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REPORT OF THECONDITION THE IN II M! SAK At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of bu e i ii i's:, OCT. 2. 1890. ItESOl'ItCES. Loansand dlsoonnti $.-71.801 11 Stocks, bond, mortgage, etc.._ 260,178 lr Orerdrafta .' 8,879 H Doe froin banks in reserve citii'f 7O,S88 ■'■■. Dne from School District No. 1, A. A 8,S60 2-i Doe f rom city of Add Arbor 1,HM 69 Kurnituri' and flxtures 1 Bills in Trunslt .,,s.y) rui rent exen?eí and tases pald 1,660 17 Checkt nd cash itums _.. 3')-' ;- Nickel? and penrttee 30 Gl (i.)ld _ 15,7i!ii mi Sllver Í00 '0 V. 8. nd National linuk Noten 19,104 01 Tot.l ..{70l.2'.)l :il LlABILITIBS Capital ntock paid id $ HO.nOO 00 H' rund ÏIH).(NX) 00 ITnrilvided profil 2-Í.59S 77 Dlrldends nnpaid l,7ir 00 CmiiuLTcial deposils 15-J,1' 08 Savin;s cU'ixmilH 412.M lil Dne to luink mul bankers 818 M9 Ct'rciflcatea of depoeit 21,211 83 Tota! $701,291 :)1 Statk oy MiciriOAX, County ok WashteTKNAW, SS. I, Chas. K. Hisoook, ('ashipr of the above nvnej Bank, do olemnly swoar hat ihe abnve tatement is Une, tu tbe bei of my kiixwludpe and Wiet CUAS. K. HiSUOCK, CaHhier. CoiiiiKrT- Attest : CHMSTIAN MACK, 1 W. D. IIAKKIMAN, WJlrcctors. DAVID KIS8EY, ) Subscribcd and Bworn to boforé nio, tlii1 i)th day of October, 18H0. M1CHAEL .1. F1ÍITZ, Notary f'ubllc. ' MASOXIC IIIKKITOKY. .vs Arbor Oommandkry, No. IS meets llrst l'uosday of each month. B. F. Watts, E. C; John II. Mlner, Recorder. Washtksaw Chaptkr, No. 6, R. A, M.- Meets first Monday each month. L, C. Goodrich, H. P.; Z. Roatb, Secretary. BUSINESS CARD3. D. A. MacLachlan.M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE AHD RESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIYISIOJ STREET Hoürs : 1 to i, and 6:30 to 7:30 F. M. VOO-EL &c ZECEIsT DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS PouLtry, hard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN IVo. 9 K. Ann 8t„ A na Arbor. W. W. M(H(!, DENTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Sarings Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VITALIZSE AIR A4minl8tered. It is arocable and easy to takc, and no prostrallng eQects follow, whlle teeth are extractcd without pain WILLIAM HERZ, House, Bign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l'aporlnp, Qlazlng, Gilding, and Calciminlng, and work of every deBcrlption done in the beBt style, and warranted to givc eatiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. WashinKton St.,-Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W. of Harrls Guild. Tbe oldest agency In tbe city. Kstabllshed over a quarter of a oentury ago. Represent! ;ig tbe iollowlng flrst-class companlus, wlth over $00,000,000 Capital and Asscts. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO„ of Pblladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Ralos Low as the Lowest, Loases Liberally Adjnsted and promptly Pald. O. II. MILLEN. ITHE GREAT Germán Remedy. TRÜTHS FORTHESICK.n II tillar ilrntlily $1,UU) wil] I! ):iii! IIIBlilousSpclIsdepena tor a cogtfwhere of LlonSDLPHÜKBlTTEBB PHUB BITTERS wlll I Illlt v III cure ym. notasslstorcure. li □ lo mi M.I1ÏT witli "':v(''' P3 Ithatti'redandallgonc cieanBethetidatadin feelins; if eo, usc i,]o0,i w;cn VüU seo II SCi.PiiUR Bn-TEBS; ii, impuritJea liirstJI it-will mrc yon. Infthrougb the skinll Up.T:itirsl,„aiv ■ lin'lU-s.Itl"t"!cfl.l I .]„.. ,-,,,iiiMpri i„ ainl sores, liolv onU HebopB;clerkg,whodö j"1'1 ll0altl1 wlU iol-S III uot procure sutlicient iil I lcxcT.-.i8c,anclallwho 8l .,.,.,„ -K nn ikrsI I llareconnncdinUoors, „.„, cure LlvcrCoin- I Ishonld use Sirr.niint , inl j, ,t 1)(! rtuJ I U Bitters. Tl.evwil !.o„ragca;itwillcurelll rñnot Ilieu be wcakanil vou_ ■ ' rn Ilt rou aononSE iiï ,l'l.I,IIi '' 'Kjl!l to suiTerfrom Kiioum. " bntW yon np w atism, use a bottle 01 "" ■" BtruagauUl I Sulpiiub Bittkrs healtliv. Itivvorfailstorure. BULPHDB UriTERsl Uon't licwitliuut a will make rourliloodSS ItJbottk'. Trvlt; jou ino, rïchanilütrnng,ES win not rcfrrct it. nfl yonrflesbbard. Ijl J.iuiifö in ueucate Trv 8ULPHUR f'-i i -I I healtli, who are all reus to-nlglit, imll rundown, stiould um' ymi will sloep volllll SüLPIirn RlTTHHS. illlll fl'l'l lll'ttlT fnrlt.UI Do you want tlie liest Medical Work poblUhedP Send 3 S-cent stamps to A. 1'. Oudwav & Co, BostoD Mass.. and receivo a copy, freo. HonestWork!SÏ.tS?bï earneat men and women. B the capital! If yon mean business, drop usa Card and gel farts tbat wlll open your eyes! A legitímate lino orgoods, aud lionest men wautedto introduce them in town and country. DonU wait! Address at once, F. O. Box 619. Clnclunatl O. lie Farmers' & Mui lú CAPITAL $50,000. SÏÏEPLUS $10,000. Aflflitional Liaïiliües of Stockholöers $5O,OOO. Report ol the rnndllion of tbe FARMKRS' A.ND MECHAKICS" BANK at Aun Arlr, Michigan, at the close ol business Jaly IS, 1S90 BBSOUBCX8, Loans and discount $ 213,981 72 Stocks, Ixmds, mortgages, etc 72,21 51 Overdrafts 1,8 Due from banks In reserve cl lies.... 111,883 4r Due from Wnshtenaw County 11.501 V( Hllls In transit .i.560 23 Purulture and flxtures :i,0 0 on Ourrent expenses aud tases paid... ti 38 Interest paid 432 18 Checks and cash items 159 77 Niclcelsand pennles 65 rl Oold 8,134 70 Sllver 2,912 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,858 00 Total $ 3.51,682 39 LIABILlTlEd. Capital stock paid In $ BO.noo 00 Surplus fund 10 000 00 UnUlvlded proflts 8.S88 " Dlvidends unpaid. 315 UO Commercial deposlts 2I2..V.7 63 üavlng8 deposita 4",50 01 Total SHÜjU 39 STATE OP MlfHIOAN,) County of Wastitennw. j I. F. II. BELÖBE, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do sulemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my kuowledge aud belief. V. II. BELSER, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before rae, thls ZUlhduy of July, 1890. VM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Corrkct- Attest: Ambrose Kearney, Chas. K. (ircene, D. K. schairer, Directora. rdllliölS & lubuüdlllbü Ddlli having ñled thelr certifícate wllh tbe State HaDklng Department are now antborlzed to do business os a Knvlngs Bank, aud in pursuance tbereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savlngs di-partment on all deposita of $1 and upwards, interest paid June lst and Dec. lst, of eaoh yt';ir. Thesaviiifis dcpiirtinent Is open Salurday nightK froni 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan in sunis of $2.5 to fö.OOO secured by unencumbored real estáte or approved securltles. DIltFCTOiiH Itnilii'ii Kpnipf. Chas. K. iireeup, K. Ilully, Imbriwr K-ur, ney, in. O. Mi'vciiM, W . F. Itrrnkey, J. K. Keal, Joliu Bure. U. F. Niliuirfr. II. K Kil PK, 1'ron. JE. IHJKFY, VlocPrei, F. M. BKIAEII, lUHlller


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier