J. T. Jacobs & Co.
Business Booming! The only Reason we can give is the LARGE .-' ASSORTMENT AND LOW PRICES. Having taken especial care in selecting our goods this season, we feel safe in saying that we have the finest Line to be found in the County and at reasonable prices. All the Latest Noyeities in Black Cheviots in Suits and Ovcrcoats. Men's Suits rane;ing in price from S5.OO to $25. OO. Overcoats from 85. OO to $30.00. Children's Suits at all prices. Endless Assortment of Cloves and Mittens. All the Latest Styles in Hats, Etc, Etc. Do not buy a dollar's worth in our line until you have scen our goo Is and price. 27 & 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.
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Ann Arbor Courier