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For Serofula, Salt ltheum, etc, Take Hood's Sarsauaillla, It s said thut free sllver will help the poor man. But the poor m:m never finds silver free. 'Hip Great Spring Medicine. TUK BLOOD IS THE LIFE Gentlemen: I have been troubled with bud blood for some years, but rerentiy purchasel two bottlesof Ilibbard's Rheumatlo Syrup, which 1ih9 ontirely cured me. As a blood pnrlfler it lias no i (nul, and I also take pleamre in ree oinraending tt as a tonic, alteratire and reliable rheumatic remedy. Very tru'y youra, S. E Ferouson, Eaton Kapids, Mloh. Tliia is to fertify that we know Mr. Fergnion, and believe the statement made by him to be true. We unliesitatlngly recommended tbis remedy as w believe it to be the grciitrst fiimily medicine on our shelves. WALwom-n & Soule, Eaton Iuiiids. Micli. Prepared only by The OhucMi Wrisfht Medicine Company, Detroit, Midi. For sale by all driiggiits. William the Conqueror couldn't write liis niniic, but lie made bis inirk, jn=t tli" sume. If you are nervnus or djspeptic try Carter's Smart Weed nnd belladonna Backache Piasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. A burglar gets at hls work early, but he doesn't keep at it any later than he ran help.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier