VVill st. (;i:iir, ol tiiis city speut lat week in CliiotiK". Kirk H. .1. Cliirk returns to Portland, Oregon, ik xr Satiuihiy. Win. Fowler, t Detroit, spent Sunday witli A. I). Seyler and famlly. (.'. M. living, f Wlchlta, Ki., aecura paniucl !y Ihh wife, is in the city. Klas Bena seylw trentto Detroit Mond iv 10 n-main :t Cuuple of weeks. M M Kinma Bnwer, of the Dcniocra', hus been quita ill durlog the we k. Mrs. Chas. II. Perklns, of Grand liapiilp, is visiti ,g lier sister Mis. A. V. ÜHmilton. Miss Aliee Bnwer g, of Sitaron, is tlie jüiest of lier auiit, .lrs. J. J. RoblSOn, on .N. Main st. Mis. Geonrc Wahr and dniighter Imve gone to Omnba, Neb , to be abmnt until the holidays. Postruasler Beal and wife have been visiting frieoda in Detroit and Mt. Clcmens durlng the week. Mre, James 15. Angelí is attending the ladies' cominittee meeting of the World's Fair, at Cblcago this week. Mis. Chas. II. Perkins, of Grand Rapids, is visiting lier sister, Mis. A. W. lliiniillun, on Madison Street. Mrs. Chas. Stacl)ler and little daughler have {iOiiH to Oinalia, Neb., to visit her pnreirs, Mr. and Mrs. Galligan. Chas. A. Green, formerly witll A. W. Hamilton, left tor Mexico Monday, to enter into the mlnlng business. Mrs. W. K. Childs left yeslerday for Bancroft, callcd there by the serious illness of her sister Mrs. A. J. Wilcox. Miss Ivite M. líale retiirned frotn old Mexico Moudiiy eyening, accompanied by Will H. Perklns, of Grand Raplde. Ur. Hciler, of Akron, Ohio, and wife are in the city, puests of Mrs. Seiler's fatlier, Alanson Moore, of N. Thayer st. J. W. Ho wiet and wife, of Lvndon, have been visiting his brother, County Clerk Howlet, and wife durinjf the week. Philip Bncli has roñe to Auresville, X. Y., cilled there by the serious illness of Mr. E. B. Abel, of the llrm of I3,ich, Abi 1 & Co. Hurry Hawley, wlin for a few years was one of Ann Arbor's best neWPpaper men, and who of late has heen one ol the proprietors of the Minncapolis Tribunt", was a pleasant onller at the Couiukr oflast Snturdaj'. He is looklDg remarkably wel', a id is in bitter health than for a long time.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier