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The official vote of Wyoming at the recont electloo sjavo (iovernor Warren (Rep.) a maiority of 1.72Ö. The entire Kepublican ticket was eloctod. The Loffislature stands forty-ono Republicans and eig-ht Dcmocrats. Ex-City Additor BoÖKS, o.' Chattanooga, 'lVnii., is short about SJ0.000. Stoiíms all over ftaly havo dono immense damage and have greatly increosed thé suffer lnfj of thw already Itppovorished Inhabltnnta of the country. Tuk Empiro Lumber Company of Macon, Ga., has failed for StèOO.OOO. Fivk men wero drowned in the rivor at Kinkora, N. J., by the capsizing of a boat. 'I'licv were Bolomon, John and Angelo Fletcher (brothers). and Alonzo Cannon and Clieafus Merrick. Tuk Grand Dulce Nicholas, of Russia, whohad obief commacd of tho army, has boconie hoplessly insane. By a fire in the Putnara House in Chicago Edward Poyton, Mrs. Minnio Robinson, Kirk Sal ms and Thomas Dowler lost their livcs. A fiuk dostroyed Louis Sands' mili, salt block, salt gheda and 1,000,000 shinles at Jlanistcp, Mich. About 50,. 000 barrels of salt wore ruined. Loss, Slf.0,000. At Lima, O., John Schaoffer quarrolod with bis step-fathor, William Schaeffcr, and in the fracas both were fatally shot. FBAKK Wostbn, a negro, was lynched noar llonier, La., for setting flre to a dwi'lling. AUGUSÜT Si mr.T!, a prominent young farmer of Franklin township, Ia., fatally shot Lucy IJoegmann bocause she refused to marry hitn and then blew out hls oivn brains. Nkws cornos from China that a pirate eraf t seized a trading junk and massaored in cold blood the whole crew of thirty-iive men. Tuk Census l?ureau announces the population of Arkansas to be 1,125,385, an increase 'if ".Ji.SiiO in ten years, and ,'oi-tl) Dakota, 182,436; increase, 145,516. Foiat men armed with revolvers stoppod a train on the Missouri, Kansas & 'J'exas railway near Schell City, Afo., and robbed the express messonger of sevoral money packages. Mks. A. C. It:;.ii.i:Y ilied at Latnerville, Dubbque County, la., at the age of 100 ycars. The report of Lewis A. (roff, Commissioner of the General Land Office, Shows that au affricultural domain of noarly 10,000,000 acres has during the year been transferred to sottlers by patonts issued to thein.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier