The Star Clothing
Whercan, A. L. Nobï.e having made certain statements in regard to the popular stylcs of OVE RCO ATS and remarkably low prices of UNDERWEAR displayed, and Whereas, We, a large delegatiou of the city of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw county, having examined into the merits of the same, found them correct and as repreaented, and haying made purcha9es accordingly be it therefore Resolved, That we recommend HOUSE, of whicb Mr. Noble is proprietor, to the thoughtful consicleration of all well-minded people, who, like ourselves. wish to honor fair dcaling, purchaae tlioroughly well-made and stylish goods, and make such purchases where no misrepresentations ure allowed. The spirit of this resolutioii is being carried out every day nn til tlie proprietor and salesmen are overwhelmed with business, and wish to return their most sincere tlianks to tlieir Eiimeious fiicnds tliroughout the County.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier