He Never Said It
To the Editor of tlie Courier: - In the Detroit Eveniiig News of the 14th ins(., one Paul D.iy, a cnlled home student, is made to siiy: "Jtistice Poiul made a statement yesterday that there would alwajrs be trnuble in the tmvn unlil the Dutch and Iiisli stopped ruling it, and the military company was dtebnnded." Permit me to 8ay that I never tutve made any such statement, lo Mr. Day, in Blr. Day's presence, or to anyone el?e; nor have I said mytliing lint conld be tortured i tito síicU a statemMit. Nelther the langivijre nor the thoujfht is mine. The statement is tbe colnsge tf fiirae V0W vivïll illl:l l' Í II :i 1 i(t). i 11 'l(ll ít Í H falfehood. Aun Albor, vov. 17, 1SUU.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier