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Epitome Of The Week

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In his annual report Aoting AdjutantGeneral McKeevor says that the average niimber oí pupils ovt 18 years of ï'i' aUcnJiiisf military schools during the year was 11,840, of wblch 0,005 receivid military Instruction. Joña I Wm.kki:, Son & Co. of Now York, silk lm por tors, failod for SKUO.OOO. Urruy M. Siani.kv, tho AfriiMn erplorer. was pre6tod by an immonse audience on Ihe lllh ai. the Metropolitan Opera-House in New York, it beinf his tii'st lectnro in tliis country. Dn. BOSWBLL (ükma.v. a protninont physioian and farmer and a veteran of tho Confedérate army, was shot and killed by a colored employé at his home near Loxinton, Ky. The genoral assembly of the Knijjhts of Labor met at Denver, Col., and Grand Mastor I'owderly in his report said the lite New York Contral strike had almost brmght the organization to financial ruin, and it doveloped the fact that the pross of tho country was not friendly to the Knifrhls. Chikf Siünai, Ornen Obkblt in his annua) report says there has been a docídcd improvoment in the condition and efficiency of the arm y as regards sifjiial pracüoet At the end of the year 1,887 miles of military tolegraph Unes and ('21 miles of seacoast lines were in operation. 'l'here were only fourteen occasions durin? the yoar on which severe eold waves wore not predicted, PS per cent. of all the important cold waves being noted in ad vanee. In speaking of tornadoes General Greely said that they were not sodestructive to life as thunder-atorma. Bbe EUBANKS, of Mitchell, Ind., was arrostod on the charge of ïnurdering his sister while he was drunk. Tnrc panic in stocks in Wall street, New Vork. eauspd the failures of the following brokers: Docker, Howoll & Co., for iflO.OOO.üJO; C. M. Whitney & Co., for 8300.000, nnd Daniel Richmond for $200, ÜÜO. It was believed that the recent explosionofthe Dupunt powder works near WilmiDgton, Del., in which ten workmen were killed outright, was caused by a frang of fire-bugs. Jack IUckingham (colored) coramitted suicide at Noble Lake, Ark., by taking niorphine. This was the first negro suicido that over occurred in Arkansas. FtRTREN persons wero injured in a raüroad collision near Yarmouth, Miss. Attoi:nky-(íi:n!:uai. Mii.i.kk gaye an opinión that the anti-lottery law does not prohibit the "}íw?ssinLr contests" now mucu in vogue among newspapers as a means of advertising. The fourth annual sossion of the National Fraternal congress, c.omprising nearly all the benelicial organiza tions in the country, bogan on the llth at Pittsbarh, Pa. lx a tire in Oeorire W, IJurnside's Hvery at Sioux Fulls, S. D., thirty-four horses were burned to death. A LIST of losses froiii the Gloucester (Jlass.) flshing Seet this year show that of eighty-six livos lost eighty-flve were Canadians. A. F. ANDEltsos, :it onetime the leading attorney at Tiffin, O., was sent to the workhouse in dafault of a S20 flne for drunkenness. Tuk Kniokerbocker Firo Insurance Company of New Vork announced its intontion of going into voluntavy liquidation. It was probably the oldest lire insiirancG company doms business on this con tino nt. lt was founded in 1767 and had just comploted the 0;d year of its existentie. Tur. flnancial crisis in Wall stropt, New York, vu me to an end on the 12th, the prompt action of the clearing house in the banks i :-; cotifidence. Tur: remains of General tïecg-e Crook were taken from Oakland, Md., on the 12th and interred in the National Cemetery at Arlington with military honors. A pAssr.N'dicii train iroinjj west on the Reading rond jumpod the track near Annville, Pa., was tlirown down an embankment, and seven persons wore badly injurod. The amount of gold coin and bullion in the United St-.itfts Treasury on the 12 th was $157.650.881. An unlinished house at Marión, Ind., was blown to atonas bv natural gas which had escaped ffom pipes and accumulated between the foundation walls. The board of managers of the Adams Express Compariy decided at a meeting in New York to boycott lotteries. Eveky house in the town of Cape Gracios, La., waa bluwn down by a hurlicane. A SPKCIAt, oenaus agent ílnds that there are 5,800 Indiana ín the State of Washington. Mahv and Ann Meyers, two oíd maids who lived at Hartford, Conn., were found dead. Noglact and oíd age was the probable cause of tlieir deaths. A HEAT market al Middleport, N. Y., was burned and Joseph Spalding, who lived on an upper floor, perished in the flamea. At the depth of twenty feet a welldigger at La Harpa, 111., found some curious wooden nd clay images of quaint design. John Beck was burned to death in a fire which destroyed the Hamilton Hotel and other buildinss at tiiggs. Cal. D. O. CAMPBELL, of Morriam, Kan., was struck by a train at a cro9sing and instantly killed. lie was 70 yoars of ge and a prominent tomperance lecturor. Jamks B. MoSlot andS. Benson were killed by an entine at Erie, Pa., and Henry Sutter, on learnlng of the death of McSloy, who had been a warm friend, hot himself fatally. At Orangc, N. J., Robeit Kerr, aged 85 years, shot and fatally woundod Mrs. Knoble, agod öO, bccause she refused to niarry hin, and then blew out his own brains. Hksp.y M. Btanlkt left New York on the lSth tor bis lecture tour throughout the country, whioh will end on April 6, 1391. A fikk at Tiburón, Cal., destroyed a dozen of tlie principal Stores and lumses. The linie cbild of John Lañaban, of Wesloyville, Pa., was burned to death, and the mothrr was so severoly burned as to he crippled for Ufe. Rubr S.MiTH, one of the Uurrows gang of train robbers, was sentenoed at .lackson, Miss., to lifo-lmprtsonment Wii.i.iam OmhorX, an agi'd man, was killed by lli oars at.le'.forsonville, Ind., while oarrylnK humo soine medicine for a dying daiiiflitor. A SoCTHKRH PACIFIC passenger train broke througli a trestlo naar Salem, Ore., and tive ptsrsons were killed and nearlv 100 iniurod. Tuk Knox County Savings Bank at Mt. Vernon, O., susrended. Tjik base-ball war is practically over, the Players' League having virtuallj gone out oí existence. Judoe David MtLeav, ex-president of the Savannah (Mo. ) National Bank, was sentenued to two years in the penitentiary for defraudingdopositors out of $100,000. Jacob Stbokhbu a farmer living1 near Saginaw, Mich., drank a pint of whisky on a wager and dropped doad a few minutes after. Commodork QEbBOB Dkwky, chief of the naval bureau of equipment, in his annual report says that during the year sixty-five vessels were either wholly or partially equipped at an expendituro of $593,980. A lakge deposit of copper ore wai found near Mollen, Wis. The Wertheimer building in San Francisco was burned, causing a loss of $250,000. The Kansas City Packing Company at Armourdale, Kan., failod for 8500,000. Govekxok Fikkb decided not to pardon Oscar W. Noebe, who was convicted in Chicag-o in 1SSÖ of particiption in the Hayniarkot riot with the other Anarchists. The National convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union met in Atlanta, Ga., on the 14ih, Miss l'rances E. Willard presiding. The excitoment among the Standing Rook Indiaas in South Dakota over the arrival of their long-looked for Messiah has subsided and no tiouble was pa ed. The business failuros in the United States during tho sevon days ended on the Uth numbered '200, agalnst 215 the preceding woek and '20Ö tho corresponding week last year. Thrkk workmen were blown to pieces by a premature explosión of dynamite in a stone quarry at Oiuaha, Neb. Traix.3 collided on the Pennsylvania road at New Florence, Pa., and the wreek took flre and ono Pullman oar was burned. Two poryoiis were killed and eighteen injured. The business porción of the town of Iiurton, O„ was dostroyed by firo. CoNNOi.r.v in a report on the wpol-jfrowing industry of New Zoaland says that the nuraber of sheep oxported last year with and without wool amounted to 1,964,981. The value of imports from the Unilod States during 1SS9 was 51,71-2, ISO, and the exporta wore valued at $1,700,800. THE report of a New Vork comirercial agency showed that the legitímate businoss of the country was the largest ever known and that trade had not boen affectod by the flurry in Wall at root They said that the demund for money was larpfely due to the unpreeedented Tolunio of business thus far. COMMISSABY QBMXKAL Du BakrY States in his annual report that $2,50(1,016 was extended for the needs of the subsistente department of the army during the fiscal year. lx a collision betwoon gravel traína on the Lack-.iwanna & Western road at Kast BufTalo. X. Y.t Jolin Hwombönky was instantly killed and nine othera were injured, throe of them fatally. MA.I()K-(ÏK.VKKAt. ScHOFIKLI), COmmanding the army, in his report to tka Sccretary of War recomtuenda the increaso of the military foroe of the country to 30,000 men.


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