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Epitome Of The Week

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The polios census of New York shows a population of 1,710,715, an increaso of 197,214 over the Government census. Tuk Consolidated loo Machino Company of Chicago has failed for $350,000; assets, f475,000. DriüNQ the eleven months endod September 80, 1SÜ0. tho exporta of provisions from the United States were S10S,5ï7,000, whlle in the corrosponding period onded September 30, 1889, the total was only $i)l,215,0()0. Tho same inervase in tho exports of dairy producís is reportad, tho total for tho nine months ended Suptombcr 30 being 810,074,000, as a gainst $7,754,000 during tho corresnondinj pedod of tho previou3 yoar. OsSAH Smitii, an aged farmer from Split Log, Mo., wasrobbedof hispocketbookcontaining 84,785 at Portland, Ore. A. M. McIIae, seoretary and treasurer of tho Security Loan fc Savings Company of St. Catherines, Ont, has disappeared. lic is a dofaultor to tho extent of $25,000. Keaiii.y all tho ranches in the valleys of tho tho Hart and Canon Ball rivers in North Dakota havo beon devastatcil bj prairie lires. Tuk Censas Huroau gives the population of the .Statu of Kansas at 1,423,485, an increaso of 427,:sii in the past ten years. PRESIDENT Hauüisox and his party roturned to Washington from their Western tripon the 34th. The railroads wero carrying on a bitter railroad war from the Northwest to Chicago, and ticlcet brokers were Helling tickets for almost anything. FourtkeN cents apioc.o was tho availahlo resources of 525 Italian immigrants ivlio landcd in New York from tho steamship Alexi:i Tuk Firit Presbyterlan Church of CinOinhatl and thn l'resbyterian church of Pleasant Ridge celcbrated the lOOth annivorsary of their organization at Cineinnati. Dn. McGon'ioai-, the aged New York doctor convioted of cansing tho doath of Annie (oodwin, the pretty cigarette girl, by malprabtice, w;is sentenced to twelve years in the penitonttary. Ths twin cbildren of Charles Aldrich Vere burned to de;ith by a fire in thoir home in. lirooklyn, N. Y. The Census Bureau gives Alabama a population of 1,508,073, an increase in ten yoars of 245,568. Since Jannary 1 tho total loss by firo in tho United States has amounted to 5(57,070,000, an average loss per day of .'.'96. The CarmcliU' mms at I.altiroore celebratod on the I5th the centennial of the establishment of the Carmelite order in this country. Tuk International J'.rotherhood of Locomotivo Hngtneora bogan at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 15th lts twenty-seventh annual convention. Joiia.w Most, tiio Anarchist leadec, after a tesidenoe ol eight years in this country, bas become disusted with American politics and ivill return to Europe. Mks. Wilt.ia.m 'üiJ, and her 7-y ar-old son were drowned in a woll at Marine City, Mich. The woman was tryinjT tosftve her boy, who had fallen into the woll. J. 1aii.;:v. VVilliam I!. Davis and J. Fisher werp killed and two others hurt by a fall of earth In the Ludinjton mino near Iron Mountain, .Mich. Tin: colored peopleof Biohmo'ñd, Va., on the 15th celebrated the twentyseventb anniversary of tlio signinffof the emancipation proclamation by President Lincoln. Covkunoi: SrKKr.E. of Okhihoma, has boen threatened with assasination for vetoing the bill locitinr tlie Territorial capital ut Uulahoma Cily. SpRAOtTR Wrr.KKs, a horse owned by J. Wilson Iry, feil dead during a heat on the Lexington (Ky.) race track. He was valued at Sil, 000. Sexoh E. übngoc.'Hka, husband of General Barrundia's youngest daughter, has arrived in New York to niake a demand of the Government of 8100,000 damages for Rarrnndia's death. Tuk lirew Masters' Association of the United States in session at Philadolphia glopted Christian Schnoider, of Kew York, president As the resnlt of domestic trouble Gader Shrowdash. of Porth Amboy, N. J., shot and killed hlmself, and his wife took her own lifo and that of her babe with poison. Tuk City of New York and the Toutonic left New York for another race across the ocean. TwENTY-FIVK persons ivero burned to doath and many others were injured ia a fire that destroycd the Leiand Hotel at Syracuse, N. Y., a few minutes past midnight on the K!th. The property loss was 500,000. lx the streets of New Oleans Chiefof-Police Ilennessy was fatally shot by assassins. The barns of Fred Kroeger, A. B. Piper and W. P. Haacho, togethor with eleven horses, thittenn head of cattle, iarming implomonts grain and hay, at Berryville, Wis., were burned by incendiaries. Tiiüek miners were killed by falling rock in No. 4 colliery of the Lohigh & Wilkesbarro Coal Company at Audenreid, Pa. Tuk Gavernment at Washington has notifled tho Government of Italy that no Italian emigrants who have been sentenced in Italian ourts will be allowed to land in the United Statosports. Rkv. J. N. Lk.nkki:, of Denver, Col., tho Western secretary of tho Lutheran board of church extensión, says thoro aro 50,001,280 Lutherans in the world, with 38,881 chuiches and 28,406 ministers. Mus. ÍTakrisox, wife of tho President, has accepted the presidency of the recontly organized society known as tho Daughters of thn American Ilevolution. When the hair shows signs of failiiii;, begin at once to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strengtliens tlie scalp, proniotes the growth of new halr, restores the natural color to (?ray and failed hair, and renders it soft, pllant, nnd glossy. A Ne"v York fporting man who has always stood ready to bet on anylhing, h:is just discovered that thcre is a diUcrciice between 00 First street and Sixtylirst Street. Anyhody can see it on pnper, bat when he comes to say it, tbat's wliere the caich !s.


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