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SCHAIRER-&-MILLEN )n k Look Out for a Big Business Duringthe Month of November, COMMENCING FR1DAY MORNING, NOVEMBER l We Wlll Put Prices oo a $40,000 Stock of Seasünable Dry Goods That WÜI Send Them Out in Torrents. Let these Prices SpeakforThemselves. 2 Cases Sliakcr Flanncl. sale pricc c a yard. 2 Cases Cantón Flanncl, sale price 5c yard. 2OO Pleccs Dress Prints, sale pricc l-2c a yard. 100 Picces Best 7e Drcss Prints, sale rice 5c a yard. 10 Pieces Heavy Gray Tvr 11 Flauncl ow lii l-2c a yard. 15 Pieces Heavy AU Wool Red Flanel now 15c and 20c a yard. One Case Wliilc 10-4 Blaukets, sale rlce 75c a pair. 2 Bales Heavy Bro. Shectiu?, sale trice 5c a yard. One Case Yard wide Oc Bleached 'otton. sale price O l-2e a yard. 30 Pieces 30-incIi Wool Ladies' Cloth, ale price 25c a yard. 100 Pieces Handsomc Drcss Plaids, ale prico 25c a yard. 25 pieces Fancy Plaid Flanuels, sale trice 10c a yard. Lot Curtain Shades with Spring Rollers 35c. 75 Large Elegant Bed Comfortablcs made by the ladies of the Congregational cliurcli, sale pricc $2, $2.25 and $2.50. 50 Dozen Large 3-1 size Liuen Napkins non w !.:?" a dozen. 100 Large White Bed Spreads, sale price $1 each. 200 Dozcu Liuen Check Doylies, sale pricc 3c cach. Big Lot Fuiicy Flanncl SKiiis, sale prico 75c eaoh 40-incIi Black Silk Warp Uenrlettas l and $1.25 a yard. 4G-lnch Black Silk Warp HeiuKttas, sale pricc $1 35 a yard. ■lo-incii Colored Slik Warp Henriettas, sale price S5c a yard. 10 Pieccs l'lain and Fancy Black Goods 75c quality, saté price 50c a yd. Big Lot Plain and Faucy Black (; ods, sale price 25c a yard. 15 Picces Black Mohalrs, sale price 25c, 35c and 50c a yard. In Our Cloak Department during his Sale we shall make some Low Pries. 39-inch Seal Plush Cloalss, Seal Ornamen ts, Elegantly Lincd, Worth #25, sale price $13.50. 2-inch Seal Plusb Jaeietg, Hifli Slocves, Wortta sl-. Bale price ijiio. Stxllsh Street Jut-kets, Chevolt refers, s and $iü. Jfovelty Lhizers Vost Fronts $, $10 and %l'i. 200 Cliildreu's and 3[!se' (iarments froni $2 to $10 eacli. IVe show the Bost 25 Seal Tlush Sacqne made. Big Lot Wool Shawls, sale price $1.50 and $i2.OO eacli. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. SCHAIRER & MILLEN Central Mills buckwbeat is tlie best made - guaranteed perfectly pure. Send your order to the milis if your grocer does not keep this flmr in stock. tf ALLMENDUïGER & SCHNEIDBR. The Michigan Central wlll sell. from all Michisr-m stations, round-trip tickets o Grand Rápida and return for one fare or tlie round trip wltii 25 cents added or admlaslon to the great fair in aid ot the Miisonic Home in that city. Tickets will be on sale Nov. 18, 1890, (jood goiiifr on that diy, and returnlng not later than ííovenibcr 14, 1890. Tickets srood on 1 ejcular tratas ezceptlng the F;ist Vestimled Expresa Traína, Nos. B, 0, 19, anc' 20, on the inain line. II. W. Hayes, Agent. ülbbard's Rheiimatlc and Liver Pilis Tbese Pilla ar scientlfteally comonnded, and uniform In actlon. No jrlplnjr pain so comraonly following tlie iseof Pilis. They are adnpted to tioth idults mikI chililreii wilh perfect síif:ty. We guruntpe (h" have uo eqtial in the cure of Sick Hcadache, Conetlpatlon Dyspcpsia and ISiliousness; and as an aplelizer, they excel any other preparaion. Fk.ui's So.vFsecures a beautlful complexIon. Wanteu- At the .Central Mills, 1,000 busliels of rye. -33 Allmenmngeu & Sciineideu.


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