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Generous Jim Turner

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Whüe peopte are dlscosstng, and the democratie papers are fiill of alleged irregular Ules, di.-honest transactions and :]! l)iit murderrvus designs on the part of Ion. James M. Turner, ropublican candidate (orgoyemor, it isthought possible Ui at these rcported assertions and charges misrht ppsslbly exercise an Injurious effect npon those who were unfainilliar witli his daily or inner lile in the city wliere he was bom and bas been known slnce eurly chililbood. These people who have sei'ii liim grow from a boy to siurdy manbood know that there is nother and radlcally diflerent side to Mr. Turner's chiir.icter tlian that whicb bas been pre-ented by strangersand soreliead enemle8. Kor it mlgbt never be known, so modest is Mr. Turner in the bestowal of bis benefactions, were It not that tbc grateful reclp'entsare themselves the I ondes t trumpeters of bis praises. Wltliiu n few dnys several of these persons, or their frlendi, indignant at the persistent mierepresentations of bis cbaracter hay e voluutarlly sought Interviews willi membera of tlie republican stuit', ind whili! energetically repelling tliu elanders ag.ilnst him, have recited wlth moist eyes and faltering tongues the story of a klndly act, quietly perl'imuil in their bcbalf by tliis stalwart but tender-hearted business man. We take the llberty of notinü some of the most prominent of these wbicli have been related to u, wlth a request from the relator tbat they may be made public, in Ju-tlce to the noble-bearted man who became thelr voluntary benefactor. KBCORD OF A BAD MAN. Lansing, Oct. 22. A bad man Is James M. Turner, so say the Detroit Free Press and the Lanslng .louroal. J5ut is he so bad as pictured? I worked for bim nearly three years and know something about tbc man aiul his nietbods of doing business. I first hired to him tor one year, at the end of wbicb time we had a settlement. After be bad puid nu' in f uil li e made me a present of $1)0. 1 re-engaged wltü him tor another year, Hnd at the time of settlement he presented me witli $100 after he bad iiiJ iny salary in full. I tlien hired to liim i third year, bat at the end ot seven iiiontlis concluded to embark in otber business and so Informed bim. I called at li is office, and we had another settlement. After the books werc balaneed nul closed and be liad paid me in full aiul I wns no longer in bis employ, he presented me with auotlier $50. W' hile in Mr. Turner's employ I saw many nstances of his kindness and liberallty. DurTng the time, two men in II ha employ died. Mr. Turner bottjjlit the CRSkets, eDgaged hacks and bearses and )ai(l all funeral expenses, never receivinir one cent of pay. I remember au instance of his meeting a tmn on the Street, who in conversation told Mr. Turner he was ill and unable to work and bad no money to pay for medie il tieatment. He to;ik the man to bis offlee, ave bim $10, bought him a ticket to Detroit, and bad htm taken to Ilarper's hospital, where a surgical operation was perform d. Mr. Turner pald all the bilis. I know of otber c.isps where lie sent persons to the bospitals and pald their expenses wliile beinj; treated, but 1 hardly t hink it necessary to enumérate at greater lengtb. 15ut, Toten of Michigan, don't you think that he must be a very bad man Lo help the ponr in this way? From a laborlng man, X. M. Perry. PAID AI.I. KXPENSE8 h insing. Oct. 22, 1890. My diinglitcr, Katie Uerner, was sent to Detroit for medical treatment in January, lijSl. suffering amputation of the lelt arm, All the expenses were pald by James M. Turner at his own solicitaron. Gottlieb Berner. iikbe's kixdness for yoü. üeoi;e Dabarsh was an employé of Mr. Turner In 1887. He was taken sick and was contined to his bed for one year, at the end of which time be died. Mr. Turner not only puid his wagea durii'g the whole time, but supported the family, paid doctor's bill, and when he died puid all funeral expenses. WU11 -MUS. JOLLS SAYS. líHnsin, Oct. 22. This is to certify that tbrougb the kindness of James M. Turner my husband, J. E. Jolls, was sent to Detroit for medical treatment in May, 1889. Mr. Turner kindly paid all expenses at his own request. M us. E. Joi.LS. CASE 01' MR. M'GLORA. Tlie above gentlemen was a great sufferer with hip disease. Mr. Turner sent him to the hospital at Detroit and paid all expenses for about three months until he was completely cured. Whlle clearing up liis farm if any of bis woikmen died, Mr. Turner saw that SUttable caskets were provided, the men decently buried and be paid all funeral expenses. WHT HE WANTED A BADGE. "I was In a little grocery at the corner of Lena Wee and Ohestnut streets the otber even I na," remarked a well known citizen to-day, "and a man asked me where be could get one of the Turner badges tbat I was wearin?. I gave him mine and asked him why he wanted it. lie told me this story: " 'My little child died about a year ago,' sald be, 'and I had no clothes Ut to attend the funeral. One of my neigbbors headed a subscriptio:i paper with $1 opH)ite bis Dame, and sturted out to help me. The tirst mm be struck was James M. Turner, who piomptly tore up the the subscription paper to the great surprise otiny neighbor. But Mr. Turner tnrncd arouml around an instant later andigare an order for a suit of clothes on a local store. I bad worked for James M. Turner a year or so previous and he remembered me He helped me in my Deed,1 continuad the man, wlth considerable teel n y, 'and by gracious, sir, I will nevei' torjiet him as long as I live. " 'Tbat is why sir,' conc'.uded the man, after r rnomeut's pause, diirlug which not i word was said, 'that is wby 1 wanted Mr. Turner's badge;' and the mun turned away. "That man was Lyman W. Cooper," continued the narrator, "and hecertainly has cause 10 feel proml of tlie man wbo, it is s.ile to say, he will support."


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