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USEDR.CRAIG'S O1UOINAL KIDNEÏ AND LIVE CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tliey are only Safe RotnedleaHo use fo those affllcted wlth liright's Disease, Live Complalnt and Urlnary Affectlons. Onl tliose prepared In tbe iky fokm are th Original and the Only Klduey and Llver Cur that wlll restore you to perfect healtb. ALL LADIES USE SOLD B7 ALL DBU80ISTS. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO. IJ.ASS.A_IC, N". J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR ,; ÜTEffXYÜBE FQR ALL TltO .". , RICAHPROTBCnvÉTARrrrLKAGOl is uiiishing u most valunblo series of Taiiff (iwumente. These are prepared with a view to sluie tbe faotfl unl lU'Kumftitá for ProtccHon, whetber In the fhtencl of farmers, laiorera, merebanta or profcssionnl men. lïuch issue of the series aplicáis to those enBAged In sepa raii iniliistries.andpresentsinalsputftbto -ccnuimrisijns of wniey,eost of livintr, and other iirguinents sUowing the benetits of Protection. Any single one will be sont on receipt of 2 eeïils in stainps ozcept " Va(?es, Iiiving und Tnriff," which "vvill bosent for 4 cents. Tbe w hole list will le sent for 30 oontsor nny twelve lor 20 cents, or any live for 10 cents, postume pald. Urderby number. No, iuoes. 1-" Waces. Llvlo - .-.::■ Ta; IfT." E. A. Haki-snoiu. loi 2- "TJic AdruutUKes oí a Proteotl TaiilT to the La-Air uud Ii.ilu.uries of tbe Uulted Btstea." First i'iize Kssay, 1S87. CrawfoudD. HliNMKu 32 S - "Hoïne Frodiictlou Indispi'Usabk' to a Hupply, at Low Jfrlws, of tho Kaïiuravtun-d Cuinmndltica reulrud for the Feonle of the UulU'd s. and Adequate Home l'roduction of theRe Commodlties Inipdsfilble without a Protcctlve TarilT." First Prize Essay, 1888. C. D. ToDD 32 - " Wbatara Kaw Materials ? Wouki Fri-e lu Mutorialí tx Advant&genus to tbe Labor and ImiusirieH oí i ulied States." First l'rlze l.ssay, 189. HOHEB i:. DlBKtx S3 5- "FallaikM f Krce-Tratle." E. V. Muire a Fargtfs Shoes hhb 'forthe , raftrny Tv FARCO'8 V5 i[ "Box Tip" School Shoes I8% íor Bys and Girls. Ü ?-ee Heeled or WedSe "eeL Ë '?AN Süías-8tol054 81.85 i 'OVtnK lltolSíí 1.00 TIPJÜ lto3 1.75 WBBF&ïi0 W,to 5!S 8.00 !f FARCO'S H $2.50 Calí Shoa Vfavv. for Gentlemen, tvAfTb- n l'ncqualcíl by any ghoe IIS 1 6Q5ÍeTln Amerita ai tlieRini.) Fl'Jr'" In Contfresi. l$ut6t' .Syjg tonnml I, ace. Mfii'aaiid Boy'ssizts. rtfl FARCO'S W ($2.50 LADIE8' BOOT I ÖXJ X Dongola or Goat, Button, Lf v?e x Opera, or Common Sense. MCnMe Tackless and Flexible. tCLiïh&Sii TCirrantod the most TKÜTTl" E nPDT -j""'" KW at Í8.5O OÜR NAME IS ON THE BDTTDB1 OF EVERY SKOE. Ask your dealer for Fsrco'x Khoea. If he i nep om acndtousami wewUl.furniahyouawJroo rwwhjtor pru-o. Send portal rorikTlptlTü list. C. H. FAROO & CO., Chicago, IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, ANX ARBOH. LX7MBER! LITMBBSRI If you contémplate building, cali üt FEROON Li liiil JJüI Idld! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., an;i .trc our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own I.umber i'' guaran tee VERY LOW PRICES tSfGive us a cali and wc will mate It Ui TCü. nterest, as our larc and well eradcd siock ln'ustains our assertion. Telephone Connenowith Office. T I. KKKCH Simt. IAVKS TOI.BKRT "rp, ■Wood's Fliostplxocüii.O1 UK GRKAT KWCLIÍH RüMEDY. Jsod for 36 yoars üSBfii""' Youthful f olly y STKl aI1 tbeexcessea fssfiilly. flAp of later years. ntted (o cure all S.TJK j Giirs immcdiato trms of Nervous HffJ3 st renoth and vigVeakness, .KflL'3. '"". AstdruKKlsls ous, ■■■■ for Wood's Pholioa, Impoteacy . ,;'"r . ,,"■ phodlne; takeno nd all thu olTectsJ 'iPi fromLl fc. Jubst ,tu;R Ouo ackago, il; slx, :".. by mail, Wrlto for pampbleU il.lrcss Th:Vood Chemical Co., 131 wooaward ve., Detroit, Jllcli. Cjfoofa Cottoaa. Boot f COMPOUND L lÊPk "vomposed of Cotton Root, Tanay and %y sJ l'tmnyroyal- a recent discovery by au Jolil physician. Is xucctx&fullu used moritUv- Safe, Uffectual. Price ÍI, by mail, ealed. Ladies, ask your drusKtst for Cook's -otton Root Comiound and take no substitute, r melóse a stamps for sealed particulars. Adres POXD LILï COMJ'ANY', No. 3 Fiaher Block, 131 Woodward ava.. Detroit, ilion. KKKK II ft svs, ". N' AKHOR si:i,i, UELUiv PiLiiS. ATíTTTQ TRY i-ADiEs : 'arls. France. Kstabltshed iu Europa In 1839, 1 anada ín 1878. For Huppressloiis, Irrogularltles, i nd Monthly Deraugomeuts. A rellnble monthly ' cdicine. Thi:y alwaya relieve. Any dmfflit. 1 4. American Pili Co., Proprietora, Spencer, owa. Robert Ktephenson fc Co., Wholesale ;ente, and all oUier drngglsu in Ann Arbor. I jese pilla are wormnted to brinff on Ihe "change.'' jWlGHICANfTENTKAL " The Niágara Falls Rouíe." Time table taking effect Muy 18. I CHICAGO TO DETROIT. rH I wig 5 Mfe[ijl jj a. ik. A.w.lp m r. m. p. m. p.m. Ia. si. Ia ■ Oü'q L TU-". 900 1221 3 0 1 1 60 líala' oo 11 4f. 2 1 7 1 3 05 7 un 11S:53 7 1" Jacks' o 800 4 -" 5 85 847 889 906 500 40 Uhelieaj 402 7 07 5i; Doxter.. 1 V 7 'i S58I1043 P. . P. W. P.M.P. V. .. ! '..V,. A.M A.M. Aun'r I HJ B 15 -t 51 7 15 i I : 5 02 5 431 9 58 5 13 816 6 28 1113 W'eJc. -r)7 1 888 649 Ui;': Ar 6 !ö 0 45] 7 :i 10 j'i C, 2 2 ) 7 ::■■ 12 10 DETROIT TO CIIICAOO. A.M. A.5I lï M.IF M. A M. r. M P.M. Detroit.. ..Lv 90 7 50 120 ( ; A'iiyne Jnnc. 10 K) 9 51). 9 Ml 888 VpsUanti.... U32 848 i0" 548... 1015 A.M. A.M.IP.M. P.M. '.M. 1" M II". ,M. Ann Artor... I :i7 3 2 17 S5a 10 I I m B0 7 18 III u i. ... 7 ■ .... 11 18 . ... 6 19 Jackson U-VilOO! 3 17 8 65 11 16 Chicago.. .Ar 7 r-' i tö W ■■■ 150 S"5. .. O. W. KUOGLSS, H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. AxenttCbicaso. A:t.. Aun Al Toledo, Aan Arbor & NorUi Mtah! Uailway. TIME HCHEDULK. Tnfeing effect November L5 th, I Traína rnn hy Standard Timo. Ootug Norlh. se i i la P. M. A. M. P. .I P. M. 8 23 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 6 iT Dundue 4 -.a T01 Milán 9 88 IS Q4 4 4( 7 lli Urania 46111 C9 4 53 7 22 I'ittsllukl 9 4,ll 4- B 07 7 83 Aun Ar::T 1 : 53 7 5 Leían I 9 0T111 15 5 4" S US Whitroore Take 8 5í 11 04 6 s S .ñ Howell sil 7 iS ! 33 Uuraiu'. 7 ln 8 05 10 SÍ ... ..Kast ttagim.w. 5 55 7 4 i s lüi.íi) 10 j Uwosío..." (i 35 íl v? 9 07111 45l Itta ■■- S8S 750 0 15 12 4' Mt. rimennt 4 85 6 45 .... 3 '0 Cadlllai 1080 .... i 4'i Oop.mtíta 06 .... 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M.P. M. A. M. A V. 'íl South. South Lyon Braneh. NORTn BOUND. STATIONS. FOl'TII JTrain 18 A. M. A. :.'. 6 01) Lv Ann Arbor Ar S 18 ti 40 Wordene 7 00 Ar Soatli Lyon Lv B. W. A8HLBY, laar-f A. J. PAISLKV, L'AZLEWOOD, Q-Ti'!. Paas. Ticket Aïent. Lo. ■B9HÍBIUX! A very important itiventurti will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of cxperience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WA I BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and ia great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can aflford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be uscd in any stove. Ask your síove dealer for Ilutzei's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranees for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. ' htjtzel &c oo. Plumbers and SteumfUUrs. ANN ARBOR, - - MrCH Is the ol and most popular sclentífic fiï-ö mechanical papcr pobliahed and ha - I circulation of any paper of its olasa in the vrorid, Fully illustruini. Bat olaw ol Wnmi Ens infrs. l'ublií'hod v.cckly. Bend for sppofmen copy. Prtoe f 3 i y ir. Kour mnnihs' triul, 1. MUNN &. CO.( PUBUSBXBS, 'áúl Bruadway, N.T. ARCHITEGTS & BUILDERO Eclition of Scientifïc American. O A preat auccess. Kach lssne contalns eolored DttaoKrnphlc platea of country anti city i ■ cea or public buildlncs. Nomerona eoirrai and ruil plans and nbèotflcatlona Hr the u suchasconf eiupíate huiltiinj;. Prloe $30 a 25ctB.acopy. MUNN & Cü., I'ui;liíií , DATENïm H 40 yeara' experience nud have made over ■ 100.000 appllc&tioñs f'r American and Pr■■ oíkii patenta, Beod for llandbuok. CTorres pondeuce atrictly contldcntlal. TRADE MARKS. Tn case your mark Is not reelatered In the Pstent Office, apply to MUNN á Com and proi uro liuiitodiaiu piuteutioD. Bend foi COPVKIííHTS for booa, charta, mapa. etc., quickiy procurad. , ÜIL'NN &; CO. Patent Solicitar. (knxual Ornes : u;i BBoauway. n. t GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ! $29,000,000. caulty Keld for the protectlon of the ] holdcrs. CHRISTIÁji MACK eprraents ttic followlng first-clns cmi).:niep(of '.-:;, ttie Etna, his uluutí pAidíoO'Uu.tKh'iiru i sixty-five y cara: Etna, of Éartforfl $ ;),ihij,b-i4 Frinikün of l'hiladelpliia 3,1 18,713 ■nía, N. Y 2,700,729 Qerman American, N. Y 4,066,968 London Assurance, London... l,41G,7S8 MIohigBnF. & M., Detroit... 287,608 N. Y. Underwritera, N. Y 2,596,1 National, Hartford 1,774,606 L'hoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Iosses libcrally adjustcd and promptly pald. Molicies ssued at thc lowest rales of premium. naitf


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