fa S&y4 won! ín Clear W ooi Scarlet BLANKETS! Slightly damaged. HOV.24to29,'9O FARMERS Michigan X raw wool is selling to-day in Boston for 32 cents per pound. This wool shrinks 60 per cent. in cleansing which makes the same wool cleansed for above blankets worth 51 1-5 cents per pound. We sell you back this same 51 1-5C cleansed wool in pure wool scarlet blankets at 3flc PpD Advance coming in all woolen goods. 500 PAIRS FOR OÏÏE WEEK ONLY Cali in and see your wool weighed back to you in blankets. MMK&gH) BOQliJ We offer the largeit stock of Standard Works! in sets at SPECIAL PRICES. Dlcken's Works, complete, 15 volumes, 4.50. Scott's Works, complete, 12 volumes, $5.00. Geo. El'llot'8 complete works,N volumes, 3.00. Chambcr's Enciclopedia, 10 volumes, slieep, $19.9. 500 volumes of Choice Literal ure, oacli 25 cents. 1,000 Tolumes of Standard Works, each 38 cents. Look at our 4Sc books, the best ever offered. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES AI SPECIAL PRICES. Don't forg(t to visit us before making y our pinchase. lilíllilií lililí!. ANN ARBOR, MICH. J. J. GOODYEAR . 5 8. II V 1 Nt . DRÜGGIST lt wlll be to your advantage to cali upon hlm before pnrchaslng WRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICIJfES. PRESCRIPTIONS! accnrately and carefully preparad by the most competent PharmaclsU. Tbe flneat line of gooda in all depart men tM, to be fonnd in a drug tore. W. F. LODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAINS! mwrinis F1RST-CLASS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Scw Teas at 25c, 30c 40c and ?0a pound. Kettles, Torcelain Lincd, FREE wilh 1 lb. Baking Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE witli I lb. Coffee at 25c per pound. The Best Goods at the Lowcst Trices. Ahvays Full Weight and Measure. All Gaod.s Fresh and IVarranted. Dellvered to any part of the City. Tou wlll sare monej by tradiug wlth W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 AJTD C BROADWAT. 15K6
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