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What Daniel L. Case Says

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Hon. Daniel L. Case, now treasurer oí the board of control oí the state blind echoot, say: "Prof. McElroy's charges agraiwst Mr. Turner in relation to the tnlsuse of public funds are wholly falc, and can be Droven 60, item by item. iJe not only charges (raud upon Mr. Turner, but indireetly implícate Gov. Luce, tho anditor-geueriil, tho present board, and, if what he alienes ia true, everybody who bas handled tho inonev in questlon was a party to lts misappropriation. Then the instability oL bis positlou is agaln shown by the faet that he was corapelled to indorse all oL Mr. Turner's vouchers, and if Mr. Turner was doin wrong at all, Uien McElroy waa Indontng hlm. The firt tjlaring falsity is the accusation that Turner owed the board when his terra as treasurer exoired. I know thi.i was not so. Th ere was uo deficiency of ÍS.OUO or auy other amount, but the 6cbool actiiully owed Mr. Turner a balance, and 1 made the order which balanccd tbc accounts. "lt was McElroy' extravafjsnee that 6ecured his docislve dismissai from tha charge of the school. Tho resolution to this elTcct contaiued several whereasei v-liicb coudemo6d bim and censured biin in m small degroe. I was then entering upou my duties. and as a new man refused to voto lor the condeinning clauses, and oniy tbe part which asko.l him to iiuit was left ín. "When I succeeded Mr. Turner I examined the book6, and they were correct. There was uo shortage, uuu voucners will so show. "A to tha interest accruine from such funde, the law is silcut. I can bury the mouey in my cellar should I so choose, and then becsiuso no iuLerest is tari I mlght be accused of wroog-doin. It is discictioOKry with the treasurer hethor ho shuli loan the email auiomit of fuuüs he may have in hift buuds at any onc time. McElroy presented me with bis bundie of trasb when i first wcot into ollice. Tha mallciousuess of the was such as to causa suspicion, and when I examiued tbem i fouud they cootradicted thotnselves. They wero not consiatent with Uiemselvcs, and were elariogly false. "He accused Mr. Turner of having a fund of $S,OOÜ in his posiession and intimates that he did not account for it. A voucher on file shows at the time stated he had $1,SÜÜ in h;s hauds, which was more than used uo, and hc left the board lts creditor, accordiug to the auditorgeneral's and our own books. I nlso say Gov. Lnoe offcred Mr. Turner tho roapnoititmect af ter McElroy mado his charges and they woro thorouehly nvestigated, and I repcat that tbe charta are falsc!, Incorrect, the fisjuros are wrong, and it was McElroy's own misuse of fuuds and extravRfiance that brought about the entire matter. The charles are f uil of coutradictlons and could they be provon true, whicli they canuot possibly be, the cutiré exeontive department would be reIlected upou. Thiuking man will reimdiate it froia the beiriuningr, and tho evidence obtainable by Mr. Turner will conviuce thoso who don't thiak." Let no olc be deceived into thinking thut tbe complete overthrow of the McElroy charges aoinat Ir. Turuer will detcr tho Deuocrutic maasgart from tber similar assaults od Republican kandidates. Slauder is tho favorita campaign argument of the Democratie organization in Michigan and tbe 'ree Press, and mud throwinj will continue. From now until electtoo day a daily erop of campaign lies niay bo expected. The Free PreBS will flnd out that ita fire-iu-the-rear tactics are quite as strongly objected to now as they were in 1861. It may have enough to do beforo tbe campaifn is over to dofoud it own anti-war candidato for covernor agaiast charges which are already proved by tbe record. Anti-war Democrats used to be called copperheads. Micbigan bas never vet elected one oí them goyernor. If vou see tbe hide of a man hanging out "on the fenee, 6end it to the owner, J. F. McElroy, ex-superintendent of the Michiean School for the Blind. Mud 6Ünging usually soils the slinger. The Free Press must'be coatad over with sevcral tbicknessei. For wbose benefit wlll the Freo Press start another "lire in the raar?" Novr for more Democratie roorbacki.


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