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REPORT OF THECONDITION m ui miwEi juk At Aun Arbor, Michigan, at the cTose of boei neep, OOT. 2. 1890. ind dlpconnts ■71,201 )i Stoel ■ 200,178 IX 6,S79 :i - Tu :í( 48 Dae fniiu School District No. I, A. A r.,..,i 2Poefrom city of Anu Arbor IJNM 66 Paroltttre and ftxtnres V:;!' M liillsiii Traosll Dl exnunsef il 1,550 17 80 i t;o - 1,7!'O (KI Mi-I il I 8. 19,184 01 Tol 1 L7(11. gi)l :ji LIAUILI . pala ii S Sfl.fMK) 00 S'iriiiüs fiiinl Kll.lkHJ (t I'nlivi.) id proflte 2-lMS 77 hN onpatd 1,715 (K) ' mm Tci.-il deposita 154,1 "1 08 SaviD.ïs dep' si e -Hl'si c,i Dact" banken 818 99 Cerilflcates of deposlt 21,241 83 Total ..Sitl.2l n 8TATK o UlOHIQAN, CkMJSTT OF VASHTB'■V. SS. ■ bas. E. HtsoocK, Cashiir of tho abovc I link. tli solem nenl is iru.:, i rii" best nl nu knowledffe itnU belief. chas. i;. niSCOl K, Casblcr. CoitKnc-r- Attest : 0HRI3T1 n MACK, ) V. 11. HARKIMAM, Vüircctors. DAVID 1.IN.-KV, Í Snbscribed anl sworn to before mo, this 9th díyof ven. M1CB IEL J. FlilTZ, Kotiiry I'ubMc. ■ASONIC HlltliCTOlïV. A.N-S Arhob Oo-km andkry. No. IS meets flrst rnesday f fnch mouth, I). F. Watts, E. ('.: John H. Mlner, Itecorder. 5VASHTBNAW Chaptkr, No. 6, R. A. M.- it Monday each inonth. L.C Qoodricb, il. P.: Z. RoatU, Secretary. BUStWESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAU, NOSE AND THKOAT. OFFiCE ASD RESIDENCE, 26 SOÜTH DIVISIÓN STREET Hours : 1 to 4, and 6:30 to 7:S0 P. M. VOO-EL & KEBÑ DEALER IJÍ All KINDS OF PRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O K. Ann t„ Ann Arbor. W. W. Mt'HOLS DEWT1ST. Hoorns Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Conrt House Square. VITALIZED AIR listered. It is agreeablc and easy to take, and uo proetrsllng eüuctsi iollow, whilo teeth are extracted without pain, WILL.IAM I1ERZ,, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Hapering, Glazing. Gilding, and Colcimlnine, and work of every descriptioa done in the beat ntyle, and warramod to givo eatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. C. H. RULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W. of Harris Guild, ïhe oldest ageuoy In the city. Establlshed over a ciuarter of a oentury at?o. Representing ilie iuilowlng companies, witb over $60,000,000 Capital and Ataeta. H.OMB IN8. CO., oí New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA. INS. CO., of New York. QIKAUD INS. CO., of Pb.lladelpb.ia. ORIËNT INU. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVKRPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Bates Lovr as ie Lowest, Losses Lller. ally Adjnsted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. ITíic Greatest Blood PurifieriQ KNOWN. f I Thls Grcat Germán Medicine is thc# III cheapestaml best. 12Sdosesof Si:L-# II l'ill i; BITÏEItSfor$1.00,lesstlian# 5 II onc cent a dono. It wlll cure sM Q worst cases of skin disease, from# m a commön pimple on the faccS f W fflto that awful discae Scrofula. Cr I ISUI.l'IIl H B1TTKIÍS is thejr ■il '""'-"■' medldBe t use in all# " IN l oí su:h BtobborD anil"ol]r a(] Ijl ljili--i eeated dieooee. DoneyBareoutHI UJaot ever tako #ofo'nlcr.rsUI BLUE PILLS iSSUElESuSH ]lormorpurv,tl]cy[ire(iP.'iil#J ,,' , „IJ II tbc purest and i)C6t#yu ui)0 y m,;,n,..i„o ever maic ■■■Mum Bitters ! ij SSIsyocrTongaeCoatea SS övrithayellowslirkynon't wait ïintll yotiö H BUbstaDoe? !.syiurJirc unabletovalk,orH llbnvitli loul iimlnrc flat on your hack.l II lvO? YmrW but iï('t Bomo at Oïirc, ltlll I iHtuniMcli is out#will cure you. Sulphurl II II of order. Uv#Bitters is raSSVi'rn-:i{sThe Inlid's Friend.K Sininiorliiitilynicyounp.tlieaseclanil tot-En Is your l'r-Wternii u:' Boon made wel! byl II inc thifk,its usr. lii'iaeinïicr wliat youljl ropy, clo iWrcad liere, it may eave your III udy, orMüic, it bas saved liundfuds. III L■ MVoa't wait uutil to-uorrow, I ƒ Try a Bottle To-day ! E3 I o M Are you low-spirited and wcak, III II 2 Mor MifleVinj? froin the excesses of III II c#ynuth? If so, SUIiFUDB lillTKKS III II 'ijfWill cure you. .Senil 3 2-ct'nt Btaïnps to A. P. Ordway & (Jo., üoatan.Maüij., for Uist medical work imblibliudr Honest Work ! S2UmtK earnest meu aud womeu. v furnlNh the oapitul : ir yon mean business, drop usa CHitl and gel some faets that will open your ejes! A legitímate Une ofgoods, and honest men wautetl tu Introduce them Ín lown and country. Dou't walt ! Address at once, P, O. Box Otó, Clncliiiiatl O. tig imSim w MeGUilllGS uMh CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLTJS $10,000. AdöitioiialLialiilitiesofStocBioliers $5O,OOO. Report ol the conditlon of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at ll:u close o) business July 18, 1S90 RESOURCES. Loans and dlseounts $ 213,981 72 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 72,281 51 Overdiafts 1,859 8 Uue frorabanks in renervecitles.... 19,883 45 Due from Washteuaw Counly 11 601 76 lillls In transit 8,560 23 Furniture and flxturcs 3,0 0 00 Current expenses and laxes paid... 72 2H [ntereet píd _ 4M 18 Checks and cash Ítems „ 159 77 Nlckels and penules lió 51 Gold 8,131 70 Sil ver 2,912 15 U. S. aud National Bank Notes 14,358 00 Total $ 351,682 39 LIABILITIE3. Capital Btock pald Ín { 50,000 00 Surplus fuud „ 10 000 00 Unulvlded proflt 3,259 S" ülvidendK unpald 315 00 Commercial deposlts 2)2.557 53 dt-poslls 45,550 01 Total 8351.6S2 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN,) County ot Washienaw, 1 I. F. 1T. BELSER, Cashler, of the above named Bank, do solemnty swear that the above statement Is Irue, to the best of my k iMiwli-dgt: and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me, thls 29th day of July, 1890. VM. W. WHKDON, Notary Public. Corrkct - Attest: AmbroseKearney, Chas. E. üreeue, D. F, Bchalrer, Director. The Farmers & Mechanics' MI hRVlngñled thelr certifleate wlth the Rtate Baoklng Department ure now authorlzcd to do Imsim-HH as a Savins Bank, and Ín pur8uance tbereof nave oponed a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all deposita of il and upwards, Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each y t ■ : i r . Thesavlngsdeparlinent Is open Saturday nlghts from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Money to loan Ín sumsof $25 to $5.000 seenred by unencumbered rtal estáte or approved securltles. IIIIUvCTOKN llfíih Kempf. Cbas. K. jirewue, K. Diitty, Ambrone Kriirney, Win. V. Mi'vi'im, V. F. llri'iiki'Vi .1. K. Itial, .loliu Uurii, D. F. chaircr. H. KEUFF, Vvtt. K. IIIFKY, Vloe-Prea. F. II KKI.SFIC, Casliler


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Ann Arbor Courier