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The Saline evaporator is etill running. The new M. E. church at South Lyon is beino rapidly enclosed. The Heselschwerdts have gone out of the restaurant business itt Chelsea. Hullow'cen prauks are jiradually coming to the Itgbt iu our neihboring journals. The beauty (?) of tlie present Iaw requiring the tickets to be printed by the state printer, w;is shown Tuesday, as two ñames on the county ticket were wrong, necessitatlng all the tickets to be corrected with pencil. Bettergive the home printers a chance, - Observer. Diphlheriii is reported at severnl iiei(iliboriug points. Every precaution bould be used to prevent its appearftncu liere, botli by jjnanling against expoaure to the dread disense and by ceeplng cellars aud all surrouiidings of the tlwelling house tree froin fllth and decuylog vectiitiun.- Saline Observer. The track of the (Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti motor line) was laid trom Conijrcss street to Cioss Street and out to the city limits Tuesday, just within the time required by the franchise from tlie eounell. It is now about oompleted down Cioós street to the bri)Lfe, aud the line beyond the city lfinit3 is graded to Carpenter's corner's, four miles west. It runs along the south 8ide of the road. - Ypsilantian. Don Murray was hunting birds in Milán, a week ago last Friday, and shot Maggie Jackson, wlio was at her own door. "No words," the Milan Leader informe, us "can expresa Mr. Murray's re;i(ít." Wc presume o but the regret n the part of the puhlic is that thc people wlio k gonnlng for birds and bears and shoot innocent person?, and the idiots who kill their frienda by aimIng guns thüt are "not loaded," do not practico upou themselvos lirst. - Ypsilantian. The other day. just as the dusky shades of night were beginning to gatlier, a young lady, hunylng along, was accosted by a very small boy who asked if she was not afraid. The question was patronizin?, but the manner indicated that a fear was in the questioner's own breast. "No, why should I be afraid ?'' was the reply. "Why ! didn't you know Jack's in town ? "- breathlessly. She laughed, "Well, he wouldn't get much if he cut my hair." "Ob," said the baby; perhaps your hair is like my mama's mostly false ! " lt is very evident that our trees are disappearlng much faster thun any of the forest-plantine or "Arhor Day" scheraes ure replacing them. Unless some systematic method of preventiug the destruction now ifoivíí uu Ma duvisod t is but a qiustion of a few ycars when the land vvill be practically tiniberlesfe. Such a result woulil in many ways be ver3' uufortutiate. Tiie probable ell'ect on the climate of the country and especiaüy on the rainfall alone inakes the question oue of serlous moment; and when to this is added tlie iiccessily of finding some substitute for wood In ts myriad uses the problein becomes one of appalllag magnitude. - (Jhelsea Herald. PITTSFIELD. Quite calm afterour political biïzzard. Miss Smith formerly of Saline is vising at David Cody's. Sabbath school in district No. 5 haa closed for the scason. Isaac Suddoby and famlly moyed into their fine new house last week. The fine weather of lust week made the farmers hustle and tlie corn gtalka rustle. Miss Anna Combs bas been entertained by her cousin, Mr. Alden Whitehead, ot Brighton. Miss Slee, teacher of district No. 6, was obli{ed to close scliool for the past two weeks on account of sickness. Mrs. Chas. Foídick who has long been very ill is improviug and took her liist outing tor the past nioe montlij last Wednesday. The P. U. S. S. will hold a social Frlday evening, Nov. 28lh, at the resldence of W. J. Ounlield, for the bentlic of the Chriitmas tree funds. The ladies' aid society, at their last meeting, elected the ïollowing offleers tor the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Carpenter; vice-presideut, Mrs. S. F. Gtidley secretary, Mrs. B. J. Hausner; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Stephens.


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