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EOOMT TO RENT- One suite of roons and one single room, furnished. - 3w 81 S. MA IN 8T. "VOTICE is hereby given lo all Contractors 1 and persons who oniploy Joarneyraen Ctirpenters and Jolners In Uio City of Anti Arbor: Thai, on and nftr May lat, 1881, nlne (0) hours shall constitute a cluy's vork. 83 By order of UNION &". BUY your woocl iit Saw MUI ïiih! save mcney. All kinds stove and oord wond. -33 F. M. HALLO K. WANTED- A boy to work In the store. AddreselSox 111. 31 KNIFE, FORK AND SPOON PLATING at No. 16 Huron st., south. Ypsllanll Mlcü., by O.J. 1UE. JÜIIN DEUO, genend soliclting agent fur Ann Arbor. 31 REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Governor JAMKW IH. TlltXEK. of Ingham. For Lleutenant Ciovernor. ll.l.l'i N. I.IVTOX, of öaginaw. For Seoretary of State. KEV. nAiiiii.Ti . of Calboun. ï'or State Treasurer, Jitsurii B. iiooiii:. of SVayne. For Auditor General. THF.UON V. I. IM.v of Kalamazoo. Commlssioner of the State I,and Office. JOI1N i. BKKKV, of Otsego. For Attorney General. ltl.l AIIIX Y. III si, of Tuscola. For Superintendent of Tnstruclion. OKR XII I UIA, of Jiaum. Member State Board of Edncation, JA'IKS KI. IIU.LOI, of Allegan. For Juslieeof the Siipreme ('ourt, I.IIU AIIIP Mil I.I.. of Ingbara. C0NGRESS10NAL TICKET. For Representativo In Congress - 2d District, EDWABD P. LI.Ii. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. For Senator- 4th district- ALBEBT BOND, of Monroe. For Representative in the Legislatura - lst District- JOSEPH T. JACOBS, of Ann Arbor. For Ilepreaentallve in the Leglslature- 2nd District- IIAURISON W. BASSETT, of Loei i . COUTY TICKET. ForSherlff- CAPT. HENRYS.BOUTELLE.of Vpsilantl. Kor County Clerk- WILLIAM O. DIETERLE, of Aun Arbor. For County Treasnrcr - EDWAKD UORMAN, Of Lyndou. For Register of Deeds- WILLIAM J. CLARK, of Ann Arbor. For Prosecntlng Attorney- AHAUIAH F. FR.EEMAN, of Manchester. For Circuit Court Commlssloners- ARCHIE W. WILKINSON, ofChelsea. JOHN W. BENNETT, of Ann Arbor. For Coroners- DB. KRANK K. OW EN, of Ypsüanti. DR. WM. P. BREAKEY, of Ann Arbor. For Survoyor- JEHOMfi ALLEN, of Ypsllanll. Ann Arbor Tovrnship Registration. The Ann Arbor Township Board of Registratlou wllltneet at N. B. Covert's shop on SATURDAY.NOV. 1, 1890, to register all new voters in the township of Ann Arbor. C.T. PAlHAU.,Town Clerk. 3I lVnrd licjiiililic.-iii Cnuous. Therewillbc a caucus of Republlcan electora In the basement of the court house, on Monday evening Nov. 3, nt "J o'clock to put in nomination a caiululaitj for aldermac, to fill tlie vacancy caused b3r the aeath of Thos. Kearns. By Order ok the Com.


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Ann Arbor Courier