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r !FF LITERATUKE TOR ALL. ïheAMBRiCASrPnoTECTivETAiïiFF Lea otra is publfohing a most valuablG series of Turiff documenta. These areprepared with a rfow to atufe the íacta and uvumeote for Prolootion, wbetlu-r in the Ritereet of farmers, lotinrtra. morfihnntn ir professional men. i'.ai-li issue of the series appeals to those entráged in separate industries, and presenta inuvputable t'acts - comparfson& of vr ages oost of living and other argument-j showiug Hiu. beoetits of Protoction. Any single one will le eent on receipt of 2 cents in stampa oxoept Wages, Living and Ta riff," whfofi wilí be sent for 4 cents. The whole list will ho sent for 30 oents or any twihe for 20 cents. or any flve lor 10 cents, poetogc paid. Oi-derby numtor. No. Pages. 1-" WTaftCS, ÏA . m TarllT." E. A. HaktsHOIW 104 2- "The Aüvifc.t a Protectlvo TarilT to bbe j..i .i. uati Ii. liutítríea of the United Staies." Kiisi t.i,' Essay. lt$7. CuawVOBOD. HKNNUia 33 -' Hume i'roitULïtiim hult íipfu.siibli1 to a Supply, at Low ]'rices, or tüe Uaaufactuicd Conwm.ditii-.s reqalred Itor tbe Peorte of the Uulted Stati s, umi Adc-quato ilume Pnxluctiou ot' tbese Coounodittefl impoa slljle without a Protectire TarUF." tlmt l'rlze Essay, lsss. O. D. Todd 32 4-" What are Kavv Materials ? Woutü Free Etaw MatvriuU be Advauiajíenu-í to the Labor and Industries of tiie lUttod State) ." First lYIzc EMay, 189. FIOUKR H. DlBELL 32 6- "Fallaclcs of JPree-Trade." K. i'. Uillbr... 3 Ö- "Some Views on the Taiiff by au OW Busloess Man." Gko. Düaiki; 33 7- "Tbe 1'roU'ctlve Tarlff : lts Advoutages for the south." O. L. hvwAitOi 33 8- "The Wool Iutcn-st.' JudKí' WÏL LÁ.WREKCE 24 - "Frotectlou I, JKree-'l rade."- A Hiscork'ul Review. D. (i. IIajuuman 20 10-" The Farmer and the J aiitï"' Col. Tuomas H. VVlil.KY IQ 11- Protcction asa Public Policy." Cíeorgk S. UüCTWEI.L 16 12- "Keply to the ireHldi'nt'ü Frue-Trodu Mtssage." R. P. Pobtkb.. 8 IS- " W'orklngmcn anfi the Tarlff.". 8 14- "The Vital vuestion: Shall American Industries be Afcandoned aml Affidricañ Mar kots Surreadered '! 8 15- Samt In Uerman, with AdUKlon 8 10- "The Progresa of oue iiumired Years." ROBEKT P. FORTKR 8 1T- "Protectlon for American Shipping." 8 18- 'The Tarín" Nota T.ix." lioMrit iï. Diöeïx. . 8 10- " Why irislnncu shouM Be Protecöonlau." 8 20 - ' lrotectlon." K. II. Amïiioown 21- What ís a Tarlff ? " Answers to a AVorklugman's Question í 22- "The American Wool Industry." E.H. AsiHIDOWN .. 8 23_" Wanes and Cost of Living." j. D. Weeks. 4l i- "Southern Farming Industries." 4 2ö-"A Short Talk to WorkiUKineii." 'Z 30- " Protcction and the Farmer." Senator S. M. - Cullom 12 Tne Amvmcan Eccnomist, wcekly, derotcd to the 1tscutiif(n of uil phrtstsof tlioTarlrr questloo. $2 ayear Sample copies tree, Adilrcss AuuTtcau ProU0t(v Tarni Leeue. 88 W. &Sd St.. New York. USEDR.CRAIG'S ORIGINA!, KIDNEY 1ND LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tliey are only Safe Reraedles'to use for those ataicted wlth Brtght's Discose, Llver Complalnt and Urlnary Affectlons. Only those prepared In the dry form are the Original and the Only Kldiiey and Llver Cure that wlll restore you to perfect health. ALL, LADIKS I'SK O. El. R. -A.. SOLS B7 ALL BE73QIST3. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. I 'JmH! Br TH -.;' j SEND FOR OUH CATALOGUE. PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS INDIANAPOLIS. IND. "Wood'a tPli.onlxoö.ian.OTHE (HKAï K(.I,IMI HKMEDYrsed for 85 years " g of Yotithful folly by IP und the excessea L-eiftfully. flaJlfp "f later anfLd io curt al] Tu.AK ■ tri tv imtniWaiö 'iirrai of NerToua ■TyO sirtntfi ajiilfitWeakness, Kfift.Zw AskdruKfflsts loni, (■EfMiB for Wuod's l'hosboa. Impoteucy, t? ," 't iír' Ipliodine; takeno ackage, tl; slx, $5, by mail, Wrlto for pamplilüC Addreu ThrlUoutt Chemical Co., 131 Woodvvard fcTO., Detroit, Micli. LtTMBffiRI I.'U'MBES.T lf j'ou contémplate building, ea!l &t FERDGN Luier YsrJ ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., aii'i ,irf our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our owu T.'imber w1 guarr.ntee VERY LOW FRICES O""Give U3 a cali and we will make it '. 73u Interest, as our large and wcll graded siock i"■ust3Íns our assertion. Telephone Cotinec ! rith Office. F T. KKKCK Snpt. TAMTCS TOT BKKT.r np ÁQCTÍÜÑEERl CEO. E. DA VIS, the popular anctioneei can be hiul OU short notlce. Terrns Kiitlrfa tory . Orders by telrphoue or otherwlse from any part of the state prompily ulied. Hesidence and P. O. address, Ih'Ihoh. Mifh. goo!fc's Oottoa Roo E&jföè COMPOUND H ?B? "'omDoscd of Cotton Root, Tansy and % y jJ 1' nuyroyal- a recent discovery by aa i_J'i1lil physician. Is micee&ifullu uaed mohlltty- Safe, Efl'ocüial. Price $1, by mail, sealcd. Ladics, ask your drusrsist for Cook's Cotton Rooi Compound and take no sabstitut, or inoloso S sUimps for eealed purtioulars. AJdress l'OM) I.IÏ.Y COMPANT, Nu. 3 FlaLer Block, 131 Woodward aya., Detroit. Mleh. KUKKBAC'H &. SOm, ANN AKBOH KF.I.I BBIiOW PiLIiS. T A TTT7IC5 TRY DR. I.AiU'E's " l'EJÜxLiXJCljO RIoDIÜAL" PILLS fnmi Parts. PraBce. Kstabliabed In Sarope in 1889, Canada In 1878, For Bupproealone, trrgiilarliteBi nuil Montljly DeranffcmeDte A rl i :tlU: monthly medicine, 'l'lu'y alw.iys relieve, Any driutstit. tl. Amurioau Pili Co., Proprtetors. Sjwnoor, lowa. Robert Slephcrsim & Co., wkolesale agents, and all othur draeslata In Ann Arbor. 'rneöti puls are warrauloii lo orín? on the "chunce.1 Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. A.W. M P.M. P. M P.M. A.H. A .. CU'o Lv 7 0r 001221 310 9001010 450 Kalft' m 11 V 2 17 SS5 7 00 118 33' 7 10 Jacks' n 3 00 4 25 5 35 8 47 3 35 6 05 5 00 'J 40 rhelfli-a 402 707 5 431131 Dextsr. 4 leí 7 23 55Í1043 P. M.P. M. PM.ll". M. A. M A.M. A.M A.M. AnnA-r 4 45 1 5 2 0 0 45 4 .V 7 45 14 1100 Ypel.MI 5 02 5 43 9 56 5 13 8 05 28 1113 W'e.Ic. S 833 (49 D;' Ar 6 15 6 45 7 30 10 45 C 2 9 2J 7 30112 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. j L jlj g jL jtí A.M. A.M P. M.IP.M. A M. P.M. p.m. Detroit.... Lv 90' 7 50 120 4 45 i) 25 'J 15 5 55 Wayne Jone. 10 00 51 . 9 54 6 38 Ypsilaatl.... 1)22 8 13 20 5 43 1015 700 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. í.M.P M.IP.M. AnnArbor... 10 37 8 5.5 217 555 10 19 103ü 7 Ib Dexter n o i 7 35 Clielsea 1113 19 17 48 .Tackson 1155 1000 317 55ll IR 11 45 8 30 Kslamazoo.. % 33 12 li 5 02 980I125S 2 17 8 39 Chicago. ..Ar 7 55 4 15 9 00 4.r)) 8 On . ... O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYES, (i. P. & T. Azent, Chicaeo. ALt.. Aun Ar!ur. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Kortb Miclilsran Kallwaj. TIME SCHEDULB. Taking effect Xovembvr 25tl), 18S9. Traln rnn by Stanrlnrd Time. Ootvg jS'nrfi. II I!„ l V & 2 STATIONS. 53 Ï 5& o5 3a 5w P. M. A. M. P. ü.l P. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 6 47 Dundee 10 18 li SO 4 35 7 Oí Milán 9 58 12 04 4 4( 7 16 Urania 9 45 11 Ci 4S 7-2-2 PUUñeld 9 3411 4-J 5 07 7 8í AnnArbor Bill 30 B Si 7 50 Leland 07 1115 6 47 8 lo Whitmore Lake 8 55 11 0-J 6 2-i 8 '15 Howell 8 17 1(1 i'. 7 15 9 35 Dnrand 7 10 9 35 TT66 ÜTmI Eat Sagiunw 5 Mi 7 45 8 OOÏÖÏÖ Owoeso li 35 9 05 9 07 1145 Ithara 5 32 7 50 10 15 12 45 Mt. Pieauant 4 35 6 45 .... 3 10... Cadillac 10 30 4 40 Coprmlsh 9 05 .... 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 p. m. p. m. a. M. a y. liulng tiouth. Konth Lyou Brancli. NonTn bound. STATIONS. pouth boind. Train IS Train 17 6 00 Lv Aun Arbor Ar B 16 6 40 W ordena 7 88 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASULEY, General Muña:-.-. A. J. PAISLKY, GKO. II. HAZI.KWOOD, OiínM. V&9. & Ticket Aeeut. Local Aeen'. HÜTZEL'S WATER BACK ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATKR BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other scdiments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afibrd to be without t. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZBL & CO. Plumbers and Steamfittrs. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH Ia the o Kiest and most popular cientiflc nriö mechnnicat paper published and has the Inrur-st cireulat ion of any paper oL lts dam in the world. Fully illuatrated. Best class of Wood Knravtngs. Published weekly. Seiul for ppoimen copy. Pnce $3 a year. Four moiiOio' trial, $1. MUNN Sc, CO. ruiíLianEiiS, 3Ü1 Broadway, N. V. ARCHJTECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A jrrcat aucecss. Each issue contalns cnlored llthoitraphic plates of country and city rettirit-Mcea or public buildings. Numerous eiUtraTtnfts and full plan and Rpeciflcatlonn for the of suchas contémplate building. Price $'.50 a year. 2icts. a copy. ML'NN & CO., PUBUaJUBS. nATRIITSafii (fm" B A ■■? have liad over H 40 yeiirs' expertence and have made üTer ■ ÏOO.UOU appllcattons for American and Knr eiKii patenta, Hend for Handüook. Corrcttpondencu strictlj confldentia). TRADE MARKS. In case yonr mark ís not reglstered in tho Putnt Office, appiy to Mrw ('., ttná pnieure lm medíate protect ion. Send tor liandbuuk. COPYRIGHTS for books, charta, nmpa tc, qulckly procurod. Address Ml. NN & CO., Patent Solicitom. tiSNZUAL OïKK'ï; SG1 BltÜlDWAY, N. Y CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Socurity held for the protection of the pollcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK ;it:j.ri'scnt8 the followlng firet-clape companles, of ■.vb! eb odu, the Mtn&, Ims alone pald ï 56,01X1,000 lire OHsus iu slxty-five yeare : -Etna, of Hartford f i,lH2,ö44 Franklii) of Philadelphi 3,118,713 Ocniüinia, N. Y 2,700,729 Gorman American, N. Y 4,06S,968 London Assurance, London... ],4J(S,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 tí. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,(?ü [íaüonal, Hartford 1,774,505 t'licenix, Brooklyn 3,769,036 Loases liberally niljustcd and promptly pald, Policles issucit at the lowest ratea of premium. 1191tf


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