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At the lead-ing clearing-houses in tlio United Sl&teJ the exchangas during the wee!; ended on the 18lb aríirvoítat.ed (1,827,967,317, against (1,373,865,884 tho provious weck. As compared with tbo correspondin: weck of 1SS9 the incroase amounted to (5.6b Ax 1 tallan torpedo bont foundered at sea and three o'.'.i ■ ■:■; and Sftoon sailors wore drovvnod. In the secot.ii til at Louisville on the inch for tho world's championship the lirooklyn's defoatod tho Louisville club by a score of 5 to 3. C.viir. Yi:ni:;!:. u Germán rosidingnear Chilli, O., shot liis wife and killed hiraself. Domestic trouble wa ! Uio cause. IVmous storms ragod throughout New Englund, and a ■ :. Mass., the stroets were Hoodod and houses and trees were destroyed. Tuk staUíon Stamboul trottad a mile at Napa, Col., in 2:ll)i, bcsatin Axtell'a time one-h;uf of ;i sccond. The Republicana of Oicïahoma Torritory nomluuted I). A. [larvey for Congress on the ISth, and Conjjressman Dickorson was ronominatsd by the Kentucky Democrats in tho Sixth district ü.s'K-irAi.i-" the businesa portion of Vorden, 111., was destroyed by Ure. Tin LïiK'oau ivys Ihe popuiation of the Stat o!. Minnesota at 1,1500,017, an inoreaso of 519,24-1 in tho pa:t ten years. The population of Miuuoapolis is 104,738; inorease, iïT.ï.Vl; .Si. J'ail, 133,156; incruáse, !!. Is tho Ohio Lpislatiii'."1 on tho ISth tho IIouso by a voto of .".:'. lo 52 refused to pass the Sena ie lúli giving tho (Jovernor power i remove tho mcrabors of tho Cinciunali boai'd of itnprovements. At Boston Daniel Wilson, a teamstor, shot and instnnUy killed Iris wlfe and sont a bullot into his own brain whila partially ius;;:i". Tjie conventlon at J:ck-4on, Mi ... !■ ■ ' ied tint horeaftor eloctions in Mississlppi tor State offloers shall take place evory four years. Tnu inhábil ints of Latta, 8. C, legan a orusade against boer-sellera by purohasing their outire stock and burning it. The remVina of t:c la! Miller wcre laid to r ■ u a' lC".l;uk, la., on the 18th. Disi'aii ; ■ large cities and many towna of { i i that "originrJ p icen oponed -.irid are business as a rosuit of the decisión of tho Unit'1.! Si i ■ iurl doel a ring the VVil.son law inoojruúv1. "Nol all isjrold thit elltterë" is trae gay lag; it is pqaally true that not 11 is Sareaparilla that is so lnbcllod. Il" you would be Mire of the genninë nrtlcle, sk for Ayer's Sarsapnrilla, and take no other. Health is too preclous to be tri lied with. Somo flexible bracelets made in gold and plutiuuin.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier