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The following appointments have been made for thls county and vicinity: HON". J. C. BURROWS. Dundee, Frlday anemoon Oct. 24 HON. F. A. MAYNARD. Milan, Wednesday Oot. 22 Saline, Tliursday Oct. 23 Manchester Frlday Oct. 24 HENRY C. PRATT. Kreedom, Wednesday Oct. 22 sharon, Thurmlay 'ct. 23 BrHIgewater, Krlday Oct. 24 .Morevllle.Naturday Oct. 2.5 Wbltaker, Monday Oct.27 HOX. O6.0RGE A. FARR. Ypsllanti, 8aturday Oct. 25 OlieUea. Monday Oct. 27 Tiic street cars now run directly to the M. ('. station. Bverybody must register tlieir name tliis fall or lose thelr yote. Nellle Bly caps are the furious fad just now foryoimg ladie's and cliildren's head gear. The Bethlehem Germau Lutlieran cburch is to Btart a monthly paper liere SOOIl. Kemeraber the new regUtration. Tuesdny, Oct. SSth. Every one must re-register or lose their vote. Work has commenced in reinoving the bodies from the old cemetery, along the line of E. Huron st. The Royal Arch degree was conferreü upon three candidates al Masonic hall last evening, and a banquet spread aferivards. Kev. J. Mills Gelston will commence a series of sermons next Sunday evening on "The Story of Creation ind its Gospel Analogy." Since conductora have heen dispensed with on the street car?, the small boy lias become au unmitigated nuisance by "jumping on behind." It is probable that an Ann Arbor delegation will go to Adrián on the 30th inst. to hear Hon. Thos. B. Reed and General Alger who epeak there at that time. The city committee has invited the University Republlcan Club to attend the meeting at the Rink Friday evening In a body to hear the Hon. J. C. Burrows. A Germán remarked to us the other day that the best Ui ing Mr. Suekey ever bad ia the Iluusfreund was the article in the last issue taken from the Courier. Election boards are rcquested to read the opinión of the Attorney General upon the new election law on the flrat page, entitled, "How toRun the Statutes.'1 In gettlng up the concerts this yesr if the musical authorlties will pay just a little attention to melody and not quite so much to technique, they wili please a long-suflering public immensely. Hon. Joseph T. Jacobs bas forwarded bis resignation as Indian Cotnmissioner to the Secretary of Interior, through Senator MeMillan. This became neccessary for him to take a seat in the legislature. Tlie Wesleyan Gulld has cloaed a bargiiti for the purchase of the two lots on State street, north of the M. E. church from E. T. Walker and Mrs. Noble wliere they will erect a handsome building. Turn out and hear Hor. J. C. Burrows at the rink next Friday evening. Hls speech will be one well worth hearing by either a democrat, prohibitionist, silver 8ervicer or any other sort of a believer. The hall, or "home," as some of the boys term it, of Welch Post G. A. R., has been recently refltted, frescoed and refurnistied, and is now one of the finesj society halls in the city. The boys are to be congratulated. Alanson Moore says that he kicked over a shoe box on a lot on N. Thayer st. the other day that contalned a dead alligator, and he thinks it was the one that belonged to Fred Rettich wliich was etolen from the fair grounds. Monthly meeting of Washtenaw pomological society, on Saturday, lst of November, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the court house. Important business. Exhibit of clirysantliemums, and of fruit. All, esPecially fruit growers are cordially invited. One of the grandest ineasurei ever Passed by congress Is given our readers this week in supplement foroi. It is the McKinley tariff bilí, a bilí that means labor for Ufe laboring man, and better prlces for the farmer. It is an American bilí mude in the interest of Americans. Chicken thlcves have already commenced business. One evening las week they pried the roof boards off the coop of Mrs. B. F. Giles, on Fuller st. nd took a number of birds. This is the tliird or fourth time thieves have visitec htr coop surreptiously nnd stolen fowh Some nigtit tliey may run on to a dyna ■oite torpedo and be blown down to a (licken tliiofs paradlse(?). The ladles of the Dethlehem cliurch are to hold a fair the latter part of next montU. There are to be two days for registmtion next weck - Tuesday and Wednesday. Every votcr, no matter f lie lias lived liere forever, must register las name, on Tucsdaj-, Oct. 28tli, ov lote his vote tli is fall, Philip Baeli was 70 years of age Moaday last, and a number of friends dropped In and helped commemorate the event. . Tbe ladius of the Presbyterian church give a tea and social next Thursday eveningat G o'clock p. m. Ererybody invited. The Apollo quartet, or wliat was once the Apollo quartet, are to sing at a political meeting at Salem stition Friday evenlng. George M. Beakes, father of Editor Beakes of the Argus, is running for assemblyman oq the democratie ticket in Sullivnn county, N. T. Entire new registralion, Tuesday, Oei. SSth. Kverybody must register or lose their wie. Three girls were entertalned a few day's since at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fall, the united ages ol whom were 214 years. Mrs. Prof. Prescott will give a social next Saturday evenlng to tlie Young People's Society of tbe Presbyterian church at 50 S. Ingalls. Two professors or the Unlverstty took the royal arcU degree last evenlng. - Argus. Wrong, again, neighbor. The royal arch degree took tbem. A gentleman from Monroe stated to ye acribe yesterday that the outlook for Mr. Allen in that county Is excellent, and that he wtll be re-e!ected by a handsome mnjority. An organist from Detroit, Mr. Frette?, and a portion of the choir of St. Thomas church of this cit_v, will assist in the dedlcatlon of the bill of St. Patrick's church ofNorthfleld. Ralph Hicks a lnd 14 years oíd is under suspended sentence for injuring tlie dwelling house of D. F. Allmendinger by shooting bullet holes through the tin roof of the bay wiudow. The courts have declded that a policy holder in a mutual insurance cotnpany is liable for the amount of his assessmeut, and cnn be compelled to pay the same. Tbis question has never been settled Defore. Fred A. Maynard has received the ïomintttioii for meinberof tue legislatura y the republicana of Grand Raplds, and will be eleclod tinder tlie cumulative plan. Ie 9 a former Ann Arbor boy and a son of John W. Maynard. Grand Commander W. G. Doty, EminDt Commander B. F. Watti, SirKnights J. R. Mincr and D. C. Fall go to Jackon to-night to wltness au exempllficalon of the work of tlie order of the Temple, by tlillsdale coramaudery. We regret to learn that Supervisor Wtn. Burtless, of Manchester was scrlously if not fatally injured by beiug ücked by a colt in a pasture Saturday, vhile at his home in that township. He s a man that the people of the county do not like to spare. Rev. Mr. Sunderland Wlll speak next Sunday evening on "Keal Infidelity," and i) the morning upon "James Martillean," he distinguished Englisli prcacher, scholar and author. Students' bible lass at noon. Subject of lesson, "Paradiseand the Fall; Lpgends of Paradises Among Mnny People; the Real Origin of Sin." A triend of ours, who is a fre trader, says: "Don't you see tlie ffect of the new tariffbill? Everything ia advancng.'1 Wall, supposing everything is advancing - whicli is not truc - does not usiness always prosper butler on an advancing market than on a decUning market? We will leave the answer to any business man in this country. Last Saturday the 18th, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob St. Clair of Miller ave., cclebrated heir leather wedding, in which their 'rienda and relatives participated, bringng with them numerous presents. An excellent repast was eerved. All had an enjoyable time and departed with tlie best wishes for the future prosperity and lappiness of their host and hostess. The Ypsilantl Sentinel bas been comng gratis to a number of our Germán cltizens, and among them is C. F. Scliulz, of tuis city, who eays in reply to the statement that this country never had free trade times in which people were obüged to work for 50 cents a day, that t is true, and he remembers well thathe worked for 50 cents a day himself. And here are plenty of others who remeniber t too. Miss M. E. Todd died in Jackson, Mich., Saturday, Oct. 18, 1S90. Miss Todd was an aunt of A. D. McCollum and sister, ot Pontiac st., and T. B. McCollum, of Yp3llanti. Another long and useful Ufe has received its reward. This s the third death among their Jackson relatives within a year. Other relatives In and around Ann Arbor will be interested in this item. The Lenawee couuty supervisors have scorcd a large point in the treatmcnt of trampa, which is an important step in advance. They have passed a law that all trampa upon conviction shall be requlretl by the sheriff to perform manual labor eight liours a day at breaking stone. A coBimittee was appointed to procure a a suitable yard and stone for them to work upon. This would be a grand thtng for our board of supervisors to do In Washtenaw. Make the tramps work for their board, and use the stone on our roads. Entire new registration, Tuesday, Oct. SSth. Everybody must register or lose their vote. On Frid.iy night list as Augustus Pierce, a lad about 18 years of age and son of Albert Pierce who lives on the fair grounds, was golng to the barn to take care of the stock, he was met by Frcd Frank, a youth of about the sanie aee who had been in the employ of Mr. Pierce until the day before when he had been dlscharged because of his ungovernable temper. Frank assaulted young Pierce with a ncckyoke, but failing to accomplish anything he stepped back a few paces and fired at Pierce with a 38 calibre buil dog revolver, the bullet entering his body neir tlie navel, and has not yei been iound. Frank then ran away, and was arrested the nest day by Marsha Walsh and Deputy Schott, near Geddes When arrested he attempted to draw his revolver, but Marshal Walsh was too quick for hiin. The revolver had two chambers empty. lic ia now in jH,an expresses llttle regret at his awful deed Pierce Is yetalive and may recover. Several membors of the Masonls rralernity attended a communication of Palestine Loilge, Detroit, last evening, and wltnesscd 3d degree work. Albert Bond tlic rcpublican candidato for senator from tliis district is in the city to-day, and is mnking a very favorable impres&Ion upoti the people here. Now that not only Uncle Sam'a mails refuse to carry letters and money for the Loulsana lottery there wlll be many an extra dollar left n northern liomcs where thcy are badly needed. Entirc ncw regütration, luesday, Oct. ZSth. Keeryhody must register or lose tlmr vote. Bishop Foley aril ved n the city this rnornlng on hls way to Northfleld to assit in dedicating the new parsonage and blessing the bell. Jle was acconipanled by several priests and a large numberof our citizens. Tberepubücan county coramlttee, we are Informed, held a meeting in this city last week and sent out for schub or the republicana who are not Bupportlng Allen, but these rcpubllcans ful led to put In appoarance.- Argus. Now Bro. Beakes, in your desire to kill oft' Mr. Allen, for your own sake, don't teil any such false stories. No such meeting was held, and no one consequently was sent for. Don't be too quick to cutch on to fakes. The one wlio fails to purchnse acourse ticket for the S. L. A. series raakes a sad mlstake. The courae is such an attractive and valuable one, that but few wlll care to miss it, and the one who will expect to hear Stanley by buying simply a $1 ticket that night is Hable to be fooled, for the season tickets will probably fill the house. Not one in the course of six entertainments but will be worth the price for the series, f 2. About 100 or so people shivered in the rink Monday cvening to listen to "Hon." A. S. Partrklge and ltev. J. W. Reid in their twin effort in favor of the P. I. and Prohib. conglonieration. The speeches didn't seem to warm the people up parHoularly, for thpy shivered worse when they carne out than when they went in. The Partridgi! did not appear to be the right sort of a hummer, althoush he had quite a stout Kied to bolster hiui up. Augustus C. McCormick, of Ash townsbip, Monroe Co., the democratie nominee for state senator from this district, was a visitor in tho city last Friday. If he could go over all the district the republicans would need no better electioneering thunder. Just one glimpse of the gentleman would be Boffident excuse for any orilinary voter to vote for the otlier man. Of all the light weight- but then, wliiit's the use of talking about it? A tallow candle vvould be elected in (hls district ifit was only on the democratie ticket - and McCormlck is tliere. We understand that Oen. C.iry was dlsturbed In liis speech Friday evenlng last by sotne yoiing men who onght to liave had more respect for the gray hairs of the speaker, if they tlid not have for tliems lves. To disturb anybody who is speaking in public, no matter what his tlieme, is contemptible, and deserves the severest coiideinnalion. No gentleman wlll ;o to a meeting to disturb others. Tliose who attend speeches to liear should not be disturbed, those who do not care to listen should stay away. It Is as dishonorable to disturb a political ns a religious meeting. The following from the St. Louis Globe Democrat refera to a brotner of Will Tuomey who was formerly with Blitz & L;ingsdorf, aud who formerly lived at Dextcr, and has many friends in this community: The case of Mr. C. O. Tuomey. of Maryvllle, Mo., Is a pecullaiiy sad one. He was in this city ou his 'wedding trip, havlng Just beeu marrled to Miss Urowney, tlie only daughter of Mr. L. J. Urowney, county recorder of No(i;iwiiy county. Tue brldal party stopped at theUlclielicu. On last Fiiduy alternouu Mr. Tuomey lelt his wifo at tbe hotel, and while crossiag the Cable aud Western tracki on Thirteenth streel wan truck by a cable car, hls back being uroken in two places. He was removed lo 8t. Mary's Inflrmary, No. 15M Papiu street, where physlclans say that the chances for his recovery are extremely doubt rul. Mr. and Mrs. L. J, Qrowney and the sisters of tlir iDJured man are In attendance upon him. The above facts were furnlshed a tilobe-Democrat reporter at the Laclede last nlght by Judge W. W. Kamsey, of Maryville, Mi., who had spent Sunday wlth the affllcted amilles.


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Ann Arbor Courier