County And Vicinity
Dniidee has a ncvv cliemical flre eugine. Clielsea brags about business booining Hiere tliis f all. The Detroit Exposttlon made $50,000 net protits this year. Azalia is to llave a literary society for the benefit of is citizsns. C. V. Bostwick, formerly of Dexter, lias located at Chattanooga, Tenn. Kempf Bros. old bank buililiiiit at Chelsea has been turned into a barbcr shop. On a recent Suntlay two overcoats were stolen from the C'ngregational church at Chelsea and one from the M. E. chmch. M. J. Noyes, Chas. Whitaker, and Calvin Cmiklin, ot Chelsea are taking a western trip. Nf-xt year Dundee will have a fair all to itself. The capital stock of $15,000 has all been subscribed. Edward Schneider, of Freedom, raised 350 bushels of corn frora three acres and husked it all withia three days. The Saline evaporating works have manufactured 25,000 lbs. of evap. apples this year. Next season the works will be greatly inproved. The ladies of the Congregational churcb, at Dexter, are preparing a "Temple of Faine" to be given Friday evening, Nov. 21, at the opera house. The tenth marriase anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Ohelea, was observed on the lOlh inst. Valuable presents were made by friemls. The Farmers' Mutual Ins. Co. of Monroe and Wayne countics paid $I3,S51 34 in losses last ytar. Total niembcrship, 5,242; amount at risk, $8,97G,80G. Mrs. C. W. Waite, daughter of Win. H. Arnold, of Dexter, died at the home of lier father Nov. lOth, of consumplion agrd 2G years. She leaves one cliild. Two ballots were tlirown out here in the count, there beinu lu each case two folded together. One pair of them was a democrat and prohibilion ticket. - Observer. Howcll papers report more girls out making night bideous at thelr tnvvn on hallowe'en night than boys. We had supposed that the boys monopolized that night to the exclusión of the girls. The drain on East street failed to do its duty lately, and on investigation it was found that at the corner of East and Park streets the roots from the willow trees along the street had growu into the tile which caused the stoppage. - Chelsea Uerald. Representative Grpgory Is not only a bustier in the political field but in the turnlp ttelii as well. In proof of the latter statement we cali your attention to an 18 pound turnlp and a 12 pound rutabaga raised by hlm. They are on exhibition at J. Costellos'. - Dexter Leader. Life insurance agenta will do well to keep clou of Prof. Jones', the tonsorial attist. He had a little experience with one the other day that proveil anything but satisfactory to the agent. He wanted $5 extra bf-cause Jones is a colored man. Perhaps it was 11 because of the McKinley bilí. So. Lyon Picket. The old, old story. Went west to grow up with the country and strike a bonanza. Didn't strike it and comes back satisfied that old Michigan is God's country indeed. Charles Conklin left here eighteen months ago for Oklahoma, by the overland route. Monday he got back after being oyer two months on the road. He says Oklahoma is "all drted up" (and we do not doubt it, for Charles shows it) and many who bought lots and built on them are now deserting tbem and going back whence they carne. - Observer.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier