Real Estate Transfers

D. B. Rorlson to Lucinda Rorlson, Ypsilantl t 1 Michael Zalm lo M. J. Brewerlo, Freelom 200 O. Lashier to T. E. Cunnlnt, York 100 Li. Bordlne to (Jertrude and Geo. Rlft'er, Augusta 1,150 C. Cornwell to Emma Boone, Ypsilantl. 230 A. M. Fincliam to L. E. Ford, Ann Arbor 400 Ypsllanti City to L. A. McLanahan, Ypsilantl 325 O. A. Kelley to A. F. Ball, Mllan 150 John Conlon to J. 4 M. Sloan, Dexter. . . 150 H. A. Andrews to C. H. Van Buren, Dexter 203 M. H. Frederlck to John H. Lewls, Salem 140
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
D. B. Rorison
Lucinda Rorison
Michael Zahn
M. J. Brewerle
O. Lashier
T. E. Cannint
L. Bordine
Gertrude Riffer
C. Cornwell
Emma Boone
A. M. Fincham
L. E. Ford
L. A. McLanahan
O. A. Kelley
A. F. Ball
John Conlon
J. Sloan
M. Sloan
M. A. Andrews
C. M. Van Buren
M. H. Frederick
John H. Lewis