WANTED ! A flrst-class General Manager for tlils city and vlclnlly to Inlroducc Ihe "Chase Plan" of Accident Insurance. It combines all the advantages ofthe "old line" and the "mutual" systems. Terms most liberal. Address W. D. Chase. Sec'y , Ueneva, N. Y. '. H0Ü8E TO RENT on Maynard Slrect. Fine larue house. Applyatthe COUIUER OFFICE. I7OU SALE.- The old home of Samuel JC Crossman at the west end l Haron Street, Ann Arhor, Mlch., contistlng of twenty acres of fine land upon whlch tlilrty yrars of careful toil have left many valuadle improvements. The property would oat up and raake raaoy very ttlghtly and dtwlrauje suburban homes. It wlll be sold whole. r In pai-ts, upon easy terms, long time and low prlces to close the estáte Addrcas, V. I. CK0S3.MAN, Admlulstrator, Wllllamslon, Mlch. -Ann Arbor, Nov. lst, 1800. li CORA S. VOLLAND.-Tencher of Moslc and Paintlng. 37 THOMPSON sr. 3ó
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier