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Epitome Of The Week

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The Sonate agreed to tbe conference report on the tarlfl iiiil on tbe ;)th uit. by a vote of 33 lo -.'T ...In the House a joint resolution was passed appropriatinj; $10.000 to cnablc the l'ost l 'T ( tht;i1 to t-t at small towns and villages tho system of freo delivery. The Senate bill was passcd establlshing a customs col-, lectlon district in the States of North and South Dakota. IN the Senate on the lst the tarifl bill, enrolled. was receivefl from the House with the Bpeoker'B signatura, and it waa immediately 1 by the Viee-President and sent to the President. Mr. Mortpn thra thanked the Senators ror thoir uniform kindnoss to hlm nd deelarcrt the Senate a'djourned tint die ...In the House tbe ■ tnation of Jumes L. Wheat as poslmaster of the House was received and aocepted. A Siiiati: concurrent resolution was afreed to requesting the President to enter lnto negotlations with the governments of Great lSri!:;in and Mt'xieo for tho prevention of the entry of Cuinese laborera into the United States. BpeOjhw R'i'Q then declared tho flrst session of the Pifty-flxst Congress adjourned without diiy. DOMESTIC. In a fit of jèalousy George J. Jonos, living noar Atlicns, O., shot and killed his wife and a little babe in her arm. The entire business portion of Oneonta, Tenn., was dostroyed by fire. A comm iTTEK report was submitted to the Mississippi constitutional convention in session at Jaokson in favor of asking Congress to repeal the fifteonth amendmont to the Federal constitution. The Western Association base-ball season closed on the 30th uit, the Kansas City club winning the pennant, with Minneapolis secondand Milwaukoe third. The Census Bureau gives the popuiation of the city of Detroit, Mich., at 205,669, an inercase of 80,3:29 in the past decade. M. 11. .Irsrvrs. of Oakland City, Ind., was bunkoed out of S6,000at Evansville, Ind. Tim Census Kureau gives the population of tho State of Georgia at 1,834,360; increase in the past ten years, 292,1S0. CttABLKS A. Hknsox, tho allegod murderer of Mrs. Mettman at Leavenworth, Kun., last Muren, who was Hterally cut to piceos, has buen arrested in Camden, N. J. The mail on the stage line between Euroka Spring and Harrison, Ark., was robbed by two masked men and every thing stolen and carried off. The steamer Wyominsr arrived in New York with ISO mormon proselytes, forty of whom were young girls. There we re also four Mormon olders. Ai.cyox, a :-year-old stallion owned by Dr. John Wilbur. of Palmer, Mass., and valuod at 510,000, '.vas burned to death in a barn near Iowa City, Ia. Cuaf.t.tcs McElvaixk, convicted of the murder of Christian W. Luca, a grocer, was sentenccd at Brooklyn, N. Y., to doath by electricity in Sing Sing prison during tho week beginning the 17th of Novombor next. The Supreme Court of Minnesota has decided that uppor borths of sleeping cars unsold to occupants must remain closed. Duitixo the past nine months upward of 0,000 new manufacturing enterprises of all kinds have been started in the South. SeVEN men woie irijurod, one fatally, by a collision between a gravel and freight train near Bangor, Ho. Thk Iron and Stcel Institute was opened at New York on the lst with an address of welcome by Mr. Andrew Carnegio. Dolesatr-s were present from all over the world. Thomas O'Coukok, who had served twelve years on a life sentence in the Stillwater (Minn.) penitentiary for killing his nephew, has boen pardonod on condition that he leave the State forever. THE first training school in this country for doaeonesses of thö lCpÏAOOpal church was oponed in New York on the l3t. James IIkühi.ngton, a pettifogging lawyer, was taken from jail at Bakersville, Cal., by nutsleed men and given a coat of tar and feathers. The statement of the public debt issuod on the lst showod the total debt to be 81,550,009,569; cash in thetroasury, S679,696,43ü; debt less cash in treasury, 8870,973,132. Decreaso during September, 84,582,908. Decrease Bince June 30, 1B90, S'26,494,813. President Habkiüon on the lst signed the tari ff bill. Whilk driving across the railroad track at Maskinonge, Que., Mrs. Dostalcr, Mrs. Piche and Mrs. Heroux were struck by an engine and killed. Tiii'.ee counterfeiters who had been íloodingf Michigan with bogus silver dollars have been captured at North Lansing. Tiie New York Central rallway ha3 declared open war against the Knights of Labor. Thousaxds of acres of timber, grain and buildings havo boen destroyed by prairie liios in the vicinity of the Black Hills in South Dakota. Ebxest Humphbets (colored) was taken from jail at Princeton, Ky. , and lynched for the murder of Dicy Miller. J. J. Mitchell mistook his brother for a catamount while in a tree near Guthrie, O. T., and shot him dead. The Oklahoma Legislature has passed a billlocating the permanent capital at Oklahoma City. J. K. Gaudnku, a lumber dealer of Ridgeway, Pa., was jostled by several men in a train near Pittsburgh, Pa., and when he reached that city found that he had boon robbed of a pockot-book containing $10,000. Aiioxo the Mormon immigrants who recently arrived in New York was an Englishwoman who had desorted her husband to become tho sixtoenth wife of a saint. The Whits Star steamship Teutomo and tho City of Now York, of the Inman line, started from New York on the 2d on their fourth race across tho ocean.


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