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The republican ranks wlll be found in good, solid condition oa Kov. 4. Entire ncw registration, Tuudaff, Ocl. SSlh. Eterybody must reyister or lose their vote. If every candidate upon the republican ticket was as earnest and persistent a worker as ia Win. G. Dieterle, the whole ticket would bc elected. Vote for A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, for prosecutlng attorney. He is a rising young attorney, and would honor the positlon as well as being hor.ored by it. John W. Bennett and Arcliie W. WI1kinson are two young men who would be liustlers as circuit court commissioners. Why not give them your vote and help them along in the race? The office of county clerk will be filled for the next two }rears by that progressive, live, wide awake, earnest Germán business man Wm. G. Dieterle. Just stick a pin on tuis prediction. Capt. Boutelle, of Ypsilanti. the sturdy patriot, the upright, lionorable citizen, the greatly esteemed veteran and G. A. R. comrade, would inake a model sheriff. Klect him and be convinced of the fact. Why don't the Tecumseh Herald hoist the democratie ticket Instead of trylng to make people believe it is a neutral paper, and theti support all the candidates of the democratie party ? That is guerrila warfare. The city of Tacoma, Wash., on Friday last elected a republican mayor for the first time in lts history, by 700 majority, and the republicana made a clean sweep In all the offices. Covington, Ky., did the same thing a few days ago. The pulse of the people Ia all riarht. The tin In a can auch as Ia used for canning peaches will cost, if the new tariff is added to the cost, 3-10ths of a cent more than at present. The half pound of sugar required to can the peaches will cost 2% cents less under the new tariff than formerly, so that there is a net reduction of 2 and 2-10ths cents on the tin plate and sugar in a can of peaches. The aasistant democrat who gave eight reasons in the last Register why he should allow petty spite and personal jealousy to overwhelm hls pretended republican principies, should be courageous enouh to sign li is name to his communication. To sneak behlnd tbe nom de plume "Republican" is a misnomer. He is rot a republican, but a democrat, of the fire in the rear stripe at that. William Dieterle is gaiuing ground every day, and the number who are anxious to vote for him is increaslng rapidly. He is an able, popular and clean man in every way. Many of his frlcnds are in the opposite party and will vote for him, while no republican has cause to paste a slip over his name. With a united Iront against a broken enemy victory is coming. The difference between the democratie and republican parties - between frec trade and protection - in a nut shell t just this. The democratie party with itt free trade theories beUcves in raising the revenue of the governnient by levying duties so as to benefít foreign industries and foreign laborera; the republican party with its pollcy of protection, beHeves in levying duties so as to proteel home industries and home laborera. Thai is the difference between the two. The Adrián Press says that Ienawee wlll glve Gorman more votes than any othei county In tue district.- Ypsilanti Sentlnel. Höw strange ! Lenawee gave Stearns 265 more votes in 1888 than any other county in the district gave him. In 188C Saulabury received 555 more votes in Lenawee than he did in any other coantj in the district, and every democratie nominee for congress for years has received more votes in Lenawee than e any other county in the district. Wonderful, isn't it? Gapt. Allen s rcoord is without a flaw. - Joncsville Independent. Entire new registraiion, Tucsday, Oct. SSth. Eiierybody must register or lose their vote. Gorman saja he stands on the platform or "free raw malcriáis." The farmers are not with hlm. "Buslneu ii boomlng, " is the report f rom all tlie trade centers. It is the direcl rcsult of the "infamous tariff legislation." Therefore send men to congress who will keep up the boom.' To O. A. l'.: If the "Big Four" of Chicago, the "gold bugs,1' should have ( my ltgislation down at Washington that , tliey wanteil to "nfluence," and they should flnd James S. Gorman there as a M. C, do you suppose they would recog nlze in him an oíd friend? What do you think about it? Kihvard (orinan, the rcpublican candidaie for county treasurer, Is an old soldier who believes ia voting as hc ' fought. He is an able, bright and active ' G. A. R. man, and no man in the county ' could discharge the duties of caring for the county's cash bettcr than he. Vote for Edward Gorman. Austria has been selling the United States $7 worth of goods and taking only $1 worth of our product in return, the balance being paid to her in cash. Now Austria kicks about the McKinley blll, which will put a stop to her greed. Shall we let lier kick, or shall we send free traders to congress to put things back to lier liking? _N ot one of our democratie Journals bas yet answercd the queition why Mr. L'esemer was thrown overboard and Mr. Gorman nominated ? Was it not simply, solely and only because Liesemer was a Germán ? VVhat else could it have been ? Piense aiiswer. Germán votes are wanted bad, but Germán office holders are scarce in the democratie party. Entire new registration, Tuesday, Ocl. SSth. Everybody must register or lose their vote. Mr. Gorman's own woids: "Gentlemen : I havo made a careful aurvey of i hls congresMlonal district, from the nortüeast corner of Washtenaw to tbe Southwest corneror Hlllsdale, and I Urmly believe that Uiere lsjust one man who can successfully cope wllh fog hom Allen- the calliope of Ypsllantl- and that man In Luster H. Salsbury." 'l'lüit was the speech he made when backing Mr. Liesemer wilh all bis heart and all bis power, was it ? What a f riend to have ? When the old soldier is asked to vote for a demreratic congressman he looks over the following record ot votes on pension measmes, sliakes liis head, and then votes a: he fought: Demócrata. Republicana. Yea. Ny. Yea. Nay. Arreirs bill. 1879 48 BI 116 Widows' bil!, 18-6 80 6 118 Ampotation btll, 1836 ... 75 51 91 Widows' arrears, Senate, 1 20 22 Disablllty blll. 50tta Cong. 37 145 13S IMsability blll. 51st Conjj. 28 B 117 Sume blll In Senate 3 18 31 Prisonur of war blll 28 74 119 300 471 752 The bug bear stories about the dissatisfation of tliis or tliat republican reminds one of our i'.itizena who was a '49er in California, of the times there. A stranger would come upon a gang of prospecters or miners at work and ask: "IIow are the dljrgings, here; any good!" The answer would invariably be "Xo, they don't amount to notliin' here, but over yonder in the next gulch they say that thcy've struck it rich." The disaffection like the pay dii t,is ahvays somewhere elseThe editor of the Monroc Commercial knows Mr. Bond, the republican candidate for state senator and says of lilm: "Tlie republican nominee for senator - Albert Bond, of London - is a man who towers away above his competltor in all the qualilications neefsaary for that honorable position. Mr. Bond has alwnys been high in the esteetn of his townsmen - has been supervisor nine or ten terms, township clcrk, drain commissioner, etc. He began teaching to southern Ohio when only 16 years old, and was one of the station agents of the famous underground railroad. He is a keen business man, can make a clear, forcible speech, and ought to be our next senator." Tiie Chelsea Standard, published at the home of Mr. Gorman, gives that gentleman the following notice: The Argus in speaking of Jas. Gorman says: "He is the kind of a man to be proud of, and it is a long, long time since Washtenaw democrats have liad the pleasure of voting for a Washtenaw demoorat for congress." Knowing Mr. Beakes, the editor, to be a gentleman, we can only attribute such ridiculous words as "proud" and "pleasure" to his ignorance of Gorman's character. Many of the best and most respectable democrats in tliissection who are well acquainted with liim will not vote for him, we are pleased to learn. If 51r. Beakes really mean what he says, he ought to have no trouble in "swollowing" the whole democratie ''ring" as he calis It, as the moral character of either one of them is pure when compared with Gormao's. Editor Beitkes, your reputation is too good to waste on such trasli. Concerning anonymous Communications, one of whlch was in a local paper of thls city last week, a eelebrated writcr hns said: Perhaps the most amusing thing about this fondness for anonymous assault is the apparent unconseiousness of the writers [bat tbey become simply objects of pitying mirth to the persons tlius addressed. If a man wishes to denounce anothcr and subscribes his name to his anathema, he is at least entitled to credit for ordinary manline%, and If he desires to correct another's fault, he is entitled to respectful consideration, if he makes his objection utider his own name. When he hides in tbe cover of the indiatinguishable, he may indeed be olfensive, as a polecat is, but he is never respectable, nor does he ever advance the cause he desires to serve. He sluiply manajies to cast odium upon what he advocates and aftVets bis unfortunate associates witli the disgust his act inspires. The pohshed and erudito falsifier who ' edits the Hausfruend, has seen flt to use his malice toward an old soldier simply becau8e he is running upon the republl' can ticket. In its last issue the Haus fruend asserts that Wm. J. Clark did not 1 lose his arm in the army,but lost it in a ' threslilng machine in this county. What ' good does it do this man to teil such un1 called for untruths? Mr. Clark ncver fought a duel in his life, but when hio ' country called for men to defend the life ' of ttie natlon he responded to that cali, ' and had his arm shot oft' by a rebel bullet, and it Hes now in Virginia solí, and I the empty sleeve be carries is an honor: able badge, and it should be a barrier i against the malice of everyone, even an imported anarchist. The only excuse that can be made for such contemptible , statements is that the editor of the Hausr fruend was taken with one of his befud dlcd spells and supposed he was writing . about Mr. Gorman all the time. That i lie has made an even hundred votes for - I Mr. Clark in his race for Register of Deeds.


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