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In Dundee township, Monroe couulj1, Ciipt. Allen ran aliead of hls ticket. The outcome in this congressional district provee Ihat mnutli is mightier than meat. To be consi.-reni. the demócrata should elect Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, as ?pe:iker of Mie next liouse. Wliy such slleuce all at once about the marking up of iriccs bccause of the McKinley bilí? If tliis country ever adopts the English Idea of free trade, salaries will be onc of the cheapest tliings ia Araerica. The Argus very modestly announces that it is not entirely its fault tlmt tlie demócrata did so well in tliis county. Ilurrali for California and Ohlo! Two blessed good states! May they live long and prosper in tlieir rcpubllcaii failli. From 1337 to 1810 free trade England paid English steamship lines in subsidies $t7L,OO0,OOO That is her idea of free trade. The old soldiers who kicked bcc.iuse Chinga dil not L0 just to snit them will probably jiet ii per diem pension bill from the next conjrress. Tliere will be hut three repúblicas repri'srntatives in the next house from the southern states. Tlie south is ind(.'( (1 in the saddlc ajrain. The Coükip.k certainly hopes that the people who defeated Mr. Allen will be able to point wlth pride to the person whoni they have elect d. Is there a republlcan who assisteJ the enemy in securing the defeut of his party at the late electiott who oan look at the result and congratúlate himself ? This district will have reason to feol prouil of its new conRressman, James s. Uormau. Heisa m,in who wili come to the front.- Argus. Tliere will De no danger about that if he is asked up. Now that election is over the demócrata will probably cali off their tin ware peddlere. The people have learned a lesson from them that they will remember a long time. Allow us to suggest Kiliiore, of IVxas, as chairinan of the committee on iien8ions. He is enougli of a kicker to snit the kickers. His appointment would hv. quite appropriate. Will the demócrata in the next éongress adopt Mr. Iieed's business melhod-? How can they patlern after the (Virv Bot they will. They have always fnllowed iii the re publican patha. The demócrata ned not huir any great dehision to their heaits. They h;no not Increased their vote in a preclnct in the state. There bas been no Chanjre In sentiment, hut merely np.ithy in npnblican tank?. The McKinley bill h:is not been knocked out by the eleetion, and its provisions will be thoroughly tricil before its enemiea c:;n possibly reach t. When the peo)le lind out how It works they will be entirely íatlífled wlth it. The deniocrats in this locaüty are already talklnjt about unseating republican menibers who have been elected to the next national house by small pluralitles. It is not necessary. The party has a suffioiunt mijority already to bang Itaelf. The thousand.-i of frienda of Hon. Koswell G. Hoir will be rejoiced to leirn that lic bas been tendered and acceptod a lucrative position upon the editorial ataff of the New York Tribone. It is all the more pleaeing from the fuct that it came to him unsolicitcd. Frailee pays annually $6,000,000, IbUy, Austria and Spain each about $2,000,000 in subsidies to tlieir steamship linea, While tlie U. S. governraent paid tlie greatC.iliforniu.Ctiina and Australia Une tlie beggarly sura of $1,875. 'l'liat s why American shipping does not prospsr. Woulü it be wiso for the present congress to reconsider Its iction on tlie McKinley bilí and adopt B freo trade bilí giving it Immediate effect, and so ve the people of this country a good dose o tlie medicine they evidently want Two years of "tarifffor revenue" would be a corker. The editor of tlie Haasfreund devotes several columns to the editor of tlie Couriek, and demaudsa retractlon of tlie statement that "he ia au Anarchist." We never said he was an Anarchist, but if he will stand before a mirror full Icngth, and while looking at hl own picture swear he is not ala Anarchist, we will take back what we did s iv. Capt. Alien may retire lo hls farm in. Sliuriin, and be relleved from maklni; tippointraent or strivlng to keep oppuslng prom Ises.- Arüus . And the Argus man can retire with the pleasing(?) fact Imbeded In liU h-ad that as a kicker he is not a success. Tlmt he hasn't quite got hls party in his breeches pocket, and that hereatter, it will make little Uiüerence to democratie candidates whether they have the support of the Arus or not When it -was propostd to establish a jarge factory in this city a few yeirs ago, certain resldents here said that they objected to it; that "they would be sorry to see upon our streets mornings and nlghts workinen with their diner palla ffoing to and frotn their work ; that It woold degrade our city." These same men are advocating free trade cunstantly and al the time. When will the laborlng man see tuis thing as it really is? There neeil be no división In tlie demo crutlc rauks iu Waslitenaw. Mr. Browa anti Mr. Lehman will have the lieariy mipport of the Argus durlng tlielr lerin of ofllce, in so far as they make good ollicerR; and as vo sald before we belleve Mr. Ilrown will malie a very efficiënt clerk.- Argus. Those two gentlemen will no doubt be very graU'lnl for this. And will eringe in a subseivient manner to tliü hand that sinote them In the days ot iheir noed. It a candidate should ever fuel grateful, ie is for sucli flittering assurances after he has won the battle for himself in apite of his enemle8. Tlie flght over Senator Quiy in Pennsylvania lost the republicana five cougres'men. Was that the McKin'.ey bill my democratie friend? The gerrymandering ot Oliio, Kentucky, Maryland and Tennessee, by tlie demócrata lost to the republicans eleven congressmen. Was that tlie McKinley bill? The fight over the IJennett law In Wisconsin, carried into lllinois, cost the republicana six seats in congres. Was the McKfnley bilí toblame my dear democratie bn Ie? Maj. M vii.iey only lacked bout 200 votes oi hfin'n Ircted iu a district outrageouslj mdered into a district wlth over 'J.000 democratie majority. Was thut ttie Mi Kinley bill, my democratie frleud ? Tlie Bvenlug Npws (Mtys there wis rcat rcjiHcioï iu K.ngland over the re8ult of the late electioos in America. CertainJy. Wliy shouldn't thcre be? 'J'lic resnlt was exnctly what Englaml watit-i. Ai.d lier jubilee meetlnjis are quite as ntimerous and mnch better attended than the domocratic jubilee meet ings are liere. No man was ever nooiinated upon the república ticket wlio did not receive the full, complete and liearty support of tbis paper. The Coukieu never bas been a klcker, and is proud of its record as a staunel) and earnest defender of repubücan principies and the policy of protection to American industries and tlie American laborer. The cüitor of the Courier has not been a eandidate for oillce tliis year, and vet the Argus has treated hini as if he was personally upon the ticket. On two occasions comuiiiuicutions liaye beeu admilted to its columns attaeking U9 in i personal and vindictive mantier, neither of which were In any way c;illed for, but whose author went far out of hU way in an attompt to pour out his wrath on our head. Editorial e ilirtesy lias kept front these cjlumns iitt.icks upon the Argus man as an ojlkial. Penonal attucks we will not allow ajralnst uny one. The Aijfiiü tulka about the neceiêity of the republlcwa nomiaating decent umi "respeotable" candidites. The ïjortton of the democratie ticket tlia,t the Argus dld endorso, includel some candidates that common report ilid not place on a veiy high plans of morality or decency, and yet that pper ippcared to be esptclally z 'ulous in their bchalf. The public will be pleased to learn that paper'a idea ol decency and respectabilily in catididites. Uhris. Jacobs, uixler indlcttiient for boodieism, snpported for i re-eli'ction by the Detroit Free Press, airatnst whom no democralicpaper in the state has ralsed a wliisper, is probabiy the i Argiu' ideal of a decent cxndidate. Tlie i un of J. T. Jacobs for representftllve in the Btnte legislatura in thls district vvheii we takc everylhing Into consiileration, wns something phenomiMial. 'Iliis district gave Winnas for govenior 919 tnajorlty, and llr. Jacobs is beaten by only lifty votes. Had the year not been one of the landsüde years Mr. Jacobs would have liad at least 500 majority. Ooasidering tliat liis opponent is a farmer, and a genial man wlio maltes strong fiiendtblpa with hia class of peoplp, and tliat th!s year of all otlier years Uie farmers appear to have niauifested tbeir d lacón tent with business men and botliiFM nctlicds, Mr. Jacobs can well Ceel i i i nfthe result. It inay bc ol Interast to gome republicans to know tliat (Japt. Allen for congress rcceiveü in tliis coiinty 112 more votes tban tlie repobliean candidato for coroner, on whlch there was no cutting. Uu :ilso runs lifty votes ahead of Ciliill for justice.aml Berry for coinmissioner of the State Lind OlHce, both 011 tlie state ticket aiul on wliicli oflices the e was üitle or no oattlnjr. Tlie fact tliat Mr. Allen ran aliead of liis ticket from no to 100 votes in this county where nuraerous kicker In his own party attimpteil to sw.nnp liini. will not be snch a plensant pipe full for them to smoke as it rairht be. About tlie ouly oonaobitlon we see for them Is to take upon themselves the Klory(?) of tlie tlefeut of the entire republican ticket. Tliirieen sesta in the snnthern states have been lust to the republicana In this election. V;is it beoanse t the MoKinley blll tliiuk jou? Or was it borause the leimbücans vvere kept f rom votin}; by the aliotgun in bulldozer'l hands? ltis too bad that tliose worktngmen in tliis country whodesire to be placea on an even foollng witt) tho lubor of all otlier countries cannot liave that blessfng vouchsafed to them. They uecd experleuce lor a teacher. - Tribune. To the above sentiment most every one can suy amen. And vet if the laboring men ever get down to the level of tlieir brothers In llie old world, how will tbey ever get b:ick ngain to wliere tlicy now art? Enrknd paicl Mr. Canard $16,000 pe round ti ip for each such trip made by the four steameis witli whieh he ttarted Iii jvt:i s!.i':iinsliiji iu 18J0, ainountlng to f 413,000 for the ttist ycar. And tlia same pollcy of govemnieiit subsidies is pursued by Qreat Brilain until tliis daj-, aiid thul, is why liritain rules tlie wave.


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Ann Arbor Courier