Let me come in where you slt weeplng - aye, Let me, who have not imy chlld to ale, Weep witb you for the little oue whose love I bave known notblng of. The Hit le urms that slowly. slowly loosed Thtlr pressure rouad your neck- the hands you uíed To klss. siu-h arma, sueh hands I nevar knew, May I not weep wlth you ? Faiii would I be of Rervice -cay somethlng Hfiwevn the tears tliat would be comfortlng. Hut til ! sosuüder tlian yourselves am I, Who bave no cblld to dle. -lames Whltcomb KUey in November Century. The old king of HoIUnd, Willlam II, ha been declared Incapable to reign, liavIng bi come very erffeebled in mind and body. Hisonly cliild, the crown princesa, Willhelmlne, is ten yeais olü and thercfoic too young lo take upon bereelf the buiden of fj'ivci nineiit. The queen, Ivi-niü, has been ippointi-d refrein, and will as such t:ikc the onth tu the constitution. Slie was brn in Orolsen, Germany, Auf. 2, 18."8, nd s the daughter of the I'rince of Waldeck. She marrled Kini; Williaiu in 1879, wlien he was already 02 years old. This uiarriage proved a very happy ono, and all Holland rejoiced when the quien a year later beo.ime the niolher of a daujíhter. King WilÜHin hul been mriied before to the beautil'.:l :md clever Q leen Sophia, who dipd In 1877. This unlon had not turned out well. Tlie klng kept favorites, and it is said he spent on one of them, Muiiiin Muisard, who was an Ainericaii! more tliiin four tnlllion dollars. Queen Sophia liad borne hlm two sous; tlie crown princa died In l'aris four diiys after his father's second marriüge. This son would not live in Holland bul spent uil bis time in Parií, where he llved a wild, disgraceful life. The other sou then became heir to the thronf, luit he also dled a few years later. Queen Entina will not have a difficult tiis-k, the ütitch ar ensy fjoing and docile, they idore the queen, who turew away her you.h on an old man, and who his been an exct-llciit guardián of her c ïild.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier