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Experlence Taught Mc ! And my money paid for it. After having Liver Complaint four year?, and spending money on iiostrums and doctors who did not help me, I tried Sulphur Bitters. Six bottles cured me. I sliall alVHy8 use thetn. - O. N. Butler, Cohoes, N. Y. At tbe Science Ëxamlnation : Q - "Wliich is tbe best known usulator ? " A.- "Poverty."- Cliatter. Ilibbard's Rheumaiic and Lircr Pilis Tbese Pilis are scientlflcally compounded, and uniform in action. No gripinft pain so commonly follovving tlie use of Pilis. Tliey are adapted to botli adults and cbildren with perfect saO'ty. We gurantee tbey have no equul in the cure of Sick Headache, ConstipHtion, Dyspepsia and Biliousness; and as an appetizer, tbey excel any other preparation. Mtich as a man admires tbe truth, he prefers to have it tohl about some other fellow. - Atcliinson Globe. Smart Weed and Balladona, combineil with the otber ingredients u-c.i in the best poroiis piasters, make Cirter's S. W. & B. Backache Piasters, tbe best In market. Price 25 cents. Peab's Is the pureBt aud best Soap ever inuüe


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier