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flïKSllll-N I MAItlllSOM DUS 1: ',11'U DU proolamatiun dusignating Thursdtty, Nqyembej -.'!. :i,s Tiiaiiksgiviu;; da.y. Jh- M. ïvn yiki, a Yory estimable younir lady, wtumhot and killed at Hanna, Ind., by Ali.ert Shurt, a rejected lover, who theo killed himself. LoHn Lonionii:iü:y, speakingf at West Elartlopool, Eng., declarad that Messrs. Dillon and O' Brie n dcliberately organlzed the Tipperary rioL Vai:i CI.OV8TON, circuit cotirt clerk Kt Charles Ion, W. Va., was found to be a dofaulter to the extont of SlOU.uuO. At Coisicana, Tex..WUllaoo G.Vallte, a rallway conductor, shot and killed bis wife and thon committed suicide. Jealousy was tb cause of the shooting. H. S. Mii.i.s, of Kansas City, Mo., a millionaire banker, died at tbe Tremont House, Chicago, of spinal disease. Aftkr having been marrlod flvo years Mr. and .Mrs. Asa ISarr, of Kansas City, Kan., discovered that they were brother and sister. Onic-hai.k of the town of Tromont, l'a. , was dcstrovfd by lire. A f oai.-oii. barrel exploded ata Democratie jubilee in Hunlingdon, Fa., and John and Henry Winters were so badly burned that they lost their eyesight. As A result of the recent election the Farmers" AHlanee wil] control the Kansas Legislature whicb electa a succeasor to Senator Inpfalls. Whtlk playing with a pun William Charlton, S years old, killed his sister Calisa, 6 years old, in St. Louis. A bou, explosión in a saw-millnear Magnolia, Miss., killed S. I'ritchard and N. Andrews and fatally injured Charles Ta y lor and V. Cook Mus. VoORL shot and killed Ed Traub, a boy. in Loulsvllle, Ky., because he rcfusrd to pet ofT her fence, where ho was slttinff. A. A. Andki:sii wblle liunting witb his wife near liangor, Me., accidentally shot and killed her. Fkaxk Kki.ï.kk, of Lintor., Ind., was cleaninfj a pistol auppoaed to bo inloaded hen the weapon wasdischargcd, killing Mrs. Keiler. At the recent election in Nobraska the yoters decided by 40.000 majority to rotain higli lici-nse and local option as he best modo of t( mperance. BAitrr.AY Martín, a momber of Congress before the war, died at Columbia, Tenn. The remains of Alnaham Lincoln, who died in London. the son of Minister Robert T. Lincoln, wero placed in the crypt in the Lincoln monument at Springfield, 111., on the 8th, above thoso of his illuslrious grandfatlicr.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier