Shall We Have A Woman's Relief Corps?
Mitiiy of the member of Weleh Post G. A.. R. are in fnvor "f tlie organiation of a Wouian'.-í Relief Corps n thlj city. There are hutidieils of such orrinzitiois in tliis aml other stites. Tliey accomplish umch gooi by tlieir works of cliarity timo g the poor, slck aml disablcd soliüers, in asáistin{ tlie merubers of the Post in properly observinjí Memorial Day and on otlier public an'l festive occ;i!-i)ns tliey are indispensible. By a resolution of the 11 ladies wlio laV( r puch an O'fraiii.aticin are requested to meet ith the menibers of tlie Pngt in 6. A. II. Hall, corner Main aml Washington streets, on Tuesday eveninjr, Nov 25th, at 7 o'cloek.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier