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Dr. C. McLanc's Celebrated LIVER PILLS WILL CURE A few doses faken at the right time wül often save a severo spcll of sickness. Price only 25 cents at any drug store. Bo sure and see that Dr. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., Is on the box. Nono other is Genuine. Use 1V0RY POLI3H for the Teeth, ïEKffCME3 THE BeeATH. CARTERS CURE filck üwwiacbe and roliovo all tho tronMis incident to a bilioua Btato of tho systom, bucIi as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiucss. Dlatrera uftor catliiji. l'air. ia the SMo, kc. Whlle tluirmost roniarkablo succoss lias boon showu iu uuriug SICK Ileaaacbe, yct Cartcr's Llttlo Livor Pilla ara cqually v:vluablo iu Consti pation, curing aud proVfutiug tliiaaunoyingcoiiiplaint.wliilo tliey also corroctalldisordersofthostomacli.Btlmulatetha livor and rogulato Uio bowels. Evon U thcy only HEAD Aclio theT wowld be ftlmos t pricoloas to thoso who eullor f róm tbis tÜHtressiug complaiut; bift f ortunatoly thelrgoodncös does notend hc-re.aiKl thosa who once try thora will Ünd theso littlo pilla valuablolnsomany waysthatthoy will not bo willing todo without tbein. Butaftor alleick hoad ACHE Is tlio bane of eo mnny livcs thnt hcre la where we niake our great buast. Our pilla cure it whila othors do not. Carter'a Littlo Liver Pilis aro very small and vory easy to tnlïo. ünoor two pills inalio a dose. They are etrictly vegetable and do not gripo or pnncei batby tbelr aentlo acüod pleueall who naetbm. In 25 cents 5 Te forti. Sold y druggiata ovorywhera, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE If Yon Have CONSUMPTION COUSHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Thrcat AffccÜcn SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh Oi any Disfnee where the Throat and "Lung are Inflamed, LacJc of Strenglli or Ktrv Tower, yoa can l relievcd and Curcd by SOOTT'S EMULSIÓN OP PURE COD LIVER OIL WltU Hjrpophospliltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Aslc for Scott't EmuXilon, and let no ex planatlon or tolleitatlon induce you la accept a substituto, Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT & BOWNE.Chemlst8, N.Y. To euro BiliousncES, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tho safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILË BEANS Use the NX1LI. Sir.o. (40 üttlc Beans to tho tlOttle). TllEY AILK Tilló MOST CONVKNIENT. Suitable tor .11 AgeN. Pricc of clthcr wizc, 25c. per Bottle. RINlnnAT''"''U PANUL 3IZE. niWWIIlMUiili'lforlcU.lcoppcriiriUisuK). J.f.$lliTHOO.M:ik,Tiof-mi.KBKAXS,-fST. LOUIS MD. CREAM OP PRUMES :i the juica ol ) ■! . !i í : ae coinl ' armless n and liiglily medicinal q ti ■ t up in the i'Ji ol CREAM DROPS, Making ñ very valuable preparation FOR INFANT8 and CHILDREN, fita [nilatïng the Cood nnd Rcgulating the Stüinach and 'ow la. It Pron.otes Digftfi'.ïon, Cherfu!ncss and Rest S .. -I er o NaTiPATior!, S UR STOMAÏH, CO LOCO S-ECP we, rt RISKNE-S, Elc. P ;c 55 Ccrts. BBIG - : ■" : CO., tb, X. FO SALE EBERBACH & SON, - AUN AltBOK. 8j9jfe OT tillo ifiHH Hv nübp Bcbber Shoea tínica) wora uneomfortably tUtht generally slip off the reit THE "COLCIIESTER" KÜBBER CO. makp all thelr ehoes wltti InsMc of heel l!npl wlth rublHT. Thls cIliitiR to Ulo fthoo oud pruvuuu Uio rubber frvm fillpplug off. Cali for tho f Colchester ■ "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOlt S.AMC BV WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON VXriT ARBQR.


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