Arbor Courier. Name of that "prominent democratie farmer," please. liet the question was never sent in, and bet no dumocrat ever sent it. - Adrián Press. The Couhier can name its man, but we will wager any amount the Press desires to put up that it cannot glve the namesofthe republicaiis referred to in this item: ln one town in thls county a republican presenta the uamus of SS repuDlleaus who have pledged theraaelves to vote agalust Allen. Slip for Gorman were furnished from Uils olflce- Adrlau Times. Furthertnore the Press can not name !35 of thetn, nor ten of them, nor live of them, nor one of them. The Argus says that the Courier anti other republican papers are endeavoring to foraent, a feelitir of dissatisfaction among tlie friends of Mr. Liesemer by mukiiig liim appear as a sorohead, etc, because be did not receive the congressional nomination. Tlie Couiïiek never said or even ititiinited that Liesemer was sore, but what we aim to do is to prove to the Gorman-Atnericans of tbU congressional district that the democratie party lias no use for a Germán but hls vote. Waslitcnavv county was entltled to the nomination and Liesenior had the largest number of votes. These are fucts. Why did be not receive the nomination ? There is but one reason and tuut is: He is a German-Arnerican. If there are any otber reasons in tbe wide world, wlll the Argus or any other paper in the district please give them ? A Germán paper in Detroit very trutbfully says: "Mr. Liesemer toas disgraccfully thrown overboard." The following notice of Mr. Gorman is taken from the columns of the Ypsilantl Sentinel, (Deun.): The nomination of Mr. Gorman for Congress meets the general approbation oí the democracy. There may be some who remeiiiber li is actlon with reference to tlie churcb bilis in the legislature, with disapproval. Tliis, however, need not elïect their suffrage in the present case. Tliose biils were met with such popular opposltlon, that they were abandoned and killed beyond any danger of revival. But as a member of congress, Mr. Gorman would not be called upon to act in reference to any matter of iliis kind, while upon all questions that come before hiiu in thls cpacity he s eniinently sound. It is inconsistent, therefore, for any democrat to oppose his electious to congress, for li ia acllon in the state legislature, especially when opposition will coDtrlbute to theelectiou of tl e bitter est eneiny, not inerely to democratie men, but to democratie prineipli of government. We notice that at Congressman Allen's in eting at Home Center Mr. Moore, the prohibición candldate for congress in Allen's district, was present and, accordiug to report, interrupted Mr. Allen by asklng questions. Now, while Mr. Alkn answered his questions satisfactory to tlie uulience, will Mr. Moore be kind euough to permit us to ask a question ? Does he go to democratie moetinjjs to "ak qucsiioiis" aml Interrupt Uie speakers ?- Detroit Tribune. Tlie positin ol the rcpublican party upon every questou of national concern is tnd always lias been Invuluerrablc. It never has taken a step but a stop la advance" It has never liad to recede from any position taken, but lius carried this country through war and through crises in perfect eafety. Yoong man, cnii you say ai miich for the democratie party f Which one will you ally yonrsclf to, then ? The party nf progresa ol' the party ot oontlnual fallares ! Mail in? Have you Lrrnrht your snit for the wintei? If not cali and see the $".U0 sn't at the Two Sams. Mail In f Rev. O. R. L. Crozier, of this city, ha been nominated by the prohiba for sena tor in tliia district. A vote for Mr. Gorman for Congres means a vote for free wool ! Do you want It, tny farmer frlentl Covington, Ky., elected lts first repub lican mayor and ether city officials In 1' years, last Monday. A republican vic tory eveu in Kentucky! Mail in ? A great many records haye been brok en this year, and thls fall the republicana in this county propose to break all forme records and rescue the county from the "withering claw of the democratie yul ture." (Vide John Sheehan's speech.) Mail In ? The Ann Arbor Fruit & Vinear (Jo will pay the highest prices for eider nm evaporating apples. - ;J0 Motliers at the Two Sanis buy your üliildren's tínits and Shirt walsts. Mil in ? The campaign of mud and filth which is being waged by the democratie Pree Press and the democratie central committee against Mr. Turner will not liurt him, but you just watcli. The people of Michigan will give tlieir opiuion of the mud slingers in November. Mail In ?


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Ann Arbor Courier