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Real Estate Transfers

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Emlly Camp to P. A. Spencer, Ypsilantl.8 100 J. K. Collar, by guardián to M. al. Ypsilantl 4,080 Maria Frey to Ueo. E. Bleres, Cbelsea. .. 200 N. E. Crittenden to 8. Astiton, Augusta. 50 Annle Nellls to Qeo. & M. J , Ypallantl.. 400 M. Thompson lo Cha. Tliom jsoii, Lima 2,200 Chas. Thompson to A. J. Easton, Lima.. 2,400 H. Gauraer, by sheriff, to Jas. H. Stevens, Saline 5,151 L. Gruner to W. M. & S. Wallace, Ann Arbor 312 H.J. &T. Neat to Pullo Ferrier, Ypsllanli 100 G. V. Samsou by heirs to M. F. Uiffbrd, Ypsllauti 1,200 El. H. II nut et al. to A-udertton & Urewer, Aan Arbor 6,5(0 H.ï. Morton to C. W. Giiffln, Augusta. 111 L. D. S. Parker loH.T. Morton, " 1,200 RusBvll Hastlngs to O. L. Weleh, Ypsllantl 2,000 Geo. F. Marken to F. C. Marken, Saline 450 riios. Richards to Win. Wolcott, Milán. 100 H. S. Lee to Victoria C. Morris, Aun Arbor 3.000