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Dr. W. B. Sinlth ie at Ottuiawa, Iowa. Miss Jennie Mclntyre s viaiting frienda u Grand Rapids. Mrs. Burgess, of St. L mis, Mo., is visitng M. S. Pulcipber. Judge Hooker, of Charlotte dropped in o the Courier office Friday. Mis. L. Ii. Comstock is quite seriously 11 at her home on S. División st. Miss Ida Fulcipher has been visiting 'rienda in Chelsea the past week. Supt. Higgenbotham, of the American Sxpress Co., is in the city to-day. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Wade Itogers left fuesday raorning for Evanston, 111. Mrs. O. M. Martin gave a large reception to her lady friunds Tuesday p. in. Miss Nichols has returned from the Adriondacks and other Eistern resorte. John Mapes and wife, of luchara Co , were visiting friends in town last week. Mis. Tripp has returned from a vlsit of several weeks with her daughter In Jackson. Mrs. Susie Perry nee Harwood, is visiting friends in the city, the guest of Mrp. Prof. Perry. The Misses Goodrich, of State Street, Thursday eve., entertained a pleasant company of friends. Miss Anna Rane, of Whitmore Lake, has been the guest of Miss Roba clpher for the past week. Mrs. Prof. C. N. Jones, of Milwaukee, Wis., has beeti visiting her sister Miss Henriques during the week. James üoleman, who has been home on the sick list for a few days, returned to Detroit Monday to resume hls duties with the Western Union. L. Soule, of Joliet, 111., brothcr of Treasurer Soule, of the Unlverslty, is in the city with hls wife, who is an invalid, consultine Dr. Martin. Mrs. Gilbert 111 iss was budly burned about the face and neck lust Monday, while pmring gasoline iuto warm water. The water was too warm and the gasoline exploded. Mis. John Perdón aixl Mrs. Benj Day, while drivinji on Packard street last evenIng had thelr carringe run iuto by a man on horselnek running hls horse. Mrs. Dy was thrown from the carriage but not seriously lnjured.


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Ann Arbor Courier