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CUBE'bh.torskes3( sick heabacec5 HKaktbciin! mver itigestion; pXgrETSIA, CO3LHLAXNT, JAÜHDICE Bï usiNG the gemjtn3 Dr.CMcLANE'SBI CELEBRATED OaHLIVER PSLL8Ï r EKP AEED OKLY L7 FLEMING BROS., Pittaburgh, Pa fgÜtWBie oí Couhteefeits mado In St. Louia.3 CURE Blek Headache and roliovO all tho troubles Inofdent to a bilious Btato of tho syfitin, snch as Dizzinofls, Kuusea, Uro wsi ugs3, Distreas r.f tor oatiug, Paiu in the SUlo, &0. Wliilo tluirinost renaarkable buccoss Ixaa been showu in c uring SICK Üeadacho, yet Carter's Littlo Llver FHla aro cqually valaablo in Constipation, ctiring aud provontiug tlilsannoyingcoraplaint.wbilü tbey also correct all (lisordcrrf nl' t hos tomach.stimulatetao livor aud rogulato tho bowolo. Even if thoy only HEAD Achethey wonld boalmostpricolosato thosowha suffer from tliis distrossin jí comxlaint; bift fortuBatoly thelrgoodnossdocs uotouilboro,ajidthosa whooncotrythemwUl ftnd these Uttlo pilla valuablein Boniany wayatliat thoy wül not bo willing to do without thern. But aftcr allsick hoati ACHE Is the bane of po many livea tbat horo ifl whera we make our great boaat. Our piilü euro it wliilo othere do not. Carter'B Littlo Liver Pilis aro very small and Tory caay to tak e. Ono or two pills maleo & doso. They are Btrictly vegetable aud do not gripo or purgo, but by their gentío action picase ail who uflothom. Invial3at25contii; fivofor$l. Sold by druggiaU evorywhoro, or nent by mail. CARTER MEDEC1NE CO., New York. SUALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPR1GE WHAT SfiflTFS COMSUMPTION OUU' ' O SCROFULA EMULSIÓN !SSSSSms niinco colds UUnCO VTasting Eissases Wonderful Flesh Producer. ïTany havo gained one pound per day by ita use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulatin% propertiea of the Hypophosphitea and pure Nonvegian Cod ÍJiver Oil, the potency of both beirig largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Drugglsts. 8COTT A BOWNE. Chemlsts. N.Y. To cure Biliousncss, Sick Ilcadachc, Consüpation, Malaria, Livcr Complaints, take the safe and certain remetiy, SMITH'S DlLt Blmh Use the SM AI,! Slzc (10 liltlc Bcans to tho bOttlu). Ï1IEY AI'.E TJ1H MOST CONVENIENT. Siiitnlo lor tjJ1 iVgivi. Prtcc of citlicr size, 25c. por ï.itiilo. lIWwliHjMailc!ror-lPU.(en!Vr.rfiain;.s. J.f.SMITHtCO.Mnllcrsof'BILEDEANS.ST.LCaiS MO. CREAM OF a venr pleasant L&XAtjve, mado fr co :!:i? uice of Frcsh Prono í con . U : . ' arfnless vcrgftabl ionedients cf we!l-knvn .'p;i'. UiL-dicinal qualitie.:, put up a tbefoi Ot CREAM DROPS, Making a vcry valnable propnr.ition FOR INFANT3 and CHILDREN, Assimilat'ii!; the food am: Rogulatlr.g llie f.lomach and "cw Ís, It Pron.otes Digestión, Cheerfulness and Ret TiSA; KEDY ForCK NSTIPAT1ON, 6UF 3TOMAC:1, CONVULSION3, LO8Q ( SLEEP v.orMs. Ft ERI8HNE-8, tic. P ce'IB Certs. BBIGK38 . - ■ ■, N. ios salí; . ' EBERBACH & SON, - ABH ARBOK. Bnbber Shoefl Hulees wom uncoxnfortably Ught general!? Up oS Uio feot. THE "COLCHESTEB" KUBBEK CO. mke all thelr shom wftta Instilo of hooi Ilnoil wlth rnbber. Tilla clines to tho BbOQ uid i rt.-vii;B tiiú rubber Crum llpptng ofT. Cali for tho " CoIchOTter " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." -FOK SAI. E BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER &SON. AISTW ARBOR.


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