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Real Estate Transfers

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John Cassldy to Win. Cassldy, Sylvau ALyndon . 1,500 Cornelia Hall to M. A. Fletcher, Lodi... 150 W. T. Wrlght to L. J. Wrlght, Anu Arbor ; 1 H. Laraway to F. fc M. Sackow, Salem.. 2,100 Mary Sackow to H. Laraway, Salem 800 R. Kempf to A. T. Kirkwood , Sharon ... 600 Jas. McMiihou to C. D. McMahon, Manchester 5,500 Jobn Gilmore to John Lawson, Augusta 200 Clara A. Qolt to Geo. Clark, Ann Arbor. 200 Llzzle Davls to Hannah Graves, Ann Arbor 1,500 Martha Mltchell to L. Eiehelbacti, Lima 8,100 John Martin to Jetbro Maybee, Ann Arbor 125 S. B. Morse, by ex., to Harrlet VVelch, Ypsllanti 1 Auditor General to H. Welen, Ypsllanti H. Welen to N. B. Krause, Ypsllanti.... 1,000 ftlargaret Burkhardt to C. Scnumaoher, Manchester 720 Margaret Burkhardt to C. Scnumacher, Manchester 229 J. D. Helnrich to Clirisüiia Helurieli. .. . wlll Laurena Sbanahan to J. & E. Shanahan, l.yiKlim 1,500 A. A. Gregory by sheriff to Jas. D. Duncan, Ann Arbor Geo. Tuthtll by helrs to A. P. Tuthlll, Manchester 1,000 Elizabeth Wlnes to C. H. Worden, Lodl. 350 E. Wlnes to _'. H. Worden, Ann Arbor.. 400 C. H. Worden lo E. Wlnes, Ann Arbor.. 1 C. H. Worden to E. Wlnes. Ann Arbor. . 7,500 B. M. McDowell to W. & A. Ponto, Ann Arbor 1,000 Mack & Schmld to Johanna Downs, Ann Arbor 130