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A Brakeman Was Killed And Thirty

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care oí ireigiii vi ■■ uüsuojsu oy a 001lision on the Realiog road at l'aul Brook, Pa. A (ki;mx farmer naincd X'oholas Boswein wblle plowing m 'nis fteldneai Portsmouth. (i.. turnod upa beavy rusteaten iron lid, bonoath which was a vessel containiiv: ■: .f') nrortb of Spanish gold coi n, mosl of whicb boro dates of over a bundred yeara ajfci. CliATTOH Li.ovn. of Xewton, Ala., poisoncd bis wife and foor cblldren. One of tho ciiiKlr.-n diad, The niunlerer escaped. üe was said to have anoiher wifo in i ici.Tjii. C J.'.s team, Belle Hamlin and Justina, drivc'n by J. V. Andrews, trottod a mile on the Terre Haute (Ind.) track in 2:15, beating tho world's team record. Tiie 6-year-old son of James Niblich, of Decatur, Ind., fatally shot his baby brothcr with a revolver as tho little follow lay asloop. Wir.i.iAM A. ScnniEBKR, wbo robbod the First National Bank of Columbas, Ind., of $800,000, was senteneed to twelvo years in tbe penitentiary and to pay a fino of S"00. The business failurns in tho Unitod States during the Beven days ended on tho lOUi numborod 215, against 197 the precoding week and 814 tho correspondinff weck last 3 I'riiK at Brainerd, Minn., destroj'ed fifteen business buildings, causing a loss of $100,000. Pbkstdbnt Palmer, of the World'3 Columbian Espoaition, bas deoided not to accent the salar; of $13,000 per annum attáched to hts office. All he ask3 is tho payment of bis expenses while ongaged in transaoting business connected with the fair. Tiie dead bodies of Alexander Bartteson and his 11 year oíd son were found in the woods thlrty miles soutbwestof Republic, VVia Thoy had boen murdered. Tuk Patriotic Sons of American in session at Boston amendod their constitution, making only white native-born citizons of the United States eligible to membership. The Indiamvpolis Car Manufacturlnjt Company, one of the largest co:icerns of tho kinil in the United States, bas failed for $000,000. Stevf. Ja( obs, a notorious negro criminal and desperado, was executed at Lumlicrton, N. C, for the nmrder of three women near tbflre scveral months ago. Tuk Dnlted States District Court at Seattle, Wash., ordered the return to Victoria, 1!. C, ol twenty-one Chinese who wera recently smuggled into the country. The census office grives tho population of the State of New York at 5,981,93í, an lncrease of 899,063 in the past ten years. fLambs at Fairfield, Neb., destroyed severa] business blpcks, lncluding the post-ofBce and News printing ofBlce. President Ha muso n mot with hearty receptions on the lOth at St Joseph, Mc, and at Atchison and Topeka, in Kansas. The boíit authoritios say California will tliis year pack fiilly 1,300,000 boxos of raisins. Wihjasi Peïbks, of Sumnor, 111., sorao time agp predlcted liis own death hour and notlfled an undortaker to prepare a coffln of suffloient dimensions. His weight -lOüpounds. He died on tho lOth at 0 p. 111., wlthin twenty minutes of the linie piedicted. A agency in New York report-, im 1 in all branches ol business throughont the country.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier